
By closely integrating with the Odoo Sales app, the Subscriptions app enables users to sell subscription products alongside regular sales products. While regular products are sold on a one-time basis, subscription products are sold on a renewing basis, generating recurring revenue.

In Odoo werden Abonnementprodukte auch wiederkehrende Produkte genannt.

Wiederholungszeiträume konfigurieren

To get started with subscriptions, the recurrence periods must be properly configured, as needed.

Wiederholungszeiträume sind die Zeiträume, in denen Abonnements erneuert werden. Sie legen fest, wie oft der Kunde für Abonnementprodukte bezahlt (oder diese erhält).

To configure recurrence periods, go to Subscriptions app ‣ Configuration ‣ Recurrence periods.

The recurrence periods page in Odoo Subscriptions application.

The Subscriptions app comes with some basic recurrence periods already configured:

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Weekly

  • 2 Weeks

  • Yearly

  • 3 Years

  • 5 Years

New recurrence periods can be added and/or edited at any time.

To create a new recurrence period, click New on the Recurrence Periods page. Doing so reveals a blank recurrence period form.

A recurrence period form in Odoo Subscriptions application.

Then, type in the Name and Duration of the recurrence period, and select the Unit that defines the duration.


The unit Days cannot be used as a recurrence period on subscriptions. The daily recurrence is meant for rentals, and cannot be added on recurring subscription sales orders.

This limitation is there to avoid sales orders that would generate daily invoices.

Product form configuration

To create a new subscription product, navigate to Subscriptions app ‣ Products ‣ Products, and click New.

Doing so reveals a blank product form, which can be configured and customized in a number of ways.


By default, the Recurring option is already enabled, prompting Odoo to recognize it as a subscription product. Be sure to leave the Recurring and Can be Sold options enabled.

The Product Type field is set to Service by default, as well. However, subscription products can be set to other types, if needed.

A basic subscription product form in Odoo Subscriptions application.

Zeitbasierte Preisgestaltung

Once the desired fields in the General Information tab have been entered, click the Time-based pricing tab on the product form.

The time-based pricing tab on a subscription product form in Odoo Subscriptions.

From here, click Add a price to begin defining recurring prices.

In the Period column, select a desired recurrence period. In the Pricelist column, select a pricelist, if needed. Then, in the Price column, enter the price for that recurrence period.


Daily and Hourly periods cannot be used on recurring products.

The validation error pop-up window that appears in Odoo Subscriptions.


There is no limit to how many lines can be added to the Time-based pricing table.


An existing product can be made into a subscription product, simply by marking it as Recurring, and configuring Time-based pricing on the product form.


Pricelists can be used with subscription products to give special pricing to customers included in pricelists.

This can be configured either in the Time-based pricing tab of the product form, or on the pricelist form in the Sales application.

Um Regeln für wiederkehrende Preise für bestimmte Preislisten im Reiter Zeitbasierte Preisgestaltung des Produktformulars zu erstellen, wählen Sie eine Preisliste in der Spalte Preisliste aus.

Preislisten im Reiter „Zeitbasierte Preisgestaltung“ des Produktformulars.

Wenn Preislisten im Reiter Zeitbasierte Preisgestaltung hinzugefügt werden, wird das Preislistenformular in der Verkauf-App automatisch aktualisiert.

Time-based pricing rules can also be configured directly on the pricelist form.

To do this, go to Sales app ‣ Products ‣ Pricelists, and select a pricelist (or click New to create a new pricelist).


Pricelists are also accessible through the Odoo Subscriptions app by following the same menu steps.

Then, on the pricelist form, under the Time-based rules tab, click Add a line.

The time-based rules tab on a pricelist form in Odoo Sales.

Then, select a subscription product in the Products column, and select a recurrence period in the Period column. Lastly, enter a Price for that particular product and period. Add as many lines as needed.

Wenn Zeitbasierte Regeln zum Preislistenformular hinzugefügt werden, wird der Reiter Zeitbasierte Preise des Produktformulars automatisch aktualisiert.