Views are what define how records should be displayed to end-users. They are specified in XML which means that they can be edited independently from the models that they represent. They are flexible and allow a high level of customization of the screens that they control. There exist various types of views. Each of them represents a mode of visualization: form, list, kanban, etc.
Generic structure¶
Basic views generally share the common structure defined below. Placeholders are denoted in all caps.
<record id="MODEL_view_TYPE" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">NAME</field>
<field name="model">MODEL</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
View objects expose a number of fields. They are optional unless specified otherwise.
Only useful as a mnemonic/description of the view when looking for one in a list of some sort.
The model linked to the view, if applicable.
When a view is requested by
(model, type)
, the view matching the model and the type, with the lowest priority will be returned (it is the default view).It also defines the order of views application during view inheritance.
The groups allowed to use/access the current view.
If the view extends an existing view, the extension will only be applied for a given user if the user has access to the provided
The description of the view layout.
The different view types have a wide variety of attributes allowing customizations of the generic behaviors. Some main attributes will be explained here. They do not all have an impact on all view types.
The current context and user access rights may also impact the view abilities.
Disable/enable record creation on the view.
)Disable/enable record editing on the view.
)Disable/enable record deletion on the view through the Action dropdown.
)Disable/enable record duplication on the view through the Action dropdown.
)Define a conditional display of a record in the style of a row’s text based on the corresponding record’s attributes.
Values are Python expressions. For each record, the expression is evaluated with the record’s attributes as context values and if
, the corresponding style is applied to the row. Here are some of the other values available in the context:uid
: the id of the current user,today
: the current local date as a string of the formYYYY-MM-DD
: same astoday
with the addition of the current time. This value is formatted asYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
<tree decoration-info="state == 'draft'" decoration-danger="state == 'help_needed'" decoration-bf="state='busy'"> <TREE_VIEW_CONTENT> </tree>
Supported values differ for the two view types. The Gantt view only supports
displays. The list view supportsbf
)Populate the view with a set of sample records if none are found for the current model. This attribute is false by default.
These fake records will have heuristics for certain field names/models. For example, a field “display_name” on the model “res.users” will be populated with sample people names while an “email” field will be in the form “firstname.lastname@sample.demo”.
The user will not be able to interact with these data and they will be discarded as soon as an action is performed (record created, column added, etc.)
a route address to be fetched and prepended to the view.If this attribute is set, the controller route url will be fetched and displayed above the view. The json response from the controller should contain an « html » key.
If the html contains a stylesheet <link> tag, it will be removed and appended to <head>.
To interact with the backend you can use <a type= »action »> tags. Please take a look at the documentation of the _onActionClicked method of AbstractController (addons/web/static/src/js/views/abstract_controller.js) for more details.
Only views extending AbstractView and AbstractController can use this attribute, like Form, Kanban, List, …
<tree banner_route="/module_name/hello" />
class MyController(odoo.http.Controller): @http.route('/module_name/hello', auth='user', type='json') def hello(self): return { 'html': """ <div> <link href="/module_name/static/src/css/banner.css" rel="stylesheet"> <h1>hello, world</h1> </div> """ }
Inheritance fields¶
The two following View
fields are used to specify
inherited views.
the current view’s parent view, unset by default. Specify the parent using the
attribute:<field name="inherit_id" ref="library.view_book_form"/>
:extension / primary
inheritance mode,
by default ifinherit_id
is set,primary
otherwise.An example of where you would want to override
while usinginherit_id
is delegation inheritance. In that case your derived model will be separate from its parent and views matching with one won’t match with the other. Suppose you inherit from a view associated with the parent model and want to customize the derived view to show data from the derived model. Themode
of the derived view needs to be set toprimary
, because it’s the base (and maybe only) view for that derived model. Otherwise the view matching rules won’t apply.
View matching¶
if a view is requested by
(model, type)
, the view with the right model and type,mode=primary
and the lowest priority is matched.when a view is requested by
, if its mode is notprimary
its closest parent with modeprimary
is matched.
View resolution¶
Resolution generates the final arch
for a requested/matched primary
if the view has a parent, the parent is fully resolved then the current view’s inheritance specs are applied
if the view has no parent, its
is used as-isthe current view’s children with mode
are looked up and their inheritance specs are applied depth-first (a child view is applied, then its children, then its siblings)
The result of applying children views yields the final arch
Inheritance specs¶
Inheritance specs are comprised of an element locator, to match the inherited element in the parent view, and children element that will be used to modify the inherited element.
There are three types of element locators for matching a target element:
element with anexpr
is an XPath expression1 applied to the currentarch
, the first node it finds is the matcha
element with aname
attribute, matches the firstfield
with the samename
. All other attributes are ignored during matchingany other element: the first element with the same name and identical attributes (ignoring
attributes) is matched
<xpath expr="page[@name='pg']/group[@name='gp']/field" position="inside">
<field name="description"/>
<field name="res_id" position="after"/>
<div name="name" position="replace">
<div name="name2">
<field name="name2"/>
The inheritance spec may have an optional position
attribute specifying
how the matched node should be altered:
(default)the content of the inheritance spec is appended to the matched node
the content of the inheritance spec replaces the matched node. Any text node containing only
within the contents of the spec will be replaced by a complete copy of the matched node, effectively wrapping the matched node.after
the content of the inheritance spec is added to the matched node’s parent, after the matched node
the content of the inheritance spec is added to the matched node’s parent, before the matched node
the content of the inheritance spec should be
elements with aname
attribute and an optional body:if the
element has a body, a new attributed named after itsname
is created on the matched node with theattribute
element’s text as valueif the
element has no body, the attribute named after itsname
is removed from the matched node. If no such attribute exists, an error is raised
<field name="sale_information" position="attributes"> <attribute name="invisible">0</attribute> <attribute name="attrs"> {'invisible': [('sale_ok', '=', False)], 'readonly': [('editable', '=', False)]} </attribute> </field>
can be used as a direct child of a inheritance spec with a
attribute to move a node.<xpath expr="//@target" position="after"> <xpath expr="//@node" position="move"/> </xpath> <field name="target_field" position="after"> <field name="my_field" position="move"/> </field>
A view’s specs are applied sequentially.
- 1
an extension function is added for simpler matching in QWeb views:
matches if the context node has all the specified classes
View types¶
The Activity view is used to display the activities linked to the records. The
data are displayed in a chart with the records forming the rows and the activity
types the columns. The first cell of each row displays a (customizable, see
, quite similarly to Kanban) card representing
the corresponding record. When clicking on others cells, a detailed description
of all activities of the same type for the record is displayed.
The Activity view is only available when the mail
module is installed,
and for the models that inherit from the mail.activity.mixin
The root element of the Activity view is <activity>
, it accepts the following
(mandatory)A title, which should describe the view
Possible children of the view element are:
declares fields to use in activity logic. If the field is simply displayed in the activity view, it does not need to be pre-declared.
Possible attributes are:
(required)the name of the field to fetch
defines the QWeb Templates templates. Cards definition may be split into multiple templates for clarity, but activity views must define at least one root template
, which will be rendered once for each record.The activity view uses mostly-standard javascript qweb and provides the following context variables (see Kanban for more details):
the current
, can be used to fetch some meta-information. These methods are also available directly in the template context and don’t need to be accessed viawidget
an object with all the requested fields as its attributes. Each field has two attributes
Calendar views display records as events in a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly
calendar. Their root element is <calendar>
. Available attributes on the
calendar view are:
(required)name of the record’s field holding the start date for the event
name of the record’s field holding the end date for the event, if
is provided records become movable (via drag and drop) directly in the calendardate_delay
alternative to
, provides the duration of the event instead of its end date (unit: day)color
name of a record field to use for color segmentation. Records in the same color segment are allocated the same highlight color in the calendar, colors are allocated semi-randomly. Displayed the display_name/avatar of the visible record in the sidebar
view to open when the user create or edit an event. Note that if this attribute is not set, the calendar view will fall back to the id of the form view in the current action, if any.
If the option “event_open_popup” is set to true, then the calendar view will open events (or records) in a FormViewDialog. Otherwise, it will open events in a new form view (with a do_action)
enables quick-event creation on click: only asks the user for a
and tries to create a new event with just that and the clicked event time. Falls back to a full form dialog if the quick creation failsall_day
name of a boolean field on the record indicating whether the corresponding event is flagged as day-long (and duration is irrelevant)
Default display mode when loading the calendar. Possible attributes are:
Comma-separated list of scales to provide. By default, all scales are available. See mode for possible scale values.
allows disabling the corresponding action in the view by setting the corresponding attribute to
declares fields to aggregate or to use in kanban logic. If the field is simply displayed in the calendar cards.
Fields can have additional attributes:
use « True » to hide the value in the cards
only for x2many field, to display the avatar instead of the display_name in the cards
you can add a filter and save the result in the defined model, the filter is added in the sidebar
use « True » to add this field in filter in the sidebar. You can specify a
field used to colorize the checkbox.
Enterprise featureThe cohort view is used to display and understand the way some data changes over a period of time. For example, imagine that for a given business, clients can subscribe to some service. The cohort view can then display the total number of subscriptions each month, and study the rate at which client leave the service (churn). When clicking on a cell, the cohort view will redirect you to a new action in which you will only see the records contained in the cell’s time interval; this action contains a list view and a form view.
By default the cohort view will use the same list and form views as those
defined on the action. You can pass a list view and a form view
to the context of the action in order to set/override the views that will be
used (the context keys to use being form_view_id
and list_view_id
For example, here is a very simple cohort view:
<cohort string="Subscription" date_start="date_start" date_stop="date" interval="month"/>
The root element of the Cohort view is <cohort>, it accepts the following attributes:
(mandatory)A title, which should describe the view
(mandatory)A valid date or datetime field. This field is understood by the view as the beginning date of a record
(mandatory)A valid date or datetime field. This field is understood by the view as the end date of a record. This is the field that will determine the churn.
(optional)A string to describe the mode. It should be either “churn” or “retention” (default). Churn mode will start at 0% and accumulate over time whereas retention will start at 100% and decrease over time.
(optional)A string to describe the timeline. It should be either “backward” or “forward” (default). Forward timeline will display data from date_start to date_stop, whereas backward timeline will display data from date_stop to date_start (when the date_start is in future / greater than date_stop).
(optional)A string to describe a time interval. It should be “day”, “week”, “month”” (default) or “year”.
(optional)A field that can be aggregated. This field will be used to compute the values for each cell. If not set, the cohort view will count the number of occurrences.
(optional)allows to specify a particular field in order to manage it from the available measures, it’s main use is for hiding a field from the selectable measures:
(required)the name of the field to use in the view.
(optional)the name that would be used to display the field in the cohort view, overrides the default python String attribute of the field.
(optional)if true, the field will not appear either in the active measures nor in the selectable measures (useful for fields that do not make sense aggregated, such as fields in different units, e.g. € and $).
Enterprise featureLike pivot and graph view, The dashboard view is used to display aggregate data. However, the dashboard can embed sub views, which makes it possible to have a more complete and interesting look on a given dataset.
The dashboard view can display sub views, aggregates for some fields (over a domain), or even formulas (expressions which involves one or more aggregates). For example, here is a very simple dashboard:
<view type="graph" ref="sale_report.view_order_product_graph"/>
<group string="Sale">
<aggregate name="price_total" field="price_total" widget="monetary"/>
<aggregate name="order_id" field="order_id" string="Orders"/>
<formula name="price_average" string="Price Average"
value="record.price_total / record.order_id" widget="percentage"/>
<view type="pivot" ref="sale_report.view_order_product_pivot"/>
The root element of the Dashboard view is <dashboard>, it does not accept any attributes.
There are 5 possible type of tags in a dashboard view:
declares a sub view.
Admissible attributes are:
(mandatory)The type of the sub view. For example, graph or pivot.
(optional)An xml id for a view. If not given, the default view for the model will be used.
(optional)A string which identifies this element. It is mostly useful to be used as a target for an xpath.
defines a column layout. This is actually very similar to the group element in a form view.
Admissible attributes are:
(optional)A description which will be displayed as a group title.
(optional)The number of subcolumns in this group tag. By default, 6.
(optional)The number of columns spanned by this group tag (only makes sense inside another group). By default, 6.
declares an aggregate. This is the value of an aggregate for a given field over the current domain.
Note that aggregates are supposed to be used inside a group tag (otherwise the style will not be properly applied).
Admissible attributes are:
(mandatory)The field name to use for computing the aggregate. Possible field types are:
(default group operator is sum)float
(default group operator is sum)many2one
(default group operator is count distinct)
(mandatory)A string to identify this aggregate (useful for formulas)
(optional)A short description that will be displayed above the value. If not given, it will fall back to the field string.
(optional)An additional restriction on the set of records that we want to aggregate. This domain will be combined with the current domain.
(optional)When the user clicks on an aggregate with a domain, it will be added to the search view as a facet. The string displayed for this facet can be customized with this attribute.
(optional)A valid postgreSQL aggregate function identifier to use when aggregating values (see If not provided, By default, the group_operator from the field definition is used. Note that no aggregation of field values is achieved if the group_operator value is « ».
The special aggregate function
(defined in odoo) can also be used here<aggregate name="price_total_max" field="price_total" group_operator="max"/>
(optional)The number of columns spanned by this tag (only makes sense inside a group). By default, 1.
(optional)A widget to format the value (like the widget attribute for fields). For example, monetary.
(optional)A help message to dipslay in a tooltip (equivalent of help for a field in python)
(optional)This attribute is the name of a field describing the measure that has to be used in the graph and pivot views when clicking on the aggregate. The special value __count__ can be used to use the count measure.
<aggregate name="total_ojects" string="Total Objects" field="id" group_operator="count" measure="__count__"/>
(optional)A boolean indicating if this aggregate should be clickable or not (default to true). Clicking on a clickable aggregate will change the measures used by the subviews and add the value of the domain attribute (if any) to the search view.
(optional)A string put on the right of the aggregate value. For example, it can be useful to indicate the unit of measure of the aggregate value.
declares a derived value. Formulas are values computed from aggregates.
Note that like aggregates, formulas are supposed to be used inside a group tag (otherwise the style will not be properly applied).
Admissible attributes are:
(mandatory)A string expression that will be evaluated, with the builtin python evaluator (in the web client). Every aggregate can be used in the context, in the
variable. For example,record.price_total / record.order_id
(optional)A string to identify this formula
(optional)A short description that will be displayed above the formula.
(optional)The number of columns spanned by this tag (only makes sense inside a group). By default, 1.
(optional)A widget to format the value (like the widget attribute for fields). For example, monetary. By default, it is “float”.
(optional)A help message to dipslay in a tooltip (equivalent of help for a field in python)
(optional)A string put on the right of the formula value. For example, it can be useful to indicate the unit of measure of the formula value.
Declares a specialized widget to be used to display the information. This is a mechanism similar to the widgets in the form view.
Admissible attributes are:
(mandatory)A string to identify which widget should be instantiated. The view will look into the
to get the proper class.col
(optional)The number of columns spanned by this tag (only makes sense inside a group). By default, 1.
Form views are used to display the data from a single record. Their root
element is <form>
. They are composed of regular HTML with additional
structural and semantic components.
Structural components¶
Structural components provide structure or « visual » features with little logic. They are used as elements or sets of elements in form views.
defines a tabbed section. Each tab is defined through a
child element. Pages can have the following attributes:string
(required)the title of the tab
an HTML accesskey
standard dynamic attributes based on record values
Note that
should not be placed withingroup
used to define column layouts in forms. By default, groups define 2 columns and most direct children of groups take a single column.
direct children of groups display a label by default, and the label and the field itself have a colspan of 1 each.The number of columns in a
can be customized using thecol
attribute, the number of columns taken by an element can be customized usingcolspan
.Children are laid out horizontally (tries to fill the next column before changing row).
Groups can have a
attribute, which is displayed as the group’s titlenewline
only useful within
elements, ends the current row early and immediately switches to a new row (without filling any remaining column beforehand)separator
small horizontal spacing, with a
attribute behaves as a section titlesheet
can be used as a direct child to
for a narrower and more responsive form layoutheader
combined with
, provides a full-width location above the sheet itself, generally used to display workflow buttons and status widgets
Semantic components¶
Semantic components tie into and allow interaction with the Odoo system. Available semantic components are:
call into the Odoo system, similar to list view buttons. In addition, the following attribute can be specified:
for form views opened in dialogs:
to save the record and close the dialog,cancel
to close the dialog without saving.confirm
confirmation message to display (and for the user to accept) before performing the button’s Odoo call (also works in Kanban views).
renders (and allow editing of, possibly) a single field of the current record. Using several times a field in a form view is supported and the fields can receive different values for modifiers “invisible” and “readonly”. However, the behavior is not guaranteed when several fields exist with different values for modifier “required”. Possible attributes of the field node are:
(mandatory)the name of the field to render
the node id. Useful when there are several occurrences of the same field in the view (see
component below). Default is the field name.widget
fields have a default rendering based on their type (e.g.
). Thewidget
attributes allows using a different rendering method and context.options
JSON object specifying configuration option for the field’s widget (including default widgets)
HTML class to set on the generated element, common field classes are:
prevent the usual line break following fields
floats the field to the corresponding direction
only displays the field in the corresponding form mode
for image fields, displays images as « avatar » (square, 90x90 maximum size, some image decorations)
only displays the field for specific users
calls the specified method when this field’s value is edited, can generate update other fields or display warnings for the user
Obsolète depuis la version 8.0: Use
on the modelattrs
dynamic meta-parameters based on record values
for relational fields only, filters to apply when displaying existing records for selection
for relational fields only, context to pass when fetching possible values
display the field in both readonly and edit mode, but never make it editable
generates an error and prevents saving the record if the field doesn’t have a value
don’t automatically display the field’s label, only makes sense if the field is a direct child of a
help message to display in empty fields. Can replace field labels in complex forms. Should not be an example of data as users are liable to confuse placeholder text with filled fields
, display mode (view type) to use for the field’s linked records. One oftree
. The default istree
(a list display)help
tooltip displayed for users when hovering the field or its label
for binary fields, name of the related field providing the name of the file
indicates that a
field stores a password and that its data shouldn’t be displayedkanban_view_ref
for opening specific kanban view when selecting records from m2o/m2m in mobile environment
when a
component isn’t placed directly inside agroup
, or when itsnolabel
attribute is set, the field’s label isn’t automatically displayed alongside its value. Thelabel
component is the manual alternative of displaying the label of a field. Possible attributes are:for
(mandatory)the reference to the field associated with the label. Can be either the name of a field, or its id (
attribute set on thefield
). When there are several occurrences of the same field in the view, and there are severallabel
components associated with thesefield
nodes, those labels must have uniquefor
attributes (in this case referencing theid
attribute of the correspondingfield
the label to display. Display the field’s label (coming from the field definition in the model) by default.
same as for
same as for
Generic structure¶
<field name="state" widget="statusbar"/>
<div class="oe_button_box">
<field name="fname"/>
<page string="Page1">
<page string="Page2">
Enterprise featureGantt views appropriately display Gantt charts (for scheduling).
The root element of gantt views is <gantt/>
, it has no children but can
take the following attributes:
(required)name of the field providing the start datetime of the event for each record.
(required)name of the field providing the end duration of the event for each record.
name of the field used to color the pills according to its value
allow changing the style of a row’s text based on the corresponding record’s attributes.
Values are Python expressions. For each record, the expression is evaluated with the record’s attributes as context values and if
, the corresponding style is applied to the row. Here are some of the other values available in the context:uid
: the id of the current user,today
: the current local date as a string of the formYYYY-MM-DD
: same astoday
with the addition of the current time. This value is formatted asYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
can be one of the following bootstrap contextual color (danger
name of a field to group tasks by
if set to true, the gantt view will not have any drag&drop support
field name to display consolidation value in record cell
dictionary with the « group by » field as key and the maximum consolidation value that can be reached before displaying the cell in red (e.g.
{"user_id": 100}
name of the field that describes if the task has to be excluded from the consolidation if set to true it displays a striped zone in the consolidation line
allows disabling the corresponding action in the view by setting the corresponding attribute to
: If enabled, anAdd
button will be available in the control panel to create records.cell_create
: If enabled andcreate
enabled, a « + » button will be displayed while hovering on a time slot cell to create a new record on that slot.edit
: If enabled, the opened records will be in edit mode (thus editable).plan
: If enabled andedit
enabled, a « magnifying glass » button will be displayed on time slots to plan unassigned records into that time slot.
When you do not want to create records on the gantt view and the beginning and end dates are required on the model, the planning feature should be disabled because no record will ever be found.
Depending on the scale, the number of units to add to today to compute the default period. Examples: An offset of +1 in default_scale week will open the gantt view for next week, and an offset of -2 in default_scale month will open the gantt view of 2 months ago.
name of a field providing the completion percentage for the record’s event, between 0 and 100
title of the gantt view
JSON object specifying snapping precisions for the pills in each scale.
Possible values for scale
are (default:hour
: records times snap to full hours (ex: 7:12 becomes 8:00)hour:half
: records times snap to half hours (ex: 7:12 becomes 7:30)hour:quarter
: records times snap to half hours (ex: 7:12 becomes 7:15)
Possible values for scale
are (default:day:half
: records times snap to full days (ex: 7:28 AM becomes 11:59:59 PM of the previous day, 10:32 PM becomes 12:00 PM of the current day)day:half
: records times snap to half hours (ex: 7:28 AM becomes 12:00 PM)
Possible values for scale
are (default:day:half
: records times snap to full days (ex: 7:28 AM becomes 11:59:59 PM of the previous day, 10:32 PM becomes 12:00 PM of the current day)day:half
: records times snap to half hours (ex: 7:28 AM becomes 12:00 PM)
always snap to full day.Example of precision attribute:
{"day": "hour:quarter", "week": "day:half", "month": "day"}
boolean to control whether the row containing the total count of records should be displayed. (default:
boolean to control whether it is possible to collapse each row if grouped by one field. (default:
, the collapse starts when grouping by two fields)display_unavailability
boolean to mark the dates returned by the
function of the model as available inside the gantt view. Records can still be scheduled in them, but their unavailability is visually displayed. (default:false
default scale when rendering the view. Possible values are (default:
comma-separated list of allowed scales for this view. By default, all scales are allowed. For possible scale values to use in this list, see
defines the QWeb Templates template
which is used when the user hovers over one of the records in the gantt view.The gantt view uses mostly-standard javascript qweb and provides the following context variables:
the current
, can be used to fetch some meta-information. ThegetColor
method to convert in a color integer is also available directly in the template context without usingwidget
If specified when clicking the add button on the view, instead of opening a generic dialog, launch a client action. this should hold the xmlid of the action (eg:
view to open when the user create or edit a record. Note that if this attribute is not set, the gantt view will fall back to the id of the form view in the current action, if any.
if set to true, the gantt view will start at the first record, instead of starting at the beginning of the year/month/day.
This allows to display a thumbnail next to groups name if the group is a relationnal field. This expects a python dict which keys are the name of the field on the active model. Values are the names of the field holding the thumbnail on the related model.
Example: tasks have a field user_id that reference res.users. The res.users model has a field image that holds the avatar, then:
<gantt date_start="date_start" date_stop="date_stop" thumbnails="{'user_id': 'image_128'}" > </gantt>
will display the users avatars next to their names when grouped by user_id.
The graph view is used to visualize aggregations over a number of records or
record groups. Its root element is <graph>
which can take the following
one of
, the type of graph to usestacked
only used for
charts. If present and set toTrue
, stacks bars within a groupdisable_linking
set to
to prevent from redirecting clicks on graph to list vieworder
if set, x-axis values will be sorted by default according their measure with respect to the given order (
). Only used forbar
The only allowed element within a graph view is field
which can have the
following attributes:
(required)the name of a field to use in the view. If used for grouping (rather than aggregating)
(optional)string displayed on the top of the graph.
(optional)if true, the field will not appear either in the active measures nor in the selectable measures.
indicates whether the field should be used as a grouping criteria or as an aggregated value within a group. Possible values are:
(default)groups by the specified field. All graph types support at least one level of grouping, some may support more.
authorized in graph views but only used by pivot tables
field to aggregate within a group
on date and datetime fields, groups by the specified interval (
) instead of grouping on the specific datetime (fixed second resolution) or date (fixed day resolution).
The measures are automatically generated from the model fields; only the aggregatable fields are used. Those measures are also alphabetically sorted on the string of the field.
graph view aggregations are performed on database content, non-stored function fields can not be used in graph views
The kanban view is a kanban board visualisation: it displays records as « cards », halfway between a list view and a non-editable form view. Records may be grouped in columns for use in workflow visualisation or manipulation (e.g. tasks or work-progress management), or ungrouped (used simply to visualize records).
The kanban view will load and display a maximum of ten columns. Any column after that will be closed (but can still be opened by the user).
The root element of the Kanban view is <kanban>
, it can use the following
whether the kanban view should be grouped if no grouping is specified via the action or the current search. Should be the name of the field to group by when no grouping is otherwise specified
cards sorting order used if the user has not already sorted the records (via the list view)
adds HTML classes to the root HTML element of the Kanban view
if set to a key in the KanbanExamplesRegistry, examples on column setups will be available in the grouped kanban view. Here is an example of how to define those setups.
whether the « Add a new column » bar is visible or not. Default: true.
whether groups can be deleted via the context menu. Default: true.
whether groups can be edited via the context menu. Default: true.
whether records belonging to a column can be archived / restored if an
field is defined on the model. Default: true.quick_create
whether it should be possible to create records without switching to the form view. By default,
is enabled when the Kanban view is grouped by many2one, selection, char or boolean fields, and disabled when not.quick_create_view
view reference, specifying the view used for records quick creation.records_draggable
whether it should be possible to drag records when kanban is grouped. Default: true.
Set to
to always enable it, and tofalse
to always disable it.
Possible children of the view element are:
declares fields to use in kanban logic. If the field is simply displayed in the kanban view, it does not need to be pre-declared.
Possible attributes are:
(required)the name of the field to fetch
declares a progressbar element to put on top of kanban columns.
Possible attributes are:
(required)the name of the field whose values are used to subgroup column’s records in the progressbar
(required)JSON mapping the above field values to either « danger », « warning », « success » or « muted » colors
(optional)the name of the field whose column’s records” values will be summed and displayed next to the progressbar (if omitted, displays the total number of records)
defines a list of QWeb Templates templates. Cards definition may be split into multiple templates for clarity, but kanban views must define at least one root template
, which will be rendered once for each record.The kanban view uses mostly-standard javascript qweb and provides the following context variables:
the current
, can be used to fetch some meta-information. These methods are also available directly in the template context and don’t need to be accessed viawidget
an object with all the requested fields as its attributes. Each field has two attributes
, the former is formatted according to current user parameters, the latter is the direct value from aread()
(except for date and datetime fields that are formatted according to user’s locale)context
the current context, coming from the action, and the one2many or many2many field in the case of a Kanban view embedded in a Form view
set to true when kanban view is opened in mobile environment from m2o/m2m field for selecting records.
clicking on m2o/m2m field in mobile environment opens kanban view
buttons and fields
While most of the Kanban templates are standard QWeb Templates, the Kanban view processes
elements specially:by default fields are replaced by their formatted value, unless the
attribute is specified, in which case their rendering and behavior depends on the corresponding widget. Possible values are (among others):handle
) fields by which records are sorted, allows to drag&drop records to reorder them.
buttons and links with a
attribute become perform Odoo-related operations rather than their standard HTML function. Possible types are:action
standard behavior for Odoo buttons, most attributes relevant to standard Odoo buttons can be used.
opens the card’s record in the form view in read-only mode
opens the card’s record in the form view in editable mode
deletes the card’s record and removes the card
If you need to extend the Kanban view, see KanbanRecord()
The root element of list views is <tree>
2. The list view’s
root can have the following attributes:
by default, selecting a list view’s row opens the corresponding form view. The
attributes makes the list view itself editable in-place.Valid values are
, making new records appear respectively at the top or bottom of the list.The architecture for the inline form view is derived from the list view. Most attributes valid on a form view’s fields and buttons are thus accepted by list views although they may not have any meaning if the list view is non-editable
if the
attribute is set tofalse
, theeditable
option will be ignored.multi_edit
editable or not editable list can activate the multi-editing feature by defining the
overrides the ordering of the view, replacing the model’s order (
model attribute). The value is a comma-separated list of fields, postfixed bydesc
to sort in reverse order:<tree default_order="sequence,name desc">
allow changing the style of a row’s text based on the corresponding record’s attributes.
can bebf
(font-weight: bold
(font-style: italic
), or any bootstrap contextual color (danger
allows disabling the corresponding action in the view by setting the corresponding attribute to
the default size of a page. It must be a positive integer
when the list view is grouped, the default number of groups of a page. It must be a position integer
when the list view is grouped, automatically open the first level of groups if set to true (default: false)
Possible children elements of the list view are:
displays a button in a list cell
icon to use to display the button
if there is no
, the button’s textif there is an
text for the icon
type of button, indicates how it clicking it affects Odoo:
call a method on the list’s model. The button’s
is the method, which is called with the current row’s record id and the current context.action
load an execute an
, the button’sname
is the database id of the action. The context is expanded with the list’s model (asactive_model
), the current row’s record (active_id
) and all the records currently loaded in the list (active_ids
, may be just a subset of the database records matching the current search)
dynamic attributes based on record values.
A mapping of attributes to domains, domains are evaluated in the context of the current row’s record, if
the corresponding attribute is set on the cell.Possible attribute is
(hides the button).states
shorthand for
: a list of states, comma separated, requires that the model has astate
field and that it is used in the view.Makes the button
if the record is not in one of the listed statesDanger
in combination withattrs
may lead to unexpected results as domains are combined with a logical AND.context
merged into the view’s context when performing the button’s Odoo call
defines a column where the corresponding field should be displayed for each record. Can use the following attributes:
the name of the field to display in the current model. A given name can only be used once per view
the title of the field’s column (by default, uses the
of the model’s field)invisible
fetches and stores the field, but doesn’t display the column in the table. Necessary for fields which shouldn’t be displayed but are used by e.g.
lists the groups which should be able to see the field
alternate representations for a field’s display. Possible list view values are (among others):
fields as a progress bar.handle
) fields by which records are sorted, instead of displaying the field’s value just displays a drag&drop icon to reorder records.
displays the corresponding aggregate at the bottom of the column. The aggregation is only computed on currently displayed records. The aggregation operation must match the corresponding field’s
dynamic attributes based on record values. Only effects the current field, so e.g.
will hide the field but leave the same field of other records visible, it will not hide the column itselfwidth
)when there is no data in the list, the width of a column can be forced by setting this attribute. The value can be an absolute width (e.g. “100px”), or a relative weight (e.g. “3”, meaning that this column will be 3 times larger than the others). Note that when there are records in the list, we let the browser automatically adapt the column’s widths according to their content, and this attribute is thus ignored.
allow changing the style of a cell’s text based on the corresponding record’s attributes.
can bebf
(font-weight: bold
(font-style: italic
), or any bootstrap contextual color (danger
if set to « 1 », the column header will remain empty. Also, the column won’t be sortable.
makes the column optional. If set to « hide », the column is hidden by default. If set to « show », the column is visible by default. User visibility choices are stored in the browser local storage.
if the list view is
, any field attribute from the form view is also valid and will be used when setting up the inline form view.Note
In case of list sub-views (One2many/Many2many display in a form view), The attribute
can be useful to hide a column depending on the parent object.<field name="product_is_late" attrs="{'column_invisible': [('parent.has_late_products', '=', False)]}"/>
When a list view is grouped, numeric fields are aggregated and displayed for each group. Also, if there are too many records in a group, a pager will appear on the right of the group row. For this reason, it is not a good practice to have a numeric field in the last column, when the list view is in a situation where it can be grouped (it is however fine for x2manys field in a form view: they cannot be grouped).
defines custom headers (with buttons) for the current view when grouping records on many2one fields. It is also possible to add
, inside thegroupby
which can be used for modifiers. These fields thus belong on the many2one comodel. These extra fields will be fetched in
the name of a many2one field (on the current model). Custom header will be displayed when grouping the view on this field name.
<groupby name="partner_id"> <field name="name"/> <!-- name of partner_id --> <button type="edit" name="edit" string="Edit"/> <button type="object" name="my_method" string="Button1" attrs="{'invisible': [('name', '=', 'Georges')]}"/> </groupby>
A special button (
) can be defined to open the many2one form view.control
defines custom controls for the current view.
This makes sense if the parent
view is inside a One2many field.Does not support any attribute, but can have children:
adds a button to create a new element on the current list.
If any
is defined, it will overwrite the default « add a line » button.The following attributes are supported:
(required)The text displayed on the button.
This context will be merged into the existing context when retrieving the default value of the new record.
For example it can be used to override default values.
The following example will override the default « add a line » button by replacing it with 3 new buttons: « Add a product », « Add a section » and « Add a note ».
« Add a product » will set the field “display_type” to its default value.
The two other buttons will set the field “display_type” to be respectively “line_section” and “line_note”.
<control> <create string="Add a product" /> <create string="Add a section" context="{'default_display_type': 'line_section'}" /> <create string="Add a note" context="{'default_display_type': 'line_note'}" /> </control>
- 2
for historical reasons, it has its origin in tree-type views later repurposed to a more table/list-type display
Enterprise featureThis view is able to display records on a map and the routes between them. The record are represented by pins. It also allows the visualization of fields from the model in a popup tied to the record’s pin.
The model on which the view is applied should contains a res.partner many2one since the view relies on the res.partner’s address and coordinates fields to localize the records.
The view uses location data platforms” api to fetch the tiles (the map’s background), do the geoforwarding (converting addresses to a set of coordinates) and fetch the routes. The view implements two api, the default one, openstreet map is able to fetch tiles and do geoforwarding. This api does not require a token. As soon as a valid MapBox token is provided in the general settings the view switches to the Mapbox api. This api is faster and allows the computation of routes. The token are available by signing up to MapBox
Structural components¶
The view’s root element is <map>
multiple attributes are allowed
Contains the res.partner many2one. If not provided the view will resort to create an empty map.
If a field is provided the view will override the model’s default order. The field must be part of the model on which the view is applied not from res.partner
the routes between the records will be shown. The view still needs a valid MapBox token and at least two located records. (i.e the records has a res.partner many2one and the partner has a address or valid coordinates)hide_name
hide a name from the marker’s popup (default: false)hide_address
hide a address from the marker’s popup (default: false)
The <map>
element can contain multiple <field>
elements. Each <field>
element will be interpreted as a line in the marker’s popup. The field’s attributes are the following:
The field to display.
This string will be displayed before the field’s content. It Can be used as a description.
The size of a page (default: 80). It must be a positive integer.
No attribute or element is mandatory but as stated above if no res.partner many2one is provided the view won’t be able to locate records.
- For example here is a map:
<map res_partner="partner_id" default_order="date_begin" routing="true" hide_name="true"> <field name="partner_id" string="Customer Name"/> </map>
The pivot view is used to visualize aggregations as a pivot table. Its root
element is <pivot>
which can take the following attributes:
Set to
to remove table cell’s links to list view.display_quantity
Set to
to display the Quantity column by default.default_order
The name of the measure and the order (asc or desc) to use as default order in the view.
<pivot default_order="foo asc"> <field name="foo" type="measure"/> </pivot>
The only allowed element within a pivot view is field
which can have the
following attributes:
(required)the name of a field to use in the view. If used for grouping (rather than aggregating)
the name that will be used to display the field in the pivot view, overrides the default python String attribute of the field.
indicates whether the field should be used as a grouping criteria or as an aggregated value within a group. Possible values are:
(default)groups by the specified field, each group gets its own row.
creates column-wise groups
field to aggregate within a group
on date and datetime fields, groups by the specified interval (
) instead of grouping on the specific datetime (fixed second resolution) or date (fixed day resolution).
if true, the field will not appear either in the active measures nor in the selectable measures (useful for fields that do not make sense aggregated, such as fields in different units, e.g. € and $).
The measures are automatically generated from the model fields; only the aggregatable fields are used. Those measures are also alphabetically sorted on the string of the field.
like the graph view, the pivot aggregates data on database content which means that non-stored function fields can not be used in pivot views
In Pivot view a field
can have a widget
attribute to dictate its format.
The widget should be a field formatter, of which the most interesting are
, datetime
, float_time
, and monetary
For instance a timesheet pivot view could be defined as:
<pivot string="Timesheet">
<field name="employee_id" type="row"/>
<field name="date" interval="month" type="col"/>
<field name="unit_amount" type="measure" widget="float_time"/>
QWeb views are standard QWeb Templates templates inside a view’s
. They don’t have a specific root element. Because QWeb views don’t
have a specific root element, their type must be specified explicitly (it can
not be inferred from the root element of the arch
QWeb views have two use cases:
they can be used as frontend templates, in which case template should be used as a shortcut.
they can be used as actual qweb views (opened inside an action), in which case they should be defined as regular view with an explicit
(it can not be inferred) and a model.
The main additions of qweb-as-view to the basic qweb-as-template are:
qweb-as-view has a special case for a
element bearing the CSS classo_qweb_cp_buttons
: its contents should be buttons and will be extracted and moved to the control panel’s button area, the<nav>
itself will be removed, this is a work-around to control panel views not existing yetqweb-as-view rendering adds several items to the standard qweb rendering context:
the model to which the qweb view is bound
the domain provided by the search view
the context provided by the search view
a lazy proxy to
, this can be used if you just want to iterate the records and not perform more complex operations (e.g. grouping)
qweb-as-view also provides additional rendering hooks:
_qweb_prepare_context(view_id, domain)
prepares the rendering context specific to qweb-as-viewqweb_render_view(view_id, domain)
is the method called by the client and will call the context-preparation methods and ultimatelyenv['ir.qweb'].render()
Search views are a break from previous view types in that they don’t display content: although they apply to a specific model, they are used to filter other view’s content (generally aggregated views e.g. List or Graph). Beyond that difference in use case, they are defined the same way.
The root element of search views is <search>
. It takes no attributes.
Possible children elements of the search view are:
fields define domains or contexts with user-provided values. When search domains are generated, field domains are composed with one another and with filters using AND.
Fields can have the following attributes:
the name of the field to filter on
the field’s label
by default, fields generate domains of the form
[(name, operator, provided_value)]
is the field’s name andprovided_value
is the value provided by the user, possibly filtered or transformed (e.g. a user is expected to provide the label of a selection field’s value, not the value itself).The
attribute allows overriding the default operator, which depends on the field’s type (e.g.=
for float fields butilike
for char fields)filter_domain
complete domain to use as the field’s search domain, can use a
variable to inject the provided value in the custom domain. Can be used to generate significantly more flexible domains thanoperator
alone (e.g. searches on multiple fields at once)If both
are provided,filter_domain
takes precedence.context
allows adding context keys, including the user-provided values (which as for
are available as aself
variable, an array of values e.g.[id_1, id_2]
for aMany2one
field). By default, fields don’t generate domains.Note
the domain and context are inclusive and both are generated if a
is specified. To only generate context values, setfilter_domain
to an empty list:filter_domain="[]"
make the field only available to specific users
if the field can provide an auto-completion (e.g.
), filters the possible completion results.
a filter is a predefined toggle in the search view, it can only be enabled or disabled. Its main purposes are to add data to the search context (the context passed to the data view for searching/filtering), or to append new sections to the search filter.
Filters can have the following attributes:
(required)the label of the filter
(optional)an Odoo domain, will be appended to the action’s domain as part of the search domain.
(optional)the name of a field of type
. Using this attribute has the effect to create a set of filters available in a submenu of the filters menu. The filters proposed are time dependent but not dynamic in the sense that their domains are evaluated at the time of the control panel instantiation.Example:
<filter name="filter_create_date" date="create_date" string="Creation Date"/>
The example above allows to easily search for records with creation date field values in one of the periods below (if the current month is August 2019).
Create Date > August July June Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 -------------- 2019 2018 2017
Multi selection of options is allowed.
(optional)only makes sense for a filter with non empty
attribute. determines which period is activated if the filter is in the default set of filters activated at the view initialization. If not provided, “this_month” is used by default.To choose among the following options: today, this_week, this_month, last_month, antepenultimate_month, fourth_quarter, third_quarter, second_quarter, first_quarter, this_year, last_year, antepenultimate_year.
<filter name="filter_create_date" date="create_date" string="Creation Date" default_period="this_week"/>
a Python dictionary, merged into the action’s domain to generate the search domain
The key
can be used to define a groupby available in the “Group By” menu. The “group_by” value can be a valid field name.<filter name="groupby_category" string="Category" context="{'group_by': 'category_id'}"/>
The groupby defined above allows to group data by category.
When the field is of type
, the filter generates a submenu of the Group By menu in which the following interval options are available: day, week, month, quarter, year.In case the filter is in the default set of filters activated at the view initialization, the records are grouped by month by default. This can be changed by using the syntax “date_field:interval” as in the following example.
<filter name="groupby_create_date" string="Creation Date" context="{'group_by': 'create_date:week'}"/>
The results of read_groups grouped on a field may be influenced by its group_expand attribute, allowing to display empty groups when needed. For more information, please refer to
logical name for the filter, can be used to enable it by default, can also be used as inheritance hook
a longer explanatory text for the filter, may be displayed as a tooltip
makes a filter only available to specific users
Nouveau dans la version 7.0.
Sequences of filters (without non-filters separating them) are treated as inclusively composited: they will be composed with
rather than the usualAND
, e.g.<filter domain="[('state', '=', 'draft')]"/> <filter domain="[('state', '=', 'done')]"/>
if both filters are selected, will select the records whose
, but<filter domain="[('state', '=', 'draft')]"/> <separator/> <filter domain="[('delay', '<', 15)]"/>
if both filters are selected, will select the records whose
is below 15.separator
can be used to separates groups of filters in simple search views
can be used to separate groups of filters, more readable than
in complex search viewssearchpanel
allows to display a search panel on the left of any multi records view. By default, the list and kanban views have the searchpanel enabled. The search panel can be activated on other views with the attribute:
a comma separated list of view types on which to enable the search panel default: “tree,kanban”
This tool allows to quickly filter data on the basis of given fields. The fields are specified as direct children of the
with tag namefield
, and the following attributes:name
(mandatory)the name of the field to filter on
determines the behavior and display. Possible values are
(default) at most one value can be selected. Supported field types are many2one and selection.multi
several values can be selected (checkboxes). Supported field types are many2one, many2many and selection.
restricts to specific users
determines the label to display
specifies which icon is used
determines the icon color
Additional optional attributes are available in the
default is false. If set to true the record counters will be computed and displayed if non-zero.
This feature has been implemented in case performances would be too bad.
Another way to solve performance issues is to properly override the
default is false. If set to false categories or filters with 0 records will be hidden.
default is 200. Integer determining the maximal number of values to fetch for the field. If the limit is reached, no values will be displayed in the search panel and an error message will appear instead because we consider that is useless / bad performance-wise. All values will be fetched if set to 0.
Additional optional attributes are available according to the chosen case:
For the
(only available for many2one fields) default is true. Handles the display style of categories :
If set to true child categories will appear under their related parent. If not, all categories will be displayed on the same level.
For the
:determines conditions that the comodel records have to satisfy.
A domain might be used to express a dependency on another field (with select= »one ») of the search panel. Consider /!This attribute is incompatible with a select= »one » with enabled counters; if a select= »multi » has a
attribute, all select= »one » will have their counters disabled.<searchpanel> <field name="department_id"/> <field name="manager_id" select="multi" domain="[('department_id', '=', department_id)]"/> <searchpanel/>
In the above example, the range of values for manager_id (manager names) available at screen will depend on the value currently selected for the field
: field name of the comodel (only available for many2one and many2many fields). Values will be grouped by that field.
Search defaults¶
Search fields and filters can be configured through the action’s context
using search_default_name
keys. For fields, the value should be the
value to set in the field, for filters it’s a boolean value or a number. For instance,
assuming foo
is a field and bar
is a filter an action context of:
'search_default_foo': 'acro',
'search_default_bar': 1
will automatically enable the bar
filter and search the foo
field for
A numeric value (between 1 and 99) can be used to describe the order of default groupbys.
For instance if foo
and bar
refer to two groupbys
'search_default_foo': 2,
'search_default_bar': 1
has the effect to activate first bar
then foo