Antal cykler

För de flesta företag behöver lagret bara räknas en gång per år. Det är därför som standard, efter att ha gjort en *lagerjustering * i Odoo, det schemalagda datumet för nästa lagerräkning är inställt på den 31 december det aktuella året.

För vissa företag är det dock avgörande att hela tiden ha en korrekt lagerinventering. Dessa företag använder cykelräkningar för att hålla kritiska lagernivåer korrekta. Cykelräkning är en metod där företag räknar sitt lager oftare på vissa platser för att säkerställa att deras fysiska lagerräkningar matchar deras lagerbokföring.


In Odoo, cycle counts are performed by location. Therefore, the Storage Locations feature needs to be enabled before performing a cycle count.

To enable this feature, navigate to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, and scroll down to the Warehouse section. Then, tick the checkbox next to Storage Locations, and click Save.

Enabled Storage Locations setting in inventory settings.

Ändra inventeringsfrekvens per plats

Once the Storage Locations feature is enabled, and there are multiple locations created in the warehouse, the inventory count frequency can be changed for specific locations.

För att visa och redigera platser, navigera till Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Locations. Detta visar en Locations-sida som innehåller alla platser som för närvarande skapats och listats i lagret.

From this page, click into a location to reveal the settings and configuration page for that location.

Under the Cyclic Counting section, locate the Inventory Frequency (Days) field, which should be set to 0 by default (if this location has not been edited previously). In this field, change the value to any number of days desired for the frequency of counts.

Platsfrekvens inställning på plats.


En plats som behöver en lagerräkning var 30:e dag bör ha värdet Inventory Frequency (Days) inställt på 30.

Now, once an inventory adjustment is applied to this location, the next scheduled count date is automatically set, based on the value entered into the Inventory Frequency (Days) field.

Räkna lager per plats

To perform a cycle count for a specific location in the warehouse, navigate to Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Physical Inventory. This reveals an Inventory Adjustments page containing all products currently in-stock, with each product listed on its own line.

From this page, the Filters and Group By options (accessible by clicking the ⬇️ (down arrow) icon, to the right of the Search… bar), can be used to select specific locations and perform inventory counts.

To select a specific location, and view all products within that location, click the ⬇️ (down arrow) icon, to the right of the Search… bar. Then, in the Group By column, click Add Custom Group to reveal a new drop-down menu.

Filters and Group By menu on Inventory Adjustments page.

Click Location from the drop-down menu. Doing so sorts products into their storage locations on the Inventory Adjustments page, and a cycle count can be performed for all products in that location.


In large warehouses with multiple locations and a high volume of products, it might be easier to search for the specific location desired. To do this, from the Inventory Adjustments page, click the ⬇️ (down arrow) icon to the right of the Search… bar.

Then, in the Filters column, click Add Custom Filter to open an Add Custom Filter pop-up window.

In the first field, click the value and select Location from the list of options. Select contains in the second field. In the third field, type in the name of the location being searched for.

Click Add for that location to appear on the page.

Add Custom Filter pop-up window with location values entered.

Ändra frekvens för inventering av hela lagret

While cycle counts are typically performed per location, the scheduled date for full inventory counts of all in-stock products in the warehouse can also be manually changed, to push the date up sooner than the date listed.

To modify the default scheduled date, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Then, in the Operations section, locate the Annual Inventory Day and Month setting field, which includes a drop-down field that is set to 31 December, by default.

Frekvensfält i inventering-appens inställningar.

För att ändra dag klickar du på 31 och ändrar till en dag inom intervallet 1-31, beroende på vilken månad på året du vill ha.

För att ändra månad klickar du sedan på December för att visa rullgardinsmenyn och väljer önskad månad.

Once all necessary changes have been made, click Save.