Subscriptions in the eCommerce shop

Prenumerationsprodukter kan säljas i Odoo eCommerce-butiken precis som vanliga försäljningsprodukter.

However, by default, the eCommerce product page only displays the shortest recurrence period listed in the Recurring Prices tab of the product form.

For example, if a subscription product has monthly and annaul recurrence periods configured, then only the monthly price appears on the eCommerce page for that product, by default.

Om du vill lägga till fler återkommande perioder på produktsidan för e-handel skapar du en produktvariant för varje återkommande period.

Skapa återkommande perioder som produktvarianter

To set up each recurrence period as a product variant, go to Subscriptions app ‣ Products ‣ Products, and select a product. In the Attributes & Variants tab, click Add a line.

Then proceed to create an Attribute called Billing Period (or something similar), by typing in the name, and clicking Create from the mini drop-down menu that appears. This attribute name appears as option heading on the product page of the eCommerce shop.

Next, create Values that correspond to the recurrence periods that are configured in the Recurring Prices tab of the product form.

To do that, type in the name of the recurrence period in the Values column, on the same Attribute line, in the Attributes & Variants tab. Then, click Create from the mini drop-down menu that appears.

These value names appear as selectable options on the product page of the eCommerce shop.

Återkommande perioder som konfigurerats som produktvarianter på fliken "Attribut och varianter" i produktformuläret.

With those configurations in place and saved, a Product Variants column appears in the Recurring Prices tab. Proceed to assign the different Product Variants to their corresponding recurrence Period and Price.

Produktvarianter på fliken "Tidsbaserad prissättning" i produktformuläret.

After following those aforementioned steps, the product variants are available for selection on the eCommerce product page.

Återkommande perioder som konfigureras som produktvarianter på produktsidan för e-handel.