Objekta mätvärden¶
To properly understand the success or failure of an email marketing campaign, it is necessary to monitor several key metrics. The insights gained from these metrics can then be used to optimize future campaigns. Odoo’s Email Marketing application tracks several key metrics, which can be interpreted to improve future campaigns.
Visa mätvärden¶
Efter att ett massutskick har skickats visas resultaten för just det utskicket på flera ställen.
För att komma åt mätvärdena för ett enskilt utskick, navigera till
. Leta reda på det specifika utskicket i listvyn och använd kolumnrubrikerna för att visa resultaten för det utskicket. Klicka på ett av utskicken i listan för att öppna posten. Längst upp i posten visas detaljerade mätvärden som smarta knappar.Below is a non-comprehensive selection of percentage-based metrics that are key for analyzing the success of an email marketing campaign.
Click on any smart button to see the recipient records for that respective metric.
Öppnad kurs¶
The Opened rate measures the percentage of emails opened by recipients against the total number of sent emails.
A high open rate may indicate the subject line was timely, compelling, and successfully prompted the recipients to view the message.
A low open rate may indicate the subject line failed to capture the recipients’ interest. It could also indicate the email ended up in a spam or junk folder, due to having a poor sender reputation, or failing to configure the proper DNS records.
Besvarad hastighet¶
The Replied rate measures the percentage of recipients who responded to the email directly against the total number of sent emails.
En hög svarsfrekvens kan indikera att e-postmeddelandet fick resonans hos mottagarna, vilket uppmanar dem att vidta åtgärder eller ge feedback.
A low replied rate may suggest that the message lacked relevance or did not contain a clear call-to-action.
The Clicked rate, represents the Click Through Rate (CTR), which measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within the email against the total number of sent emails.
En hög CTR kan tyda på att e-postinnehållet var relevant och lämpligt riktat. Mottagarna var motiverade att klicka på länkarna och tyckte sannolikt att innehållet var engagerande.
A low CTR may indicate issues with either the targeting, or the content itself. If there were any calls to action, recipients may have been unmotivated, or the message itself may have been directed toward the wrong audience.
Erhållen ränta¶
The Received rate measures the percentage of emails successfully delivered against the total number of sent emails.
A high received rate can indicate the mailing list used is up-to-date and the sender authentication is trusted by email providers.
A low received rate may indicate issues with either the mailing list used for the mailing, or with the sender authentication. View the Frågor om leveransbarhet section for more information.
Bounced rate¶
The Bounced rate measures the percentage of emails unsuccessfully delivered, against the total number of sent emails.
A high bounce rate could indicate issues with either the mailing list used for the mailing, or with the sender authentication.
A low bounce rate may indicate the mailing list used is up-to-date and the sender authentication is trusted by email providers. View the Frågor om leveransbarhet section for more information.
Frågor om leveransbarhet¶
The following defines possible reasons for a high bounce rate or low received rate:
Using a mailing list that contains outdated contact information, or malformed email addresses, is likely to result in a high bounce rate and/or a low received rate.
Mailings sent using a From email address that differs from the sender’s domain are likely to bounce with certain email providers, due to failing DMARC authentication.
Om du inte konfigurerar rätt DNS-poster kan det också resultera i en hög avvisningsfrekvens.