Building blocks

Building blocks let you design your website quickly by dragging and dropping them onto your web pages. Four types of building blocks are available depending on their use: Structure, Features, Dynamic Content, and Inner Content.

Adding a building block

To add a building block to your website page, click Edit, select the desired building block, and drag and drop it to your page. You can add as many blocks as needed.

To edit the content of a building block, click on it and go to the Customize tab, where available features depend on the block you selected.

Color preset and background

You can customize and apply color presets to building blocks. To proceed, select a building block, go to the Customize tab, click the Background button, and select a Preset.

When you modify a color preset, all elements using it are automatically updated to match the new configuration.

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Website themes

Layout: grid and columns

You can choose between two layout styles for most building blocks: grid or columns (cols). To change the default layout, go to the Customize tab. Under the Banner section, select Grid or Cols as the Layout.


The Grid layout allows you to reposition and resize elements, such as images or text, by dragging and dropping them.

When the grid layout is selected, choose an image and drag and drop it where needed.


Position images behind the text by using the above/below icons.

Positioning an image behind text


Choosing the Cols layout allows you to determine the number of elements per line within the block. To do so, select the block to modify, click the Cols Layout, and adjust the number.

By default, on mobile devices, one element is visible per line to ensure that content remains easily readable and accessible on smaller screens. To adjust the value, click the (mobile icon) at the top of the website editor and adapt the number of columns.

Adjust the number of images per line on mobile view.

Duplicating a building block

You can duplicate a building block by clicking on the duplicate icon. Once duplicated, the new block appears on your website beneath the original one.

Duplicating a building block

Reordering a building block

To reorder a building block, select it and click the up arrow to move it before the previous block or click the down arrow to move it after.

You can also use the drag-and-drop icon to move a block manually.

Reordering building blocks

Saving a custom building block

You can save a customized building block and reuse it elsewhere. To do so, select it, navigate to the Customize tab, and click the (floppy disk) icon to save it.

Saving a building block

Saved building blocks are available in the Custom section of the Blocks tab. Click the (pen) icon to edit their name.

Custom section with saved building blocks


Visibility on desktop/mobile

You can hide specific elements depending on the visitor’s device. To do so, select the element to hide, and in the Customize tab, scroll down to Visibility, and click the Show/Hide on Mobile or the Show/Hide on Desktop icon.

Click the "show/hide on mobile" icons to show or hide some elements on mobile.


Click the (mobile) icon at the top of the configurator to preview how your website would look on a mobile device.

Mobile phone preview icon

Conditional visibility

You can also hide or show building blocks using other conditions. To do so, select an element, go to Visibility, click No condition, and select Conditionally instead. Then, configure the condition(s) to apply by selecting Visible for or Hidden for and which Records will be impacted.

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Link Tracker

Invisible elements

Depending on the visibility settings, some elements can become hidden from your current view. To make a building block visible again, go to the Invisible Elements section at the bottom of the configurator and select a building block.

Mobile view customization

You can customize building block elements for the mobile view without impacting the desktop view. To do so, open the website editor, click the (mobile) icon at the top, and select the building block element. Then, you can:

  • reorder the elements by clicking the (left/right arrow) icons;

  • edit the Cols and Visibility features in the Customize tab of the website editor.