Barre de cookies

Cookies are small text files sent to your device when you visit a website. They are processed and stored by your browser and track user information like login details, preferences, and browsing history. Essential cookies are necessary for the website to function, while optional cookies are used to analyze behavior or display ads.

Data protection laws require notifying users about data collection methods and purposes. Cookies bar fulfill this obligation by informing users on their first visit and allowing them to decide whether to store all or only essential cookies on their device.


To enable the cookies bar on your website, go to Website ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and enable Cookies Bar in the Privacy section.


The Cookies Policy page (/cookie-policy`) is automatically created when you enable the cookies bar.


To adapt the display of the cookies bar, click Edit, go to the Invisible Elements section at the bottom of the panel, and click Cookies Bar. You can modify the Layout and Size of the cookies bar, and enable Backdrop to gray out the page in the background when the cookies bar is displayed on the screen.

Click anywhere in the building block to further customize the appearance of the cookies bar using Block, Column and/or Inline Text customization options.

Pour modifier les contenus de la barre de cookies (c’est-à-dire le message de consentement), cliquez directement dans le bloc de construction.

Cookies policy

When you enable the cookies bar for your website, Odoo creates the Cookie Policy page (/cookie-policy) containing a non-exhaustive list of cookies, with their purpose and examples. To access it, click the Cookie Policy hyperlink in the cookies bar or open the page from Website ‣ Site ‣ Pages.

To adapt the content of the page according to your needs, click the Edit button.


You could add a link to this page in your website’s footer, for example.

Pour plus d'infos
