Master the Odoo Web Framework

This tutorial is designed for those who have completed the Discover the JS Framework tutorial and are looking to deepen their knowledge of the Odoo web framework.

For this training, we will step into the shoes of the IT staff at the fictional company Awesome T-Shirt, which is dedicated to printing custom t-shirts for online customers. The Awesome T-Shirt company uses Odoo to manage orders and has created a dedicated Odoo module to manage their workflow.

In this tutorial, we will explore various aspects of the Odoo web framework in detail, including fields and views, notifications, command palette, and much more. This tutorial will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to take full advantage of the Odoo web framework. So, let’s get started!


  1. Clone the official Odoo tutorials repository and switch to the branch 16.0.

  2. Add the cloned repository to the --addons-path.

  3. Start a new Odoo database and install the modules awesome_tshirt and awesome_gallery.
