Connect a screen

In Odoo, an IoT box can be connected to a screen display. After being configured, the screen can be used to display a Point of Sale (PoS) order to a client.


An example of a PoS (point of sale) order on a screen display.

Access the customer display by going to the IoT box homepage and clicking on the PoS Display button. To get to the IoT box homepage, navigate to IoT app ‣ IoT Boxes and click on the IoT box homepage link.


The way to connect the screen display to the IoT box differs depending on the model.

Connect up to two screens with micro-HDMI cables on the side of the IoT box. If two screens are connected, they can display distinct content (see Screen Usage).


Screen(s) should be connected before the IoT box is switched on. If it is already on, connect the screen(s), and then restart the IoT box by unplugging it for ten seconds and plugging it back into its power source.


The usage of HDMI/micro-HDMI adapters may cause issues which will result in a blank, black screen on the screen display. Using the specific cable for the display connection is recommended.

If the connection was successful, the screen should display the POS Client display screen.

The default "POS Client Display" screen that appears when a screen display is successfully connected to an IoT box.

The screen should also appear in the list of Displays on the IoT box homepage. Alternatively, the display can be seen by accessing IoT app ‣ Devices.

An example of a screen display name shown on the IoT Box Home Page.


If no screen is detected, a default display named Distant Display will be displayed instead. This indicates that there is no hardware screen connected.

The "Distant Display" screen name will be used if no screen is detected.


Show Point of Sale orders to customers

To use the screen in the Point of Sale app, go to Point of Sale ‣ Configuration ‣ Point of Sale, select a PoS, click Edit if necessary, and enable the IoT Box feature.

Next, select the screen from the Customer Display drop-down menu. Then click Save, if required.

Connect the screen display to the Point of Sale app.

The screen is now available for PoS sessions. A screen icon will appear in the menu at the top of the screen to indicate the screen’s connection status.

The "screen" icon on the Point of Sale display shows the connection status with the screen.

The screen will automatically show the PoS orders and update when changes are made to the order.

An example of a PoS order on a screen display.

Display a website on the screen

Open the screen form view by accessing IoT app ‣ Devices ‣ Customer Display. This allows the user to choose a particular website URL to display on the screen using the Display URL field.