

安装 下列模块以获得香港本地化的最新功能:




香港 - 会计



香港 - 薪资单


为 Odoo 薪酬管理 应用程序启用 薪酬管理 特定本地化功能。此模块还安装 香港 - 薪酬与会计文件 - 香港薪酬管理

香港 - 薪酬与会计



文件 - 香港薪酬


在 Odoo 文件管理 应用程序中整合员工 ir56 表格。




进入 会计应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置。在 客户付款 部分,勾选 二维码 功能旁边的复选框。然后,点击 保存


转到 联系人应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 银行账户部分 ‣ 银行账户。然后选择银行账户启动转数快。继续设置代理类型,并填写代理值字段,具体取决于所选类型。

记住通过勾选 包括参考 复选框将发票号码包含在二维码中。



  • 账户持有人在联系人资料表格上的国家/地区字段,必须设置为香港。

  • The account holder’s city is mandatory.

  • 你亦可勾選 附帶參考 方格,以將發票號碼納入二維碼中。


进入 会计应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 日记账 并打开银行日记账。然后,填写 账号银行 字段,位于 日记账记项 选项卡。



创建新发票时,打开:guilabel:其他信息`选项卡,将:guilabel:`付款二维码`选项设置为:guilabel:`EMV 商户出示的二维码

选择 EMV 商家提供的二维码选项。

确保配置了 收款银行 字段,因为 Odoo 使用此字段生成转数块二维码。



继续之前,确保已安装 香港 - 薪酬管理 (l10n_hk_hr_payroll) 模块。


转到 员工 应用程序,然后点击 新建。然后,配置以下字段:

  • 工作信息 选项卡下

    • 工作时间: :guilabel:`香港标准 40 小时/周`选项 必须 选择。

  • 私人信息 选项卡下

    • 姓、名、中文名:员工姓名。

    • 私人地址:员工的地址。

    • 银行帐号:员工的银行帐号。

    • 当前租金:员工的租金记录(如果适用租金津贴)。

    • 自动付款类型: BBANSVIDEMAL 等。

    • 自动付款参考号:自动付款参考号。

    • 身份证号码:员工的香港身份证。

    • 性别:员工的性别。


    对于 银行账号 账户,应在进一步处理前将其设置为 信任 账户。

    为此,请点击 银行账号 字段旁边的右箭头按钮。点击切换按钮,将 汇款 设置为 信任


    要填充 当前租金 内容,请点金 历史 按钮。然后,点击 新建。填写相关详细信息并保存租房记录。保存记录后,租赁合同 状态 将显示(在右上角),并可设置为 进行中

  • HR 设置 选项卡下:

    • Volunteer Contribution Option: select either Only Mandatory Contribution, With Fixed %VC, or Cap 5% VC.

    • MPF 宏利帐户:帐户号码(如果适用)。


创建新员工后,点击员工记录上的 合同 智能按钮,或导航至 员工应用程序 ‣ 员工 ‣ 合同


每名员工只能同时激活 一份 合同,但员工在受雇期间,可以为其分配连续的合同。


  • 薪资结构类型:设置为 CAP57:香港员工

  • 合同开始日期:开始雇佣日期。

  • 工作时间表:设置为 :guilabel:`香港标准 40 小时/周`(来自员工记录)。

  • 工作条目来源:选择 工作日程考勤计划。此字段决定工资单中工作条目的核算方式。

    • guilabel:工作安排:根据员工的工作安排自动生成工作条目。

    • 出勤:工作条目根据 出勤 中记录的签到/签退时间段生成。

    • 规划:工作条目仅由已规划班次生成。

  • 薪资信息 选项卡下

    • 工资类型:为全职或兼职员工选择 固定工资,或为按小时支付工资的员工选择 小时工资

    • Schedule Pay: the frequency of payslip issuance.

    • Wage: Monthly or Hourly depending on the Wage Type.

    • Internet Subscription: this is an optional field to provide additional internet allowance on top of the current salary package.


Timesheets do not impact work entries in Odoo.

Once all information has been setup, set the contract status to Running by clicking the Running button in the top-right of the page.

Hong Kong employment contract.


Once the employees, and their contracts, are configured, payslips can be generated in the Payroll app.

Odoo provides four different salary structures under CAP57 regulation:

  1. CAP57: Employees Monthly Pay: to process the monthly employee salary.

  2. CAP57: Payment in Lieu of Notice: to process final payment upon contract termination using ADW.

  3. CAP57: Long Service Payment: applicable to employees with more than five years of service upon contract termination.

  4. CAP57: Severance Payment: applicable to employees with more than two years of service upon contract termination.

Before running the payslips, the accounts used in the salary rule can be adjusted by navigating to Payroll app ‣ Configuration ‣ Rules.


Odoo 可以两种方式创建薪资运行:通过 批次单个 薪资单。


这种工资单生成方法适用于定期付款,因为可以同时管理多个员工的工资单。转到 薪酬管理应用程序 ‣ 工资单 ‣ 批量

  1. 点击 新建

  2. 输入 批次名称 (例如,2024 - 一月 )和 时间 (例如,01/01/2024 - 01/31/2024)。

  3. 点击 生成工资单

  4. 选择此批次要使用的 薪资结构 名称。部门筛选器允许批次只适用于特定的员工组。

  5. 点击 生成

  6. 自动创建 工资单 智能按钮。

接下来,点击 创建草稿条目 生成每张工资单的 其他信息 选项卡中的日记账分录草稿。弹出 确认 窗口询问 您确定要继续吗?点击 :guilabel:`确认,创建日记账分录。


进入 薪酬管理应用程序 ‣ 工资单 ‣ 所有工资单

This method of payslip generation is commonly used to handle non-recurring payments (e.g. CAP57: Payment in Lieu of Notice, CAP57: Long Service Payment or CAP57: Severance Payment).

  1. 点击 新建

  2. Select an Employee. When selected, the Contract is filled out automatically.

  3. Add a pay Period.

  4. Select a salary Structure (e.g. CAP57: Employees Monthly Pay).

  5. The Worked Days & Inputs tab automatically compute the worked days/hours and time off leaves that are applicable.

  6. Additional payslip items can be added at this time (e.g. Commissions, Deductions) under the Other Inputs section.

  7. Click on Compute Sheet button to generate the payslip lines. This button updates the Salary Computation tab.


If the work entry for an employee was amended, click the (gear) icon, then click Recompute Whole Sheet to refresh the payslip’s Worked Days & Inputs tab.

The Salary Computation tab shows the detailed breakdown of the computation, based on the salary rules configured for each structure type.

  1. Rent Allowance: amount derived from the employee’s active rental record.

  2. Basic Salary: amount of base salary provided (after rent allowance deduction).

  3. 713 Gross: net payable amount considering Commission, Internet Allowance, Reimbursements, Back-pay, Deduction, etc.

  4. MPF Gross: net payable amount from 713 gross after consideration of additional allowances, deductions, and end-of-year payment.

  5. Employee Mandatory Contribution: employee MPF Contribution.

  6. Employer Mandatory Contribution: employer MPF Contribution.

  7. Gross: net payable amount from MPF gross after consideration of MPF deductions.

  8. Net Salary: final payable amount to be paid to the employee.


There are no MPF contributions for the first month. Both employee and employer contribution starts on second month.

Hong Kong Salary computation.

Under the Other Inputs section in Worked Days & Inputs tab, there are additional manual input types:

  • Back Pay: additional salary payout can be included under this category.

  • Commission: the commission earned during the period can be manually entered here.

  • Global Deduction: a lump-sum deduction from the entire payslip.

  • Global Reimbursement: a lump-sum reimbursement to the entire payslip.

  • Referral Fee: the additional bonus offered for any form of business-related referral.

  • Moving Daily Wage: to override the ADW value used for leaves computation.

  • Skip Rent Allowance: if set, the rental allowance is excluded from the current payslip.

  • Custom Average Monthly Salary: to override the average monthly salary used for end-of-year payment (rule is only applicable to payslips generated in December).

  • Lieu of Notice Period (Months): only applicable to CAP57: Payment in Lieu of Notice salary structure. By default, the final payout is set as 1-month. Use the Count field under the Other Inputs section to set a different notice period duration.

Once the payslips are ready, click on Compute Sheet, followed by Create Draft entry to generate a draft journal entry found in the Other Info tab of the payslip.


Once the draft journal entries have been posted, the company can now pay the employees. The user can choose between two different payment methods:

  • From the employee’s payslip (Payroll app ‣ Payslips ‣ All Payslips), once the payslip’s journal entry has been posted, click Register Payment. The process is the same as paying vendor bills. Select the desired bank journal and payment method, then later reconcile the payment with the corresponding bank statement.

  • For batch payments (Payroll app ‣ Payslips ‣ Batches), once all draft journal entries from the batch are confirmed, click Mark as Paid to post the payment journal entry. Then create a payment in the Accounting app, and reconcile accordingly.


要使用 考勤 应用程序进行工时追踪,为按小时付费的员工配置合同,请导航至 薪资应用程序 ‣ 合同 ‣ 合同。创建一个新的合同 <hong_kong/manage_contracts>`。请务必将 工作条目来源 设置为 出勤,将 薪资类型 设置为 每小时工资

使用 考勤 应用程序记录员工登记的工时:

  1. 转到 考勤应用程序

  2. 员工可通过自助终端模式办理签到/签退手续,时间将自动记录。

  3. 薪酬管理应用程序 中,查看从 薪酬管理应用程序 ‣ 工作条目 ‣ 工作条目 生成的出勤工作条目。

  4. 接下来,生成 工资单 并处理付款。

Hong Kong Attendance Work Entry. Hong Kong Attendance Payslip.

Time Off with Payroll

The work entry types and time off types are fully integrated between the Time Off and Payroll apps. There are several default time off types and work entry types specific to Hong Kong which are installed automatically along with the Hong Kong - Payroll module.

Go to Payroll app ‣ Configuration ‣ Work Entry Types and click New.

There are two checkboxes to be considered when setting up the work entry type:

  • Use 713: Include this leave type as part of 713 computation.

  • Non-full pay: 80% of the ADW.

Hong Kong Work Entry Type.

Understanding 713 Ordinance

The Hong Kong - Payroll module is compliant with 713 Ordinance which relates to the ADW computation to ensure fair compensation for employees.

The ADW computation is as follows:

Hong Kong ADW Formula.

ADW equals the total wage in a 12-month period, minus the wages of non-full pay, divided by the total days in a 12-month period minus the days of non-full pay.


For 418 compliance, there is no automated allocation of the Statutory Holiday entitlement to the employees. As soon as 418 requirements are met, manually allocate the leaves, via the Time Off app.


Before generating payslips, ensure the statuses are Done to validate the outcome.







Leave Value






$651.61 ($20200/31)







$769.49 ($45400/59)


Mar (One Day Annual Leave)





$730.27 ($65724.33/90)


Apr (One Day 80% Sick Leave)




$584.22 ($730.27*0.8)


下面是演示 713 逻辑的示例:

  • 一月:生成月工资为 20200 美元的工资单。 ADW(平均日工资)始终根据过去 12 个月的累积值计算。

  • 二月:生成类似的工资单,但为 佣金 新增 其他输入类型

  • 三月:在三月申请 一次 带薪年假。迄今为止,休假的工资补偿基于 ADW(平均日工资)

    香港三月 713。
  • 四月:申请在四月份休 1 天非带薪假。由于这是一次非带薪假期,因此会相应计算 平均日工资

    香港四月 713 条例。


The value of ADW is computed in the backend, and not be visible to the user.


Before generating the below reports, setup the following in Settings app ‣ Payroll.

Configure the following in the Accounting section:

  • Tick the Payroll HSBC Autopay checkbox.

    • Autopay Type: Set as H2H Submission.

    • Select the Bank Account to use.

Configure the following in the HK Localization section:

  • Employer’s Name shows on reports

  • Employer’s File Number

  • Manulife MPF Scheme

Hong Kong Payroll Settings.

IRD report

There are a total of four IRD reports available:

  • IR56B: employer’s Return of Remuneration and Pensions.

  • IR56E: notification of Commencement of Employment.

  • IR56F: notification of Ceasation of Employment (remaining in HK).

  • IR56G: notification of Ceasation of Employment (departing from HK permanently).

Go to Payroll app ‣ Reporting, and select one of the IR56B/E/F/G Sheet options:

  1. 点击 新建

  2. Fill in the relevant information for the IRD report.

  3. Click on Populate, and the Eligible Employees smart button appears.

  4. The Employee Declarations status is Draft and changed to Generated PDF status once the schedule runs.

  5. Once the PDF is generated, the IRD form may be downloaded.

Hong Kong IR56B report.


The scheduled action called Payroll: Generate pdfs can be manually triggered. It is set by default to run the PDF generation monthly.

Manulife MPF sheet

Go to Payroll app ‣ Reporting ‣ Manulife MPF Sheet.

  1. 点击 新建

  2. Select the relevant Year, Month, and Sequence No..

  3. Click on Create XLSX.

  4. The Manulife MPF XLSX file is then generated, and available for download.

Hong Kong Manulife Sheet.


Odoo will not be developing further reports for other MPF trustee as there will soon be an eMPF platform setup by the local government.



HSBC autopay report

If HSBC Autopay is selected as the batch payment method, click on Create HSBC Autopay Report, and fill in the mandatory fields:

Hong Kong HSBC Autopay wizard.

This creates an .apc file format which can be uploaded to the HSCB portal for processing.