Dropship to subcontractor


In Odoo, the Dropship Subcontractor on Order route is used to purchase the necessary components for a subcontracted product from the vendor, and have them delivered directly to the subcontractor, each time a purchase order (PO) for that product is confirmed.

The subcontractor then uses the components to manufacture the desired product, before shipping it back to the contracting company.


It is necessary to understand the differences between the Dropship and Dropship Subcontractor on Order routes. While both routes involve dropshipping, they are used for different purposes.

The Dropship route is used to purchase products from a vendor, and have them shipped directly to the end customer.

The Dropship Subcontractor on Order route is used to purchase components from a vendor, and have them shipped directly to a subcontractor. By default, finished products are then sent from the subcontractor back to the contracting company.

However, it is possible to combine both the Dropship and Dropship Subcontractor on Order routes so they are used for the same product. In this workflow, components are dropshipped to the subcontractor, who then ships the finished product directly to the end customer.

This can be achieved by following steps one through five in the workflow section of this doc.


To use the Dropship Subcontractor on Order route, navigate to Manufacturing app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, and enable the checkbox next to Subcontracting, under the Operations heading.

Once the Subcontracting setting is enabled, it is also necessary to properly configure the subcontracted product, the product’s BoM, and the components listed on the BoM.


To configure a product for the Dropship Subcontractor on Order route, navigate to Inventory app ‣ Products ‣ Products, and select a product, or create a new one by clicking New.

Select the Purchase tab, and add the product’s subcontractor as a vendor by clicking Add a line, selecting the subcontractor in the Vendor drop-down menu, and entering a price in the Price field.

Then, click on the Inventory tab to configure a route that determines what happens to the finished product, once it has been manufactured by the subcontractor.

If the finished product is shipped back to the contracting company, make sure that the Buy route is selected. In addition, select the Replenish on Order (MTO) route to automatically create a PO for the product upon confirmation of a SO, unless there is enough stock on-hand to fulfill the SO.

If the finished product is shipped directly to the customer by the subcontractor, make sure that only the Dropship route is selected.

Configure bill of materials

To configure a BoM for the Dropship Subcontractor on Order route, click the Bill of Materials smart button on the product’s page, and select the BoM.

或者,导航至 制造应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 物料清单,然后选择分包产品的 BoM


有关 BoM 配置的完整概述,请参阅 物料清单 文档。

物料清单类型 字段中,选择 分包 选项。然后,在下面显示的 分包商 字段中添加一个或多个分包商。

在物料清单(BoM)上,BoM 类型字段被配置为使用分包方式制造该产品。

Finally, make sure that all necessary components are specified on the Components tab. To add a new component, click Add a line, select the component in the Component drop-down menu, and specify the required quantity in the Quantity field.

Configure Components

To configure components for the Dropship Subcontractor on Order route, navigate to each component from the BoM by selecting the component’s name in the Components tab, and clicking the ➡️ (right arrow) button to the right of the name.

Alternatively, navigate to each component by going to Inventory app ‣ Products ‣ Products, and selecting the component.

On the component product form, select the Purchase tab, and add a vendor by clicking Add a line, selecting the vendor in the Vendor field, and adding the price they sell the product for in the Price field. This is the vendor that sends components to the subcontractor, once they are purchased.

Then, click on the Inventory tab and select the Dropship Subcontractor on Order route in the Routes section.

Repeat the process for every component that must be dropshipped to the subcontractor.

Dropship subcontractor on order workflow

The dropship subcontractor on order workflow consists of up to six steps:

  1. Create a sales order (SO) for the subcontracted product; doing so creates a subcontractor PO to purchase the product from the subcontractor.

  2. Confirm the PO created in the previous step, or create a new PO; doing so creates a request for quotation (RfQ) to purchase the components from the vendor, as well as a receipt order or a dropship order.

  3. Confirm the RfQ to turn it into a second PO (vendor PO); doing so creates a Dropship Subcontractor order.

  4. Process the Dropship Subcontractor order once the vendor has sent the components to the subcontractor.

  5. Process the receipt once the subcontractor has finished manufacturing the subcontracted product, and shipped it back to the contracting company OR process the dropship order to ship the product directly to the end customer.

  6. If the workflow was started by creating an SO, and the finished product is not dropshipped to the end customer, process the delivery order once the product has been shipped to the customer.

The specific number of steps depends on the reason that the subcontracted product is being purchased from the subcontractor.

If the reason is to fulfill a specific customer order, the process starts with creating an SO, and ends with delivering the product to the customer, or having the subcontractor dropship it to them.

If the reason is to increase quantity of stock on-hand, the process starts with creating a PO, and ends with receiving the product into inventory.

Create an SO

It is only necessary to complete this step if the product is being purchased from the subcontractor to fulfill a customer need. If the product is being purchased to increase the quantity of stock on-hand, move on to the next step.

To create a new SO, navigate to Sales app ‣ Orders ‣ Orders, and click New.

客户 下拉菜单中选择客户。然后,在 订单行 选项卡上点击:guilabel:添加产品,在:guilabel:`产品 `下拉菜单中选择产品,并在:guilabel:`数量`字段中输入数量。

点击 确认,以确认 SO,此时页面顶部会出现一个 采购 智能按钮。这是*分包商* PO,或为从分包商处购买分包产品而创建的 PO


An SO for the product only creates a subcontractor PO if the Replenish on Order (MTO) route is enabled on the product’s page, and there is no stock of the product on-hand.

If there is stock on-hand, confirming an SO for the product will instead create a delivery order, because Odoo assumes that the SO is fulfilled using the stock in the warehouse.

This is not the case for subcontracted products that are dropshipped to the end customer. In that case, a subcontractor PO is always created, even if there is stock on-hand.

Process subcontractor PO

如果在上一步中未创建 分包商 PO,则现在通过导航至 采购应用程序 ‣ 订单 ‣ 采购订单 并点击 :guilabel:`新建`进行创建。

供应商 下拉菜单中选择分包商,开始填写 PO

产品 选项卡中,点击 添加产品 创建新产品系列。在 产品 字段中选择分包商生产的产品,并在 数量 字段中输入数量。

最后,点击 确认订单,以确认 承包商 PO

当确认产品的 PO 需要向分包商直运组件时,会自动创建收据或分送订单,并可通过 PO 顶部出现的相应 收据 或 :guilabel:代发货`智能按钮访问。

A subcontractor PO for a *Dropship Subcontractor on Order* product, with a Receipt smart button at the top of the page.

此外,还将为从供应商处购买并发送给分包商的组件创建 RfQ。但是,|RfQ|**并不**自动链接到*分包商* |PO|

一旦 RfQ 得到确认并成为*供应商* PO,就会创建一个*分包商*订单。该订单同时与 供应商 PO分包商 PO 关联。

确认供应商 RfQ

要访问通过确认*分包商* PO 创建的|RfQ|,请导航至:menuselection:采购应用程序 --> 订单 --> 询价单。在:guilabel:`供应商`字段中选择列出正确供应商的 RfQ,并在:guilabel:`源文件`字段中选择确认*分包商*|PO|后创建的收据参考号。

On the RfQ, the Deliver To field reads Dropship Subcontractor, and the Dropship Address field shows the name of the subcontractor to whom components are being dropshipped.

点击 确认订单RfQ 变为 供应商 PO,并确认从供应商处购买组件。之后,在 供应商 PO 顶部会出现一个 代发货 智能按钮,在 分包商 PO 顶部会出现一个 补货 智能按钮。

A vendor PO for the components of a *Dropship Subcontractor on Order* product, with a Dropship smart button at the top of the page.

Process Dropship Subcontractor order

组件交付给分包商后,导航至 采购应用程序 ‣ 订单 ‣ 采购订单,并选择 供应商 PO分包商 PO。然后,分别点击 代发货 智能按钮或 补货 智能按钮。

点击任一按钮都会打开*代发货分包商*订单。点击订单顶部的 验证 按钮,确认分包商已收到组件。


分包商生产出成品后,导航至 采购应用程序 ‣ 订单 ‣ 采购订单,然后选择 分包商 PO

如果分包产品需要入库,产品到达后,点击 分包商 PO 顶部的 接收产品 按钮打开收据。然后,点击收据顶部的 验证 按钮,将产品登记入库。

或者,选择 分包商 PO 顶部的 接受 智能按钮,然后点击收据顶部的 验证

如果分包产品需要直运,请选择页面顶部的 代发货 按钮以打开直运订单,并在分包商将产品发送给客户后点击 验证

Process delivery order

If the subcontracting workflow was started by a customer SO, and the finished product was not dropshipped to the customer, but rather delivered to the contracting company, it is necessary to ship the product to the customer, and process the delivery order.

产品运送给客户后,导航至 销售 应用程序,并选择 SO。选择页面顶部的 送货 智能按钮打开送货单,点击 验证 确认产品已发送给客户。