FEFO removal¶
The First Expired, First Out (FEFO) removal strategy targets products for removal based on their assigned removal dates.
Removal date¶
Products must be removed from inventory before their removal date, which is set as a certain number of days before the product’s expiration date.
The user sets this number of days by navigating to the product form’s Inventory tab. Under the Traceability section, ensure the Tracking field is set to either By Lots or By Unique Serial Number.
Next, select the Expiration Date option, which makes the Removal Date field (and other date fields) appear.
必须在:menuselection:库存应用程序 --> 配置 --> 设置
产品的到期日期是通过将产品收到日期与产品表单中 到期日期 字段指定的天数相加来确定的。
移除日期是将此到期日期减去产品表单中 移除日期 字段指定的天数。
In the Inventory tab of the product, Egg
, the following Dates are set
by the user:
Expiration Date:
days after receiptRemoval Date:
days before expiration date
A shipment of Eggs arrive at the warehouse on January 1st. So, the expiration date of the Eggs is January 31st (Jan 1st + 30). By extension, the removal date is January 16th (Jan 31 - 15).
To view the expiration dates of items in stock, navigate to the product form, and click the On Hand smart button.
Next, click the additional options icon, located on the far-right, and select the columns: Expiration Date and Removal Date.
Using the FEFO removal strategy ensures that products with the nearest removal date are picked first.
要了解这种移除策略如何运作,请看下面关于产品`一箱鸡蛋 `的示例,这是一个装有 12 个鸡蛋的盒子。
产品 按批次`追踪,产品类别 :guilabel:`强制移除策略`设置为 :guilabel:`先到期,先出库(FEFO)。
LOT1 |
LOT2 |
LOT3 |
On-hand stock |
5 |
2 |
1 |
到期日期 |
April 4 |
April 10 |
4 月 15 日 |
2 月 26 日 |
3 月 4 日 |
3 月 9 日 |
并创建一个新报价单。点击 确认 创建今天(12 月 29 日)的交货订单,并使用 FEFO (先到期,先出库) 移除策略,保留到期日最早的批号。
要查看详细信息,请点击交货单的 操作 选项卡中的 :guilabel:`列表(项目列表)`图标,该图标位于一箱鸡蛋 产品线的最右侧。此操作会开启:guilabel:`打开:库存移动`弹窗。
在弹出的 打开:库存移动 窗口中,选自 字段显示从何处提取满足 需求 的数量。
由于该订单需要六箱鸡蛋,因此使用 FEFO(先过期,先出库) 移除策略,从移除日期为 2 月 26 日的 LOT1
中选取所有五个纸箱。剩下的一个纸箱从取出日期为 3 月 4 日的 LOT2