
Odoo 制造 允许用户使用一步、两步或三步制造产品。使用两步制造时,Odoo 会创建制造订单(MO)和拣选组件转移,但不会生成成品入库转移。库存计数仍会根据制造产品的数量进行更新,但不会追踪将产品转入或转出库存的行为。


The number of steps used in manufacturing is set at the warehouse level, allowing for each warehouse to use a different number of steps. To change the number of steps used for a specific warehouse, begin by navigating to Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Warehouses, and then select a warehouse from the Warehouses screen.

On the Warehouse Configuration tab, find the Manufacture radio input field, and select one of the three options: Manufacture (1 step), Pick components and then manufacture (2 steps), or Pick components, manufacture and then store products (3 steps).

The Manufacture radio input field on a warehouse configuration page.


Products must be properly configured before they can be manufactured in Odoo. For details on how to do so, see the documentation on how to configure a product for manufacturing.

Create manufacturing order

To manufacture a product in Odoo Manufacturing, begin by navigating to Manufacturing ‣ Operations ‣ Manufacturing Orders, and then click New to create a new MO.

在新的 MO 上,从 产品 下拉菜单中选择要生产的产品。guilabel:`物料清单’字段会自动填充相关的物料清单(BoM)。

If a product has more than one BoM configured for it, the specific BoM can be selected in the Bill of Material field, and the Product field auto-populates with the associated product.

After a BoM has been selected, the Components and Work Orders tabs auto-populate with the components and operations specified on the BoM. If additional components or operations are required for the MO being configured, add them to the Components and Work Orders tabs by clicking Add a line.

最后,单击 确认,以确认 MO

Process pick components transfer

确认两步 MO 后,页面顶部会出现一个 转移 智能按钮。点击该按钮可打开 MO 的 “拾取组件转移”。此传输用于追踪部件从存放地点到用于制造产品地点的移动。

将组件从存储位置转移出来后,点击转移顶部的 验证,然后在弹出的 立即转移?`窗口中点击 :guilabel:`应用。这样做会将传输标记为 完成,并更新库存计数,以反映传输的组件数量。

最后,点击页面顶部的 WH/MO/XXXXX 面包屑导航,返回 MO

The manufacturing order bread crumb on a pick components transfer.

Process manufacturing order

An MO is processed by completing all of the work orders listed under its Work Orders tab. This can be done on the MO itself, or from the work order tablet view.

Basic workflow

To complete work orders from the MO itself, begin by navigating to Manufacturing ‣ Operations ‣ Manufacturing Orders, and then select an MO.

MO 页面,选择 工单 选项卡。一旦开始处理需要完成的第一个工单,请单击该操作的 开始 按钮。然后,Odoo 制造 会启动一个计时器,记录工单完成所需的时间。


When the work order is completed, click the Done button for that work order. Repeat the same process for each work order listed on the Work Orders tab.


After completing all of the work orders, click Produce All at the top of the screen to mark the MO as Done, and register the manufactured product(s) into inventory.

Shop Floor workflow

To complete the work orders for an MO using the Shop Floor module, begin by navigating to Manufacturing ‣ Operations ‣ Manufacturing Orders, and then select an MO.

MO 上,点击 工作订单 选项卡,然后选择要处理的第一份工作订单所在行上的 ️↗️(带箭头的正方形) 按钮。这样就会打开一个 工作订单 弹出窗口,显示该工单的详细信息和处理选项。

在弹出窗口中,选择窗口左上角的 打开车间 按钮,打开 车间 模块。

The Open Shop Floor button for a work order on a manufacturing order.

When accessed directly from a specific work order within an MO, Shop Floor defaults to the page for the work center where the work order is configured to be carried out. The page shows a card for the work order that displays the MO number, the product and number of units to be produced, and the steps required to complete the work order.

A work order card on a work center page in the Shop Floor module.

A work order is processed by completing each step listed on its card. This can be done by clicking on a step and following the instructions listed on the pop-up window that appears. Once the step is completed, click Next to move on to the next step, if any are required.

Alternatively, work order steps can be completed by clicking the checkbox that appears on the right side of the step’s line on the work order card. When using this method, the step is automatically marked as completed, without a pop-up window appearing.

The final step on a work order card is titled Register Production. This step is used to register the number of product units that were produced. If the number produced is equal to the number that the MO was created for, click the # Units button on the right side of the line to automatically register that number as the quantity produced.

If a different number must be entered, click the Register Production step to open a pop-up window. Enter the number of units produced in the Units field, and then click Validate to register that number.


The Register Production step appears on every work order card. It must be completed for the first work order that is processed. After doing so, the step appears as already completed for each remaining work order in the MO.

After completing all of the steps for a work order, a button appears on the footer of the work order card. If any other work orders must be completed before the MO can be closed, the button is titled Mark as Done. If there are no additional work orders to complete, the button is titled Close Production.

Clicking Mark as Done causes the work order card to fade away. Once it disappears completely, the work order’s status is marked as Finished on the MO, and the next work order appears in the Shop Floor module, on the page of the work center where it is configured to be carried out. Any additional work orders can be processed using the instructions detailed in this section.

Clicking Close Production causes the work order card to fade away. Once it disappears, the MO is marked as Done, and the units of the product that were produced are entered into inventory.

After clicking Mark as Done or Close Production, each button is replaced by an Undo button. Click the Undo button before the work order card fades away to keep the work order open.


This section details the basic workflow for processing an MO in the Shop Floor module. For a more in-depth explanation of the module and all of its features, please see the Shop Floor overview documentation.