Gestionați oportunitățile pierdute

Not all opportunities result in successful sales. In order to keep the pipeline up to date, lost opportunities need to be identified. Specifying the reason why an opportunity was lost provides additional insight that can prove useful for future opportunities.

Marcați o pistă ca pierdută

To mark a lead as lost, open the CRM application, and select a lead from the pipeline, by clicking on its corresponding kanban card. Doing so reveals that lead’s detail form.

Apoi, faceți clic pe Pierdut, situat în partea de sus a formularului de detalii al clientului potențial.

Butoanele din partea de sus a unei înregistrări de oportunitate cu butonul pierdut evidențiat.

This opens the Lost Reason popup. From the drop-down, choose an existing lost reason. If no applicable reason is available, create a new one by entering it into the Lost Reason field, and clicking Create.

Additional notes and comments can be added below the lost reason designated in the Lost Reason field.

When all the desired information has been entered in the Lost Reason pop-up window, click Submit.

Fereastră pop-up Motive pierdute cu exemple de motive.

Upon clicking Submit, the pop-up window disappears, and Odoo returns to the lead detail form, where a new red Lost banner is now present in the upper-right corner of the lead.

Creați/editați motivele pierdute

Pentru a crea un nou motiv pierdut sau pentru a edita unul existent, navigați la CRM app ‣ Configuration ‣ Lost Reasons.

To edit an existing reason, click on the reason that should be modified. When clicked, that reason becomes highlighted. Once highlighted, change the description of the selected lost reason by editing the Description field. When done, click Save in the upper-left corner.

To create a new lost reason, click Create in the upper-left corner of the Lost Reasons page. Doing so reveals a new blank line in the Description field. Then, proceed to type in the new lost reason in that new line. Once ready, click Save.

Recuperați oportunități pierdute

To retrieve lost opportunities in Odoo CRM, open the CRM app to the main Pipeline dashboard. Then, click the Filters drop-down menu, located beneath the search bar.

Bara de căutare cu filtrul pierdut este accentuată.

From the Filters drop-down menu, select the Lost option. Upon selecting Lost, only the leads that have been marked as Lost appear on the Pipeline page.

To filter leads by a specific lost reason, select Filters ‣ Add Custom Filter. Doing so reveals another drop-down menu with three fields.

In the top field drop-down menu, select Lost Reason. In the second field drop-down menu, select Contains. Then, in the third field of the Add Custom Field sub menu, type in the specific keyword(s). Lastly, click Apply. Upon clicking Apply, Odoo reveals all the lost leads with a reason that contains that specified keyword(s).

Bara de căutare cu filtru personalizat adăugat pentru motiv pierdut.

Restaurați oportunități pierdute

To restore a lost opportunity, navigate to the main Pipeline dashboard on the CRM app, open the Filters drop-down menu, and select the Lost option. Doing so reveals all the lost opportunities on the Pipeline page.

Then, click on the kanban card of the desired lost opportunity to restore, which opens that lead’s detail form.

Din formularul de detalii ale clientului potențial pierdut, faceți clic pe Restaurare în colțul din stânga sus. Dacă procedați astfel, se elimină bannerul roșu Lost din formularul de client potențial, ceea ce înseamnă că lead-ul a fost restabilit.

Ocazie pierdută, cu accent pe butonul Restaurare.

Restaurați mai multe oportunități simultan

Pentru a restabili mai multe oportunități simultan, navigați la tabloul de bord principal Pipeline în aplicația CRM, deschideți meniul derulant Filtre și selectați opțiunea Lost.

Next, select the list view option, which is represented by the three-line ☰ (list) icon in the upper-right corner. Doing so places all the leads from the Pipeline page in a list form. With the list form chosen, select the checkbox to the left of each desired opportunity/lead to be restored.

Once the desired opportunities/leads have been selected, click the ⚙️ Action (gear) drop-down menu at the top of the Pipeline page. From the ⚙️ Action (gear) drop-down menu, select Unarchive.

Doing so removes those selected lost opportunities from the Pipeline page because they no longer fit into the Lost filter criteria. To reveal these newly-restored leads, delete the Lost filter from the search bar.

Buton de acțiune din vizualizarea listă cu opțiunea Dezarhivare accentuată.

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