Trimiteți și primiți e-mailuri în Odoo cu un server de e-mail

Utilizatori Odoo Online sau

Since Odoo sets up its own mail servers for the database, outgoing and incoming emails already work out-of-the-box. So for Odoo Online and customers, nothing needs to be configured!

Unless an external mail server is required to send large batches of mass emails, simply use the standard online Odoo database normally since it has already been pre-configured to send email.


Serverul Odoo este supus unei limite de emailuri zilnice pentru a preveni abuzurile. Limita implicită este de 200 de emailuri trimise pe zi pentru bazele de date cu o subscripție Enterprise. Această limită poate fi crește sub anumite condiții. Consultați FAQ sau contactați suportul pentru mai multe informații.

Scopul acestei documentații

This document is mainly dedicated to Odoo on-premise databases that do not benefit from an out-of-the-box solution to send and receive emails in Odoo, unlike Odoo Online and Incoming and outgoing servers must be configured for on-premise databases.

Secțiunile de mai jos conțin informații despre cum să integrați un server de e-mail extern cu Odoo.


If no one in the company is employed to manage email servers, Odoo Online and are strongly recommended. In these Odoo hosting types email sending and receiving works instantly and is monitored by professionals. Nevertheless, a company can use their own email server if they want to manage the email server’s reputation themselves. For more information see Configure DNS records to send emails in Odoo

Default notifications system

Documentele din Odoo (precum o oportunitate CRM, o comandă de vânzări, o factură, etc.) au un fir de discuții, numit chatter.

When a database user posts a message in the chatter, this message is sent by email to the followers of the document as a notification (except to the sender). If a follower replies to the message, the reply updates the chatter, and Odoo relays another reply to the followers as a notification. Messages sent back to the chatter from users or external users will appear in the chatter from their respective email, or as the name listed in their Contacts record.

These notifications are sent using a default from address. For more information see Use a default email address.

Gestionați mesajele de ieșire

As a system administrator, go to Settings ‣ General Settings ‣ Discuss in Odoo, and enable the Custom Email Servers option. Then, click Save. Next, click Outgoing Email Servers and click Create to create a new outgoing mail server record in Odoo. Reference the SMTP data of the external email server. Once all the information has been filled out, click Test Connection.


Ensuring the outgoing domain has SPF, DKIM and DMARC set up on the DNS will improve deliverability. For more information see Configure DNS records to send emails in Odoo.

Port restriction

Note that port 25 is blocked for security reasons on the Odoo Online and platforms. Try using ports 465, 587, or 2525 instead.

Utilizați o adresă de e-mail implicită „From”

Câteodată, o adresă de e-mail „From” (de ieșire) poate aparține unui domeniu diferit, și asta poate fi un problemă.

For example, if a customer with the email address responds to a message, Odoo will try to redistribute that same email to the other subscribers in the thread. However, if the domain forbids that kind of usage for security, the email that Odoo is trying to redistribute would get rejected by some recipients» email servers.

To avoid that problem, Odoo sends all emails using a „From” address from the same authorized domain.

Aceasta se poate face prin accesarea Parametrii de sistem prin activarea modului de dezvoltator și accesarea meniului Setări ‣ Tehnică ‣ Parametri ‣ Parametrii de sistem.

Pentru a forța adresa de email de la care sunt trimise e-mailurile, o combinație a următoarelor chei trebuie să fie setată în parametrii de sistem al bazei de date:

  • mail.default.from: acceptă partea locală sau o adresă completă de email ca valoare

  • mail.default.from_filter: acceptă un nume de domeniu sau o adresă completă de email ca valoare


The mail.default.from_filter works only for odoo-bin configurations or the default Odoo email server, otherwise this parameter can be set using the from_filter field on ir.mail_server.

The field can be a domain name or an entire email address, or it can remain empty. If the sender’s email address does not match this set filter, then the email will be encapsulated using a combination of the two system parameters: mail.default.from and mail.catchall.domain.


In the following example, the from email address is replaced with the combination of the the two system parameters (mail.default.from and mail.catchall.domain). This is the defaultnotifications configuration in Odoo: “Admin” <> => “Admin” <>.

In other words if the email address of the author does not match mail.default.from_filter, the email address is replaced by mail.default.from (if it contains a full email address) or a combination of mail.default.from and mail.catchall.domain.

Dacă from_filter conține o adresă completă de email, și dacă mail.default.from este aceeași ca această adresă, atunci toate adresele de email care sunt diferite de mail.default.from vor fi încapsulate în mail.default.from.

Utilizing the „From” filter on an outgoing email server

The FROM Filtering field allows for the use of a specific outgoing email server depending on the From email address or domain that Odoo is sending on behalf of. This setting can be used to improve the deliverability or sending success rate of emails sent from the database. Setting the FROM Filtering field can also be used to send from different domains in a multi-company environment. Access this field in Odoo by navigating to Settings ‣ Discuss ‣ Custom Mail Servers ‣ Outgoing Mail Servers ‣ New.

Setările serverului de e-mail de ieșire și setările filtrului DE LA.

Când un e-mail este trimis din Odoo în timp ce câmpul Filtrare DE LA este setat, un server de e-mail este ales în următoarea secvență:

  1. În primul rând, Odoo caută un server de e-mail care are aceeași valoare Filtrare DE LA ca și valoarea De la (adresa de e-mail) definită în e-mailul de ieșire. De exemplu, dacă valoarea De la (adresa de e-mail) este, numai serverele de e-mail care au valoarea Filtrare DE LA egală cu sunt returnate.

  2. Cu toate acestea, dacă nu sunt găsite servere de e-mail care utilizează valoarea De la, atunci Odoo caută un server de e-mail care are aceeași domeniu ca și valoarea De la (adresa de e-mail) definită în e-mailul de ieșire. De exemplu, dacă adresa de e-mail De la este, numai serverele de e-mail care au valoarea Filtrare DE LA egală cu sunt returnate.

Dacă nu sunt găsite servere de e-mail după verificarea domeniului, atunci Odoo returnează toate serverele de e-mail care nu au nicio valoare Filtrare DE LA setată.

Dacă această interogare nu returnează rezultate, atunci Odoo efectuează o căutare pentru un server de e-mail utilizând parametrul de sistem: mail.default.from. În primul rând, adresa de e-mail încearcă să se potrivească cu un server de e-mail, iar apoi domeniul încearcă să găsească o potrivire. Dacă nu este găsit niciun server de e-mail, Odoo returnează primul server de e-mail de ieșire (sortat după prioritate).


Dacă sunt găsite mai multe servere de e-mail, atunci Odoo utilizează primul unul în funcție de prioritatea sa. De exemplu, dacă există două servere de e-mail, unul cu o prioritate de 10 și celălalt cu o prioritate de 20, atunci serverul de e-mail cu o prioritate de 10 este utilizat în primul rând.

Set up different dedicated servers for transactional and mass emails

In Odoo a separate email server can be used for transactional emails and mass mailings. Example: Use Postmark or SendinBlue for transactional emails, and Amazon SES, Mailgun, Sendgrid or Mailjet for mass mailings.


Un server de e-mail de ieșire implicit este deja configurat. Nu creați unul alternativ decât dacă este necesar un server de e-mail de ieșire extern specific din motive tehnice.

To do this, first activate the developer mode, and then go to Settings ‣ Technical ‣ Outgoing email servers. There, create two outgoing email server settings; one for the transactional emails and one for the mass mailing server. Make sure to give priority to the transactional server over the mass mailing server by providing a lower priority number for the transactional email server.

Now, go to Email Marketing ‣ Settings and enable Dedicated Server. Choose the appropriate email server. With these settings, Odoo uses the server with the lower priority for transactional emails, and the server here selected for mass mails. Note that in this case, the domain’s Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records must be set to include both transactional and mass mail servers.

Gestionați mesajele de intrare

Odoo se bazează pe aliasuri de e-mail generice pentru a prelua mesajele de intrare.

  • Reply messages of messages sent from Odoo are routed to their original discussion thread (and to the inbox of all its followers) by the alias of the model if there is any or by the catchall alias (catchall@). Replies to messages of models that do not have a custom alias will use the catchall alias ( The catchall address, however, does not have another action attached to it like other aliases might, it is only used to collect replies.

  • Bounced messages are used as a Return-Path. One example this is especially useful for is in Odoo Email Marketing. In this case bounces are opt-out based on if the email bounced too many times (5) in the last month and the bounces are separated by one week. This is done to avoid blacklisting someone because of a mail server error. If these circumstances are met then the email is considered invalid and is blacklisted. A log note is added on the contact under Blacklisted Email Addresses on the Email Marketing Configuration Menu.

    Messages that bounce in the chatter (outside of Email Marketing) will populate a red envelope indicating the failed delivery. This can be helpful to know that a Sales Order or an Invoice did not reach its final destination.

  • Original messages: several business objects have their own alias to create new records in Odoo from incoming emails:

În funcție de serverul de e-mail, ar putea exista mai multe metode pentru a prelua e-mailuri. Cel mai ușor și cel mai recomandat mod este să gestionați o adresă de e-mail pe alias Odoo în serverul de e-mail.

  • Create the corresponding email addresses in the mail server (catchall@, bounce@, sales@, etc.).

  • Set the Alias Domain name in Settings ‣ General Settings ‣ Discuss. Changing the Alias Domain will change the catchall’s domain for the database.

  • If the database’s hosting type is Odoo on-premise, create an Incoming Mail Server in Odoo for each alias. To create a new incoming server go to: Settings ‣ Discuss ‣ Custom Mail Servers ‣ Incoming Mail Servers ‣ New Fill out the form according to the email provider’s settings. Leave the Actions to Perform on Incoming Mails field blank. Once all the information has been filled out, click on TEST & CONFIRM.

    Configurarea serverului de e-mail de intrare în Odoo.
  • If the database’s hosting type is Odoo Online or, redirecting or forwarding incoming messages to Odoo’s domain name instead of the external email server is recommended. That way, incoming messages can be received without delay. Redirections for all email addresses should be set to Odoo’s domain name in the email server (e.g. catchall@mydomain.ext to

All the aliases are customizable in Odoo. Object aliases can be edited from their respective configuration view by navigating to Settings ‣ Technical Menu ‣ Email ‣ Aliases.

To edit catchall and bounce aliases, first activate the developer mode. Then, go to Settings ‣ Technical ‣ Parameters ‣ System Parameters to customize the aliases (mail.catchall.alias & mail.bounce.alias). These types of changes should be completed prior to the database going live. If a customer replies after a change is made then the system will not recognize the old alias, and the reply will not be received.

By default, inbound messages are fetched every 5 minutes for on-premise databases.


Această valoare poate fi modificată în modul de dezvoltare. Mergeți la Setări ‣ Tehnic ‣ Automatizare ‣ Acțiuni programate și căutați Mail: Serviciul Fetchmail.

System parameters that prevent feedback loops

There are two system parameters that help prevent email loops from occurring in Odoo. These parameters were introduced in Odoo 16 to prevent aliases from creating too many records and to prevent feedback loops on the catchall reply-to email address. They are present in database but not in the System Parameters. To override the following defaults they need to be added in.

The two system parameters are as follows:

  • mail.gateway.loop.minutes (120 minutes by default)

  • mail.gateway.loop.threshold (20 by default)

Add these fields in Odoo by first enabling developer mode, and then navigating to Settings ‣ Technical Menu ‣ Parameters ‣ System Parameters. Change the value of these parameters, as needed.

When an email is received in the Odoo database on the catchall email address or on any alias, Odoo looks at the mail received for the given period of time defined in the system parameter mail.gateway.loop.minutes. If the received email was sent to an alias then Odoo will reference the mail.gateway.loop.threshold system parameter and determine the value as the number of records this alias is allowed to create in the given period of time (value of mail.gateway.loop.minutes).

In addition, when email is received to the catchall email address, Odoo will reference the emails received to the database during the set period of time (as stated by the value in the system parameter: mail.gateway.loop.minutes). Odoo will then determine whether any of the emails received match that of the email(s) being received during the specified time-frame, and will prevent a feedback loop from occurring if a duplicate email is detected.

Allow alias domain system parameter

Incoming aliases are set in the Odoo database to create records by receiving incoming emails. To view aliases set in the Odoo database, first activate the developer mode. Then, go to Settings app ‣ Technical ‣ Email section ‣ Aliases.

The following system parameter, mail.catchall.domain.allowed, set with allowed alias domain values, separated by commas, filters out correctly addressed emails to aliases. Setting the domain(s) for which the alias can create a ticket, lead, opportunity, etc., eliminates false positives where email addresses with only the prefix alias (not the domain) are present.

In some instances, matches have been made in the Odoo database when an email is received with the same alias prefix and a different domain on the incoming email address. This is true in the sender, recipient, and CC email addresses of an incoming email.


When Odoo receives emails that have the name commercial prefix alias in the sender, recipient, or CC email address(es) (e.g.,, the database falsely treats the email as the full commercial alias (with a different domain), and therefore, creates a ticket/lead/opportunity/etc.

To add the mail.catchall.domain.allowed system parameter, first, activate the developer mode. Then, go to Settings app ‣ Technical ‣ Parameters section ‣ System Parameters. Click Create. Then, type in mail.catchall.domain.allowed for the Key field.

Next, for the Value field, add the domain(s) separated by comma(s) (if plural domains). Manually Save, and the system parameter takes immediate effect.

mail.catchall.domain.allowed system parameter set with key and value highlighted.