Troubleshooting eBay connector


To learn more about the eBay connector visit these pages as well:


自2021 9月起, 趣需要支持客户账户删除/关闭通 。因此,当易趣收到账户删除请求时,所有易趣合作伙伴必须确认收到该请求,并在必要时采取进一步行动。

Odoo 有一个通知端点来接收这些通知,确认接收到请求,并处理第一组操作,以匿名化*联系人*中的账户详细信息,并删除客户对门户网站的访问权限。


Make sure to correctly set up the subscription to the marketplace account deletion notifications as eBay may temporarily disable the related eBay account until the subscription is completed.

Verify the installation of Odoo is up to date

In order to activate the endpoint, the module eBay Connector - Account Deletion must be installed. If the Odoo database was first created after September 2021, the module is installed automatically and the administrator can proceed to the next step.


The notification endpoint is made available through a new Odoo module; to be able to install it, the administrator must make sure that the Odoo source code is up-to-date.

  • If the company uses Odoo on or platform, the code is already up-to-date, so proceed to the next step.

  • If the company uses Odoo with an on-premise setup or through a partner, then the administrator must update the installation as detailed in this documentation page or by contacting an integrating partner.


New modules must be discovered by the Odoo instance to be available in the Apps menu.

To do so, activate the developer mode, and go to Apps -> Update Apps List. A wizard will ask for confirmation.

Install the eBay Connector - Account Deletion update


Never install new modules in the production database without testing them in a duplicate or staging environment. For customers, a duplicate database can be created from the database management page. For users, the administrator should use a staging or duplicate database. For on-premise users, the administrator should use a staging environment - contact the integrating partner for more information regarding how to test a new module in a particular setup.

To install the module, go to the Apps menu, remove the Apps search facet and search for eBay. If the module eBay Connector - Account Deletion is present and marked as installed, the Odoo database is already up-to-date and the administrator can proceed with the next step. If it is not yet installed, install it now.


The endpoint details can be found in Sales ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ eBay. First, input random text values for the Production App Key and for the Production Cert Key. Click on Generate Token to retrieve the Verification Token.

在 Odoo 中生成验证令牌。


Navigate to the eBay developer portal. Configure the account deletion/notification settings in eBay by navigating to the Hi [username] at the top right of screen, then go to Alerts & Notifications.



  • An email address to send notifications to if the endpoint is unreachable.

  • The endpoint details:

    • Odoo帐户删除通知终结点的URL

    • 验证令牌



The administrator can edit the last two fields once the email address field is filled out.


After setting the retrieved endpoint details in eBay’s dashboard, consider testing the connectivity with the Send Test Notification button.

The following confirmation message should be received: 「A test notification was sent successfully!」
