
Odoo 允许用户在数据库中注册亚马逊卖家账户,但用户**必须**在完成配置之前拥有付费亚马逊卖家账户。

首先登录亚马逊平台,然后从标题部分的下拉菜单导航至:menuselection:帐户&列表 --> 启动销售帐户,在亚马逊上设置付费卖家帐户。

然后在 通过亚马逊销售 页面上,按照注册流程进行操作,最后继续按照以下说明在 Odoo 中注册并链接该亚马逊卖家帐户。

将亚马逊卖家帐户连接到 Odoo

要在 Odoo 中连接亚马逊卖家账户,请导航至:menuselection:销售应用程序 --> 配置 --> 设置 --> 连接器部分,激活:guilabel:亚马逊同步 功能,然后点击:guilabel:保存

然后,返回到:menuselection:销售应用程序 --> 配置 --> 设置 --> 连接器`部分,然后点击 :guilabel:`亚马逊同步 设置下的:guilabel:`亚马逊账户`链接。

Odoo 销售应用程序中,亚马逊同步设置下方的亚马逊账户链接。

这样做会显示一个单独的:guilabel:亚马逊账户 页面。从这里,点击 新建,创建并链接一个新的亚马逊帐户。

在空白的 亚马逊帐户 表单页面上,首先为帐户选择一个名称(例如,美国市场)。然后,在 凭证 选项卡中,从 主市场 下拉菜单中选择最初创建卖家账户的市场。

Odoo 销售应用程序中典型的亚马逊账户表单页面。


典型的亚马逊账户表单页面和 Odoo 销售中的亚马逊链接按钮。



在同意页面,确认亚马逊允许 Odoo 访问账户和相关数据。

确认后,亚马逊将用户返回到 Odoo,并且该帐户已注册。

亚马逊账户注册成功后,该特定账户可用的市场将与 Odoo 同步,并列在 市场 标签下。

If desired, remove items from the list of synchronized marketplaces to disable synchronization.

Amazon orders in Odoo

When an Amazon order is synchronized, up to three line items are created on the sales order in Odoo. Each one represents a product sold on Amazon: one for the product that was sold on Amazon Marketplace, one for the shipping charges (if any), and one for the gift wrapping charges (if any).

The selection of a database product for a sales order item is done by matching its Internal Reference (a customizable product reference idenifier in Odoo, like FURN001) with the Amazon SKU for marketplace items, the Amazon Shipping Code for delivery charges, and the Amazon Gift Wrapping code for gift wrapping charges.

For marketplace products, pairings are saved as Amazon Offers, which are listed under the Offers smart button on the account form.

The Amazon Offers smart button on the account form in Odoo Sales.

Offers are automatically created when the pairing is established, and they’re used for subsequent orders to lookup SKUs. If no offer with a matching SKU is found, the internal reference is used instead.


It’s possible to force the pairing of a marketplace item with a specific product, by changing either the product or the SKU of an offer to ensure they match. The offer can be manually created if it was not automatically done yet.

This is useful if the internal reference is not used as the SKU, or if the product sells under different conditions.

If no database product with a matching internal reference is found for a given Amazon SKU or gift wrapping code, then a default database product, Amazon Sale, is used. The same is done with the default product Amazon Shipping if no database product is found for a given Amazon shipping code.


To modify default products, activate the developer mode, and navigate to Sales app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ Connectors ‣ Amazon Sync ‣ Default Products.

Product tax configuration

To allow for tax reporting of Amazon sales with Odoo, the taxes applied to the sales order items are those set on the product, or determined by the fiscal position.

Make sure to have the correct taxes set on your products in Odoo, or have it done by a fiscal position, to avoid discrepancies in the subtotals between Amazon Seller Central and Odoo.


As Amazon does not necessarily apply the same taxes as those configured in Odoo, it may happen that order totals differ by a few cents between Odoo and Amazon Seller Central. Those differences can be resolved with a write-off when reconciling the payments in Odoo.

Add a new marketplace

All marketplaces are supported by the Amazon Connector. To add a new marketplace, proceed as follows:

  1. 启用:ref:开发者模式<developer-mode>.

  2. Go to Sales app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ Connectors ‣ Amazon Sync ‣ Amazon Marketplaces.

  3. Click New to create a new marketplace record.

  4. Enter the Marketplace ID in the API Idenifier field, and select the Amazon Region for your marketplace as described in the Amazon Documentation for marketplace IDs and regions, and the Seller Central URL as described in the Amazon Documentation for seller central URLs.

  5. Set the Name of the record to Amazon.<country code> to easily retrieve it (e.g. The API Identifier, the Region and the Seller Central URL fields should respectively hold the Marketplace ID, the selected Amazon region, and the Seller Central URL values from the Amazon Documentation.

  6. Once the marketplace is saved, update the Amazon Account configuration by going to Sales app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ Connectors ‣ Amazon Sync ‣ Amazon Accounts.

  7. Select the account on which to use the new marketplace, go to the Marketplaces tab, and click on Update available marketplaces. An animation should confirm the success of the operation. Newly added marketplaces are automatically added to the list of synchronized marketplaces. If the new marketplace is not added to the list, it means that it is either incompatible or unavailable for the seller account.