
根据 Odoo 16 最新更改,如果您禁用了:guilabel:`发票在线支付`设置,可能会收到警告,因为这将导致某些模块被卸载。如果您希望禁用该功能而不卸载模块,请按照以下步骤安装**付款 - 账户/发票在线付款补丁**模块。


如果您的 Odoo 数据库是在**支付 - 帐户/发票在线支付补丁**模块发布之后创建的,则您无需做任何事情。
要检查模块是否已安装,请转到 应用程序,移除`应用程序`筛选器,然后搜索`account_payment`。如果**支付 - 帐户/发票在线支付补丁**模块已存在并标记为已安装,则表示您的 Odoo 数据库已是最新版本,您可以禁用该功能,而不会产生副作用。


The possibility to disable the Invoice Online Payment setting without side-effect is made available through a new Odoo module; to be able to install it, you must make sure that your Odoo source code is up-to-date.


If you use Odoo with an on-premise setup or through a partner, you must update your installation as detailed in this documentation page, or by contacting your integrating partner.


新模块必须由您的Odoo实例 发现,才能在 应用 菜单中使用。

To do so, activate the developer mode, and go to Apps ‣ Update Apps List. A wizard will ask for confirmation.

Install the module Invoice Online Payment Patch


You should never install new modules in your production database without first testing them in a duplicate or staging environment. For Odoo.com customers, a duplicate database can be created from the database management page. For Odoo.sh users, you should use a staging or duplicate database. For on-premise users, you should use a staging environment—contact your integrating partner for more information regarding how to test a new module in your particular setup.

The module should now be available in your Apps menu. Remove the Apps filter and search for account_payment; the module Payment - Account / Invoice Online Payment Patch should be available for installation. If you cannot find the module after having updated the list of available modules, it means your Odoo source code is not up-to-date; refer to step one of this page.

Once the module is installed, disabling the feature will work as intended and will not ask you to uninstall installed applications or modules.