
Notify stakeholders and managers automatically by assigning approvers to stages of engineering change orders (ECOs) under review. Changes can only be applied after the assigned approver accepts them. Approvals ensure reviews by team members, which prevents mistakes and premature actions.

Add approver

To add an approver, first go to the PLM app, and click on the project card of an ECO type to open the Gantt view of the ECOs.

On the Engineering Change Orders page, hover over the intended stage, and select the ⚙️ (gear) icon. Then, click Edit to open a pop-up window.


Approvers can be added to any stage, but it’s strongly recommended to assign them to the verification stage, which comes before the closing stage, where ECOs are applied, and the BoM version is updated.

See the documentation about stage types for more information.

In the Edit stage pop-up window, click the Add a line button, located under Approvals. Then, type in the approver’s position (or title) under Role (e.g. Engineering Manager, Quality Team, etc.), and select the relevant User from the drop-down menu.

Next, set the Approval Type to Is required to approve, Approves, but the approval is optional, or Comments only.


Assign the CTO, 「Mitchell Admin,」 as a required approver for ECOs in the Validated stage in the New Product Introduction ECO type.

Approvals from the quality and marketing teams are not required to apply changes to the ECO because their Approval Type is set to Approves, but the approval is optional and Comments only, respectively.

在“已验证”阶段设置“必须批准”ECO 的审批人。


审批人可以通过导航到 PLM 应用程序,查看 ECO 类型的卡片,其中显示了分配给他们的未完成任务数量,从而轻松追踪待办事项审批情况。

以下是 ECO 项目卡上每个按钮的作用:

  1. The # Engineering Changes button displays a count of in-progress ECOs of this ECO type. Clicking the button opens the Gantt view of the Engineering Change Orders page.

  2. My Validations displays a count of ECOs the approver must accept or reject. Clicking on this button displays ECOs pending approval or rejected (marked with the red Blocked state).

  3. The All Validations button shows the count of ECOs awaiting approval or rejected by any approver. Clicking it reveals these pending ECOs.

  4. To Apply displays a count of ECOs to which the user needs to apply changes. Clicking on the button displays all the ECOs to approve, and apply changes to, in the verification stage.

    ECOs marked with the green Done stage have already been approved, and the user just needs to click on the ECO to enter the form view, and click the Apply Changes button.

Display count of validations to-do and buttons to open filtered list of ECOs.

Approve ECOs

Navigate to an ECO in a verification stage, while logged in as the assigned approver, to see the Approve, Reject, and Apply Changes buttons.

To approve the ECO, and apply the changes onto the production BoM, click Approve, and then Apply Changes.

Note that the Apply Changes button will not work unless the Approve button was clicked first. Additionally, the chatter logs the history of the clicked buttons.


批准类型 未**设置为 :guilabel:`需要批准`时,在使用 :guilabel:`应用变更` 按钮应用更改之前,无需相关用户的批准。因此,无需先点击 :guilabel:`批准` 按钮,:guilabel:`应用变更` 按钮**将直接生效


ECO 进入验证阶段时,会自动为指定的审批人创建一个计划活动来审核 ECO。审批者将在其活动收件箱中收到通知,可通过页面顶部的 :guilabel:` 🕘(时钟)` 图标访问。

In the to-do task list, the Engineering Change Order (ECO) notification displays the number of activities marked Late, Today, and Future. Clicking on each of these buttons shows a filtered Gantt view of the respective ECOs.


Scheduled activities are shown as a number on the 🕘 (clock) icon, with 5 ECOs pending approval Today. Currently, there are 0 Late or Future ECOs.

Show scheduled approvals notifications for the user.

By clicking a pending ECO, a planned activity for ECO Approval is recorded in the chatter. Click on the i (Info) icon to view additional information, including the approval’s Created date, the approver Assigned to it, and the due date.

显示计划批准 ECO 的其他详细信息。


ECO 被拒绝时,需要将任务分配给项目成员,以便在 ECO 批准前进行必要的修改。要创建有截止日期的任务,请导航到被拒绝的 ECO 表单,然后转到沟通栏。

在沟通栏 计划活动 部分选择 标记完成 按钮关闭活动,并打开用于创建任务的弹出窗口。

显示 *标记已完成* 窗口,以显示 *已完成 & 安排下一步*、*已完成* 和 *丢弃* 按钮,从而关闭计划的活动。

在:guilabel:标记已完成`窗口中,点击:guilabel:`完成并安排下一步`打开新的:guilabel:`安排活动`窗口。接下来,设置 :guilabel:`分配给 团队成员和完成更改的 截止日期。在 摘要 字段和文本框中提供任务详细信息。点击:guilabel:日程表 按钮关闭窗口。

关闭窗口后,在 ECO 表单上,将 ECO 向后移动一个阶段。这样做可确保团队成员完成更改并将 ECO 返回验证阶段时,为审批者创建一个新的 ECO 批准 任务。


审批者为 ECO负责人,即 Laurie Poiret 创建一个活动,详细说明审批者:guilabel:接受 ECO 所需的更改。点击 日程表 按钮,为 Laurie 创建活动计划,到期日期为`08/15/2023`。

创建一个计划活动,对已拒绝的 ECO 进行后续更改。