Accounting cheat sheet

The Balance Sheet is a snapshot of the company’s finances at a specific date (as opposed to the Profit and Loss, which is an analysis over a period).

  • Assets represent the company’s wealth and the goods it owns. Fixed assets include buildings and offices, while current assets include bank accounts and cash. The money owed by a client is an asset. An employee is not an asset.

  • Liabilities are obligations from past events that the company will have to pay in the future (utility bills, debts, unpaid suppliers). Liabilities could also be defined as a source of financing which is provided to the company, also called leverage.

  • Equity is the amount of the funds contributed by the owners of the company (founders or shareholders) plus previously retained earnings (or losses). Each year, net profits (or losses) may be reported as retained earnings or distributed to the shareholders (as a dividend).

O que é possuído (um ativo) foi financiado por meio de dívidas a reembolsar (passivos) ou patrimônio líquido (lucros, capital).

A difference is made between assets and expenses:
  • An asset is a resource with economic value that an individual, corporation, or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide a future benefit. Assets are reported on a company’s balance sheet. They are bought or created to increase a firm’s value or benefit its operations.

  • An expense is the costs of operations a company bears to generate revenues.

The profit and loss (P&L) report shows the company’s performance over a specific period of time, usually a quarter or a fiscal year.

  • The revenue refers to the money earned by the company by selling goods and/or services.

  • The cost of goods sold (COGS, or also known as “Cost of Sale”) refers to the sale of goods’ costs (e.g., the cost of the materials and labor used to create the goods).

    • The Gross profit equals the revenues from sales minus the cost of goods sold.

    • Operating expenses (OPEX) include administration, sales and R&D salaries, rent and utilities, miscellaneous costs, insurances, and anything beyond the costs of products sold or the cost of sale.

Ativos = Passivos + Patrimônio

Plano de contas

The chart of accounts lists all the company’s accounts: both Balance sheet accounts and P&L accounts. Every transaction is recorded by debiting and crediting multiple accounts in a journal entry. In a way, a chart of accounts is like a company’s DNA!

Every account listed in the chart of accounts belongs to a specific category. In Odoo, each account has a unique code and belongs to one of these categories:

  • Equity and subordinated debts
    • Equity is the amount of money invested by a company’s shareholders to finance the company’s activities.

    • Subordinated debts are the amount of money lent by a third party to a company to finance its activities. In the event of the dissolution of a company, these third parties are reimbursed before the shareholders.

  • Fixed assets are tangible (i.e., physical) items or properties that a company purchases and uses to produce its goods and services. Fixed assets are long-term assets. This means the assets have a useful life of more than one year. They also include properties, plants, and equipments (also known as “PP&E”) and are recorded on the balance sheet with that classification.

  • Current assets and liabilities
    • The current assets account is a balance sheet line item listed under the Assets section, which accounts for all company-owned assets that can be converted to cash within one year. Current assets include cash, cash equivalents, accounts receivable, stock inventory, marketable securities, prepaid liabilities, and other liquid assets.

    • Current liabilities are a company’s short-term financial obligations due within one year. An example of a current liability is money owed to suppliers in the form of accounts payable.

  • Bank and cash accounts
    • A bank account is a financial account maintained by a bank or other financial institution in which the financial transactions between the bank and a customer are recorded.

    • A cash account, or cash book, may refer to a ledger in which all cash transactions are recorded. The cash account includes both the cash receipts and the cash payment journals.

  • Expenses and income
    • An expense is the costs of operations a company bears to generate revenues. It is simply defined as the cost one is required to spend on obtaining something. Common expenses include supplier payments, employee wages, factory leases, and equipment depreciation.

    • The term “income” generally refers to the amount of money, property, and other transfers of value received over a set period of time in exchange for services or products.


*: Customer Refund and Customer Payment boxes cannot be simultaneously selected as they are contradictory.

Saldo = Débito - Crédito

Lançamentos de diário

Every financial document of the company (e.g., an invoice, a bank statement, a pay slip, a capital increase contract) is recorded as a journal entry, impacting several accounts.

For a journal entry to be balanced, the sum of all its debits must be equal to the sum of all its credits.

examples of accounting entries for various transactions. (see entries.js)


Reconciliation is the process of linking journal items of a specific account and matching credits and debits.

Its primary purpose is to link payments to their related invoices to mark them as paid. This is done by doing a reconciliation on the accounts receivable account and/or the accounts payable account.

A conciliação é realizada automaticamente pelo sistema quando:

  • o pagamento é registrado diretamente na fatura

  • as ligações entre os pagamentos e as faturas são detectadas no processo de correspondência do banco

Exemplo de declaração do cliente

Contas a Receber



Fatura 1


Partial payment 1/2


Fatura 2


Partial payment 2/2


Pagamento 2


Fatura 3


Total to pay


Reconciliação bancária

A reconciliação bancária é a combinação das linhas do extrato bancário (fornecidas pelo seu banco) com as transações registradas internamente (pagamentos a fornecedores ou de clientes). Para cada linha de um extrato bancário, pode ser:

  • matched with a previously recorded payment: a payment is registered when a check is received from a customer, then matched when checking the bank statement.

  • recorded as a new payment: the payment’s journal entry is created and reconciled with the related invoice when processing the bank statement.

  • recorded as another transaction: bank transfer, direct charge, etc.

Odoo should automatically reconcile most transactions; only a few should need manual review. When the bank reconciliation process is finished, the balance on the bank account in Odoo should match the bank statement’s balance.

Tratamento de cheques

There are two approaches to managing checks and internal wire transfers:

  • Duas entradas de diário e uma reconciliação

  • Um lançamento contábil manual e uma conciliação bancária

O primeiro lançamento contábil manual é criado registrando o pagamento na fatura. O segundo é criado ao registrar o extrato bancário.





Conta a receber


Fatura ABC

Fundos não depositados


Verifique 0123





Fundos não depositados


Verifique 0123



Um lançamento contábil manual é criado registrando o pagamento na fatura. Ao reconciliar o extrato bancário, a linha do extrato é vinculada ao lançamento contábil manual existente.





Extrato bancário

Conta a receber


Fatura ABC



Declaração XYZ