Vendor costs report

With the Purchase application, users can track the fluctuation of vendor costs over time. This allows users to identify the most expensive vendors, and track seasonal changes.

Create vendor costs reports

공급업체 원가 보고서를 생성하려면 먼저 매입 앱 ‣ 보고 ‣ 매입 으로 이동하여 매입 분석 현황판을 엽니다. 기본적으로 현황판에는 이번 달에 대한 컨펌 날짜`가 있는 PO (발주서)의 :guilabel:`비과세 합계 또는 또는 초안, 발송 또는 취소 상태의 RFQ (견적요청서)에 대한 개요가 선 그래프로 표시됩니다.

Add filters and groups

On the top-right, click the (pivot) icon to switch to pivot view.

Remove any default filters from the Search… bar. Then, click the (down) icon to open the drop-down menu that contains the Filters, Group By, and Favorites columns.


Unless otherwise specified, the report displays data from both RfQs and POs. This can be changed by selecting either Requests for Quotation or Purchase Orders under the Filters column.

Under the Filters column, select a date range to use for comparison. The report can be filtered by either Order Date or Confirmation Date. Choose one from the list, and click the (down) icon to specify the date range, either by month, quarter, or year.

Next, under the Group by column, select Vendor. Then, select Product, which is also located in the Group By column.


Selecting Product is not required for this report. However, it is recommended, as it provides additional insight into the performance of individual vendors. Additional selections can be made under the Group by heading as well, including Product Category, Status, and Purchase Representative.

To ensure the report is generated correctly, make sure that Vendor is the first selection made under the Group By column.

다음으로, 비교 제목 아래에서 선택합니다. 이 옵션은 필터 열에서 날짜 범위를 선택한 후에만 사용할 수 있으며 해당 범위에 따라 다릅니다. 이전 기간 은 지난 달이나 분기 등 이전 기간과 대비한 비교가 추가되고. 이전 연도 는 전년도와 동일한 기간에 대비하여 비교합니다.


While multiple time-based filters can be added at once, only one comparison can be selected at a time.

The drop-down menu of filters, group by and comparison options for the vendor costs report.

Add measures

After selecting the Filters, Group by, and Comparison settings, click out of the drop-down menu.

기본적으로 보고서에는 측정값으로 주문, 총계, 비과세 합계개수 와 같은 항목이 있습니다. 사용할 수 있는 측정값 드롭다운 목록을 열려면 왼쪽 위에 있는 측정 을 클릭합니다. 보고서에 추가하려면 평균 비용 을 클릭합니다. 보고서에 추가로 넣을 추가 측정값을 선택하거나 기존에 선택한 측정값을 클릭하여 삭제합니다.

It is recommended to run the report with at least Average Cost, Total, or Untaxed Total selected from the Measures list. Additional measures, such as Days to Receive, can be added to provide additional insights.

View results

After all of the filters and measures have been selected, the report generates in the pivot view. Click Insert in Spreadsheet to add the pivot view into an editable spreadsheet format within the Documents app.


The Insert in Spreadsheet option is only available if the Documents Spreadsheet module is installed.

A sample of a vendor costs report with the measures set as total and average costs.


The vendor costs report is also available in graph view. Click the (area chart) icon to change to graph view. Click the corresponding icon at the top of the report to switch to a (bar chart), (line chart), or (pie chart).

더 보기

To save this report as a favorite, see 즐겨찾기.