Inventory aging report

The inventory aging report evaluates all items in stock, providing insights into potentially sunken purchase costs and delays in profitability.

Create customized pivot tables to analyze product, operation types, month, or company breakdowns. This helps identify products in stock that are at risk of passing their expiration or viability dates, or instances of rot/decay for fast-expiring items.


The Reporting menu in Inventory is only accessible to users with admin access.

To access the inventory aging report, go to Inventory app ‣ Reporting ‣ Inventory Aging.

Generate reports

After learning how to navigate the inventory aging report, it can be used to create and share different reports.

A few common reports that can be created using the Inventory Aging report are detailed below.

Rotating stock report

To create a report to identify items that have been in stock for a while, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Inventory app ‣ Reporting ‣ Inventory Aging.

  2. On the Inventory Aging report, click the (caret down) icon in the Search… bar to see a drop-down list of Filters, Group By, and Favorite options.

  3. Choose Product under the Group By section. Doing so expands the pivot table to show a product in each row.

  4. Click the (plus) icon to the left of the date column. Hover over Date from the drop-down menu and choose Year, Quarter, Month, Week, or Day. Doing so expands the columns to show the Remaining Qty and Remaining Value by the selected time period.

    For products that have a longer shelf life, choose longer time periods such as Month or Quarter when expanding columns by Date.

    Pivot table, highlighting the plus icon to expand columns.
  5. The report now displays the on-hand stock of items, and their total purchasing cost, for each time period.


    재고 연령 분석 보고서 그룹 기준: 품목 옵션이 선택되어 있고 날짜 열이 :guilabel:`일`로 설정되어 있습니다. 이 데이터를 통해 날짜별로 생선회를 얼마나 구매했는지, 또한 가격이 얼마였는지 전반적으로 이해할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 사업주는 일별 폐기량이 얼마나 될지 알 수 있게 됩니다.

    Inventory aging report, showing product row items and day columns.