Set up Sendcloud shipping services in Odoo

Sendcloud is a shipping service aggregator that facilitates the integration of European shipping carriers with Odoo. Once integrated, users can select shipping carriers on inventory operations in their Odoo database.

Setup in Sendcloud

Create an account and activate carriers

要开始使用,请访问`Sendcloud 的平台 <>`_,配置账户并生成连接器凭据。使用 Sendcloud 账户登录,或根据需要创建一个新账户。


在创建新账户时,Sendcloud 会要求您提供: abbr:`VAT (增值税识别)`号码或:abbr:`EORI(经济运营商注册和识别)`号码。完成账户设置后,激活(或停用)将在 Odoo 数据库中使用的运输工具。


Odoo 与 Sendcloud 的整合仅适用于已链接银行账户的免费 Sendcloud 计划,因为 Sendcloud 不会免费发货。要使用发货规则或单个自定义承运商联系人,则需要 Sendcloud 的付费计划。


登录 Sendcloud 账户后,导航至 设置 ‣ 送货 ‣ 地址,然后填写 仓库地址

在 Sendcloud 设置中添加地址。

为使 Sendcloud 也能处理退货,需要 退货地址。在 杂项部分 下,有一个名为 地址名称(选填) 的字段。应在此处输入 Odoo 仓库名称,且字符应完全相同。


SendClould 配置
地址名称(选填)仓库 #1
Odoo 仓库配置
仓库仓库 #1
Short Name: WH
Company: My company (San Francisco)
Address: My Company (San Francisco)

Notice how the inputs for the Warehouse field, for both the Odoo configuration and the Sendcloud configuration, are the exact same.

Generate Sendcloud credentials

In the Sendcloud account, navigate to Settings ‣ Integrations in the menu on the right. Next, search for Odoo Native. Then, click on Connect.

After clicking on Connect, the page redirects to the Sendcloud API settings page, where the Public and Secret Keys are produced. The next step is to name the Integration. The naming convention is as follows: Odoo CompanyName, with the user’s company name replacing CompanyName (e.g. Odoo StealthyWood).

Then, check the box next to Service Points and select the shipping services for this integration. After saving, the Public and Secret Keys are generated.

Configuring the Sendcloud integration and receiving the credentials.


Install the Sendcloud shipping module

After the Sendcloud account is set up and configured, it’s time to configure the Odoo database. To get started, go to Odoo’s Apps module, search for the Sendcloud Shipping integration, and install it.

Sendcloud Shipping module in the Odoo Apps module.

Sendcloud shipping connector configuration

安装后,在 库存 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置 中激活 Sendcloud 送货 模块。guilabel:`Sendcloud 连接器`设置位于:guilabel:`发货连接器`部分。

激活 Sendcloud 连接器 后,点击列出的连接器下方的 Sendcloud 送货方式 链接。进入:guilabel:送货方式`页面后,点击:guilabel:`创建


送货方式 也可以通过 库存 ‣ 配置 ‣ 送货 ‣ 送货方式 访问。

新送货方式 表单中填写以下字段:

  • 送货方式:类型 Sendcloud DPD

  • 供应商:从下拉菜单中选择 Sendcloud

  • Delivery Product: set the product that was configured for this shipping method or create a new product.

  • In the SendCloud Configuration tab, enter the Sendcloud Public Key.

  • In the SendCloud Configuration tab, enter the Sendcloud Secret Key.

  • Manually Save the form by clicking the cloud icon next to the Shipping Methods / New breadcrumbs.

After configuring and saving the form, follow these steps to load the shipping products:

  • In the SendCloud Configuration tab of the New Shipping Method form, click on the Load your SendCloud shipping products link.

  • Select the shipping products the company would like to use for deliveries and returns.

  • Click Select.


Sample Sendcloud shipping products configured in Odoo:

Shipping Product: DPD Home 0-31.5kg
Carrier: DPD
Minimum Weight: 0.00
Maximum Weight: 31.50

Countries: Austria Belgium Bosnia Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Monaco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland

Return Shipping Product: DPD Return 0-20kg
Return Carrier: DPD
Return Minimum Weight: 0.00
Return Maximum Weight: 20.00
Return Countries: Belgium Netherlands
Example of shipping products configured in Odoo.


Sendcloud does not provide test keys when a company tests the sending of a package in Odoo. This means if a package is created, the configured Sendcloud account will be charged, unless the associated package is canceled within 24 hours of creation.

Odoo has a built-in layer of protection against unwanted charges when using test environments. Within a test environment, if a shipping method is used to create labels, then those labels are immediately canceled after the creation — this occurs automatically. The test and production environment settings can be toggled back and forth from the Smart Buttons.

Generate a label with Sendcloud

在 Odoo 中创建报价单时,添加发货和 Sendcloud 发货产品。然后,:guilabel:`验证`发货。发货标签文件会在聊天工具中自动生成,其中包括以下内容:

  1. 送货标签,取决于包裹数量。

  2. :guilabel:`退货标签`(如果 Sendcloud 连接器配置了退货标签)。

  3. :guilabel:`海关文件`(如果目的地国家需要)。



创建退货标签时,Sendcloud 将自动向配置的 Sendcloud 账户收费。



如果发货重量超过配置的 Sendcloud 服务承载能力,则会将重量分割以模拟多个包裹。产品需要放在不同的 包裹 中,以便 :guilabel:`验证`转运和生成标签。

在 Sendcloud 中还可以设置:guilabel:规则,在重量过重时使用其他运输方式。但请注意,这些规则不适用于销售订单上的运费计算。


首先登录 Sendcloud,导航至 设置 ‣ 运营商 ‣ 我的合同,然后选择目标合同,即可通过 CSV 上传使用直接运营商合同中的自定义价格。

导航至 Sendcloud 中的合同部分。

合同价格 部分,点击 下载 CSV 并在 CSV 文件模板的 价格 列中填写合同价格。


确保 CSV 文件包含正确的价格,以避免出现任何不准确的情况。

显示来自 Sendcloud 的合同 CSV 示例,突出显示价格列。

上传 已完成的 CSV 文件到 Sendcloud,然后点击 保存价格

Measuring volumetric weight




