




Install the following modules to get all the features of the Argentinean localization:




Argentina - Accounting


Default fiscal localization package, which represents the minimal configuration to operate in Argentina under the AFIP regulations and guidelines.

Argentinean Accounting Reports


VAT Book report and VAT summary report.

Argentinean Electronic Invoicing


Includes all technical and functional requirements to generate electronic invoices via web service, based on the AFIP regulations.

Argentinean eCommerce


(optional) Allows the user to see Identification Type and AFIP Responsibility in the eCommerce checkout form in order to create electronic invoices.

Configure your company

Once the localization modules are installed, the first step is to set up the company’s data. In addition to the basic information, a key field to fill in is the AFIP Responsibility Type, which represents the fiscal obligation and structure of the company.

Select AFIP Responsibility Type.


In Accounting, there are three different Chart of Accounts packages to choose from. They are based on a company’s AFIP responsibility type, and consider the difference between companies that do not require as many accounts as the companies that have more complex fiscal requirements:

  • Monotributista (227 accounts);

  • IVA Exento (290 accounts);

  • Responsable Inscripto (298 Accounts).

Select Fiscal Localization Package.

Configure master data

Electronic Invoice Credentials


The AFIP infrastructure is replicated in two separate environments, testing and production.

Testing is provided so that the companies can test their databases until they are ready to move into the Production environment. As these two environments are completely isolated from each other, the digital certificates of one instance are not valid in the other one.

To select a database environment, go to Accounting ‣ Settings ‣ Argentinean Localization and choose either Prueba (Testing) or Produccion (Production).

Select AFIP database environment: Testing or Production.
AFIP certificates

The electronic invoice and other AFIP services work with Web Services (WS) provided by the AFIP.

In order to enable communication with the AFIP, the first step is to request a Digital Certificate if you do not have one already.

  1. Generate Certificate Sign Request (Odoo). When this option is selected, a file with extension .csr (certificate signing request) is generated to be used in the AFIP portal to request the certificate.

    Request a certificate.
  2. Generate Certificate (AFIP). Access the AFIP portal and follow the instructions described in this document to get a certificate.

  3. Upload Certificate and Private Key (Odoo). Once the certificate is generated, upload it to Odoo using the Pencil icon next to the field Certificado and select the corresponding file.



如果您需要配置规格认证,请参阅 AFIP 官方文档:规格认证。此外,Odoo 还允许用户在本地测试电子发票,而无需规格认证。本地测试时,聊天记录中将显示以下消息:




作为阿根廷本地化的一部分,由 AFIP 定义的文件类型现在可在**合作伙伴表格**中使用。对于大多数交易来说,信息是必要的。默认情况下有 6 种 识别类型 可用,还有 32 种非有效类型。

根据 AFIP 的定义,Odoo 中的 AR 本地化文档类型列表。


Odoo 中包含 AFIP 定义的:guilabel:`标识类型`的完整列表,但只有常用的标识类型是有效的。

AFIP 责任类型

在阿根廷,与客户和供应商相关的单据类型和相应交易由 AFIP 责任类型定义。该字段应在**合作伙伴表**中定义。

Select AFIP Responsibility Type.

作为本地化模块的一部分,税款会自动与相关财务账户和配置一起创建,例如,:guilabel:`Responsable Inscripto`的 73 种税款。

A list of AR Localization taxes with financial amount and configuration in Odoo.

Argentina has several tax types, the most common ones are:

  • VAT:这是常规增值税,可以有不同的百分比;

  • 预提:是应用于发票上的一种税款的预付款项。

  • 保留金:是应用于付款上的一种预付税款;


阿根廷的某些税种并非所有公司都常用,这些不常用的选项在 Odoo 中默认被标记为未激活。在创建新税种之前,请务必检查该税种是否已被列为未激活税种。

显示不常用的阿根廷税项的列表,这些选项在 Odoo 中默认标为未激活。


在一些拉丁美洲国家/地区,例如阿根廷,某些会计交易(如发票和供应商账单)根据政府税务机构定义的文件类型进行分类。在阿根廷,AFIP <https://www.afip.gob.ar/> 是负责定义此类交易的政府税务机构。



默认情况下,文档类型 所需的信息已包含在内,因此用户无需在此视图中填写任何内容:

Odoo 中的文件类型列表


有几种 文件类型 类型默认未生效,但可根据需要激活。

For Argentina, the Document Types include a letter that helps indicate the type of transaction or operation. For example, when an invoice is related to a(n):

  • B2B transaction, a document type A must be used;

  • B2C transaction, a document type B must be used;

  • Exportation Transaction, a document type E must be used.

The documents included in the localization already have the proper letter associated with each Document Type, so there is no further configuration necessary.

document types grouped by letters.
Use on invoices

The Document Type on each transaction will be determined by:

  • The journal entry related to the invoice (if the journal uses documents);

  • The onditions applied based on the type of issuer and receiver (e.g., the type of fiscal regime of the buyer and the type of fiscal regime of the vendor).


在阿根廷本地化中,日记账可根据其用途和内部类型采用不同的方法。要配置日记账,请访问 会计 ‣ 配置 ‣ 日记账

对于销售和采购日记账,可激活 使用文件 选项,该选项可启用与发票和供应商账单相关的 文件类型`列表。有关发票的更多详情,请参阅 :ref:`2.3 文档类型<document-types>

如果销售或采购日记账没有激活 :guilabel:`使用文件`选项,它们将无法生成财务发票,这意味着它们的用例将主要限于监控与内部控制流程有关的账户变动。

AFIP 信息(又称 AFIP 销售点)

AFIP POS 系统 是一个仅在**销售**日记账中可见的字段,定义了用于管理创建日记账的交易的 AFIP POS 类型。

AFIP POS 定义如下:

  1. 与网络服务相关的文件类型序列;

  2. 电子发票文件的结构和数据。

可在 Odoo 销售日记账中使用的 AFIP POS 系统字段。


  • wsfev1:电子发票:最常见的服务,用于生成 A、B、C、M 文档类型的发票,每个项目无明细;

  • wsbfev1: Electronic Fiscal Bond: is for those who invoice capital goods and wish to access the benefit of the Electronic Tax Bonds granted by the Ministry of Economy. For more details go to: Fiscal Bond;

  • wsfexv1: Electronic Exportation Invoice: is used to generate invoices for international customers and transactions that involve exportation processes, the document type related is type “E”.

Web Services.

Here are some useful fields to know when working with web services:

  • AFIP POS Number: is the number configured in the AFIP to identify the operations related to this AFIP POS;

  • AFIP POS Address: is the field related to the commercial address registered for the POS, which is usually the same address as the company. For example, if a company has multiple stores (fiscal locations) then the AFIP will require the company to have one AFIP POS per location. This location will be printed in the invoice report;

  • Unified Book: when the AFIP POS System is Preimpresa, then the document types (applicable to the journal) with the same letter will share the same sequence. For example:

    • 发票:FA-A 0001-00000002;

    • Credit Note: NC-A 0001-00000003;

    • Debit Note: ND-A 0001-00000004.


For the first invoice, Odoo synchronizes with the AFIP automatically and displays the last sequence used.


创建 采购日记账 时,可以定义是否与单据类型相关。如果选择使用单据,则无需手动关联单据类型序列,因为单据编号由供应商提供。




Document type assignation

选择合作伙伴后,文档类型 字段将根据 AFIP 文档类型自动填写:

  • Invoice for a customer IVA Responsable Inscripto, prefix A is the type of document that shows all the taxes in detail along with the customer’s information.

    Invoice for a customer IVA Responsable Inscripto, prefix A.
  • Invoice for an end customer, prefix B is the type of document that does not detail the taxes, since the taxes are included in the total amount.

    Invoice for an end customer, prefix B.
  • Exportation Invoice, prefix E is the type of document used when exporting goods that shows the incoterm.

    Exportation Invoice, prefix E

Even though some invoices use the same journal, the prefix and sequence are given by the Document Type field.

The most common Document Type will be defined automatically for the different combinations of AFIP responsibility type but it can be updated manually by the user before confirming the invoice.

Electronic invoice elements


发票入账后,与 AFIP 验证和状态有关的信息将显示在 AFIP 选项卡中,包括:

  • AFIP 授权:CAE 号码。

  • 到期日期:向客户交付发票的截止日期(通常在生成 CAE 后的 10 天内);

  • 结果:`表示发票是否已经:guilabel:`被 AFIP 接受`和/或:guilabel:`AFIP 已接受但待观察

AFIP 状态。


根据 AFIP 责任类型,在 PDF 报告中,增值税的应用方式可能会有所不同。

  • A. 不含税:在该情况下,需要在报告中明确指出征税金额。当客户的 AFIP 责任类型为**Responsable Inscripto**时,适用此条件;

  • B. 含税金额:这意味着税额已包含在产品价格、小计和总额中。该条件适用于客户具有以下的 AFIP 责任类型:

    • IVA Sujeto Exento;

    • 最终消费者;

    • 单一税负责人;

    • IVA liberado.




对于包含 服务 的电子发票,AFIP 要求报告服务开始和结束日期,此信息可在 其他信息 选项卡中填写。




Invoices related to Exportation Transactions require that a journal uses the AFIP POS System Expo Voucher - Web Service so that the proper document type(s) can be associated.

Exporation journal.

When the customer selected in the invoice is configured with an AFIP responsibility type Cliente / Proveedor del Exterior - Ley N° 19.640, Odoo automatically assigns the:

  • Journal related to the exportation Web Service;

  • Exportation document type;

  • Fiscal position: Compras/Ventas al exterior;

  • Concepto AFIP: Products / Definitive export of goods;

  • Exempt Taxes.

Export invoice fields autofilled in Odoo.


The Exportation Documents require Incoterms to be enabled and configured, which can be found in Other Info ‣ Accounting.

Export invoice - Incoterm.
Fiscal bond

The Electronic Fiscal Bond is used for those who invoice capital goods and wish to access the benefit of the Electronic Tax Bonds granted by the Ministry of Economy.

For these transactions, it is important to consider the following requirements:

  • Currency (according to the parameter table) and invoice quotation;

  • Taxes;

  • Zone;

  • Detail each item;

    • Code according to the Common Nomenclator of Mercosur (NCM);

    • Complete description;

    • Unit Net Price;

    • Quantity;

    • Unit of measurement;

    • Bonus;

    • VAT rate.

电子贷记发票 MiPyme(FCE)



  • 特定文件类型(201、202、206 等);

  • 排放者应符合 AFIP 的 MiPyME 交易资格;

  • 金额应大于 100 000 ARS;

  • 银行账户类型 CBU 必须与用款人相关,否则发票将无法验证,并显示如下错误信息。


要设置 传输模式’,请进入设置并选择 :guilabel:`SDCADC


要更改特定发票的 传输模式 发送模式,请转至 其他信息 选项卡并在确认前更改。


更改 传输模式 不会改变在 设置 中选择的模式。


When creating a Credit/Debit note related to a FCE document:

  • use the Credit and Debit Note buttons, so all the information from the invoice is transferred to the new Credit and Debit Note;

  • the document letter should be the same as than the originator document (either A or B);

  • the same currency as the source document must be used. When using a secondary currency there is an exchange difference if the currency rate is different between the emission day and the payment date. It is possible to create a credit/debit note to decrease/increase the amount to pay in ARS.

Credit & debit notes buttons.

When creating a Credit Note we can have two scenarios:

  1. the FCE is rejected so the Credit Note should have the field FCE, is Cancellation? as True; or;

  2. the Credit Note, is created to annulate the FCE document, in this case the field FCE, is Cancellation? must be empty (false).

FCE: Es Cancelación?

Invoice printed report

The PDF Report related to electronic invoices that have been validated by the AFIP includes a barcode at the bottom of the format which represents the CAE number. The expiration date is also displayed as it is a legal requirement.

Invoice printed report.

Troubleshooting and auditing

For auditing and troubleshooting purposes, it is possible to obtain detailed information of an invoice number that has been previously sent to the AFIP. To retrieve this information, activate the developer mode, then go to the Accounting menu and click on the button Consult Invoice button in AFIP.

Consult invoice in AFIP. Details of invoice consulted in AFIP.

It is also possible to retrieve the last number used in AFIP for a specific document type and POS Number as a reference for any possible issues on the sequence synchronization between Odoo and AFIP.

Consult the last invoice number.


Based on the purchase journal selected for the vendor bill, the Document Type is now a required field. This value is auto-populated based on the AFIP Responsibility type of Issuer and Customer, but the value can be changed if necessary.

Changing journal and document type.

The Document Number field needs to be registered manually and the format will be validated automatically. However, in case the format is invalid, a user error will be displayed indicating the correct format that is expected.


供应商账单号的结构与客户发票的结构相同,但用户使用以下格式输入单据顺序:文件前缀 - 字母 - 文件编号

在 AFIP 中确认供应商账单号

由于大多数公司都有内部控制来验证供应商账单是否与 AFIP 有效文件关联,因此可在 会计 ‣ 设置 ‣ 阿根廷本地化 ‣ 验证 AFIP 文件 中设置自动验证,并考虑以下级别:

  • Not available: the verification is not done (this is the default value);

  • Available: the verification is done. In case the number is not valid it, only displays a warning but still allows the vendor bill to be posted;

  • Required: the verification is done and it does not allow the user to post the vendor bill if the document number is not valid.

Verify Vendor Bills validity in AFIP.
在 Odoo 中验证供应商账单

With the vendor validation settings enabled, a new button shows up on the vendor bills inside of Odoo, labeled Verify on AFIP, which is located next to the AFIP Authorization code field.

Verify on AFIP.

In case the vendor bill cannot be validated in AFIP, a value of Rejected will be displayed on the dashboard and the details of the invalidation will be added to the chatter.

AFIP authorization Rejected.


Untaxed concepts



Perception taxes

The vendor bill will be registered using one item for each product that is part of the VAT base amount, and the perception tax can be added in any of the product lines. As a result, there will be one tax group for the VAT and another for the perception. The perception default value is always 0.10.

To edit the VAT perception and set the correct amount, you should use the Pencil icon that is the next to the Perception amount. After the VAT perception amount has been set, the invoice can then be validated.

Enter the perception amount.

Check management

To install the Third Party and Deferred/Electronic Checks Management module, go to Apps and search for the module by its technical name l10n_latam_check and click the Activate button.

l10n_latam_check module.


  • 创建、管理和控制各类支票

  • 优化*自有支票*和*第三方支票*的管理

  • 轻松有效地管理自己和第三方支票的过期日期


Own checks

Configure the bank journal used to create your own checks by going to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Journals, selecting the bank journal, and opening the Outgoing Payments tab.

  • Checks should be available as a Payment Method. If not, click Add a line and type Checks under Payment Method to add them

  • Enable the Use electronic and deferred checks setting.


This last configuration disables the printing ability but enables to:

  • 手动输入支票编号

  • Adds a field to allocate the payment date of the check

Bank journal configurations.
Management of own checks

Own checks can be created directly from the vendor bill. For this process, click on the Register Payment button.

On the payment registration modal, select the bank journal from which the payment is to be made and set the Check Cash-In Date, and the Amount.

Payment pop-up window with own check options enabled.


要管理当前支票,支票兑现日期 字段必须留空或填写当前日期。要管理递延支票,:guilabel:`支票兑现日期`字段必须设置为未来日期。

要管理现有的自有支票,请导航至 会计 ‣ 供应商 ‣ 自有支票。该窗口显示关键信息,如需要支付支票的日期、支票总量和支票支付总金额。

Own checks menu location.

需要注意的是,该列表预先筛选了尚未与银行对账单对账的支票,即尚未从银行扣款的支票,这可通过 与银行对账单匹配 字段进行验证。如果想查看所有自己的支票,请点击 X 符号删除 无银行匹配 筛选器。

Own checks menu organization and filtering.
Cancel an own check

要取消在 Odoo 创建的自有支票,请导航至 会计 ‣ 供应商 ‣ 自有支票 并选择要取消的支票,然后点击 作废支票 按钮。这将中断与供应商账单和银行对账单的对账,使支票处于**已取消**状态。

Empty Check button to cancel Own Checks


要使用第三方支票登记付款,需要配置两个特定的日记账。为此,请导航至 会计 ‣ 配置 ‣ 日记账 并创建两个新日记账:

  • 第三方支票

  • Rejected Third Party Checks



要创建 第三方支票 日志,请单击 新建 按钮并进行以下配置:

  • 输入 第三方支票 作为 日记帐名称

  • 现金类型

  • 日记账分录 选项卡中,设置 现金账户: 为 Cheques de Terceros,输入您选择的 简码,并选择 货币



  • 对于新收到的第三方支票,进入 收款选项卡 ‣ 添加行 并选择 新的第三方支票。此方法用于创建*新的*第三方支票。

  • 对于收入和支出的现有第三方支票,转到 收款选项卡 ‣ 添加行 并选择 现有第三方支票。在 付款 选项卡中重复相同步骤。此方法用于使用*现有*支票接收和/或支付供应商账单,以及内部转账。





要创建 被拒第三方支票 日志,请单击 新建 按钮并进行以下配置:

  • 输入 被拒第三方支票 作为 日记账名称

  • 现金类型

  • 日记账分录 选项卡中,设置 现金账户: 为 被拒第三方支票,输入您选择的 简码,并选择 货币



要为客户发票登记*新的*第三方支票,请单击 登记付款`按钮。在弹出窗口中,您必须选择 :guilabel:`第三方支票 作为付款登记的日记账。

选择 新的第三方支票 作为 付款方式,并填写 支票号码付款日期`和 :guilabel:`支票银行。您可以选择手动添加 支票开具人增值税,但这将根据与发票相关的客户增值税号码自动填写。


要使用*现有*支票支付供应商账单,请单击 登记付款`按钮。在弹出窗口中,您必须选择 :guilabel:`第三方支票 作为付款登记的日记账。

选择 现有第三方支票 作为 付款方式,并从 支票 字段中选择支票。该字段显示所有**可用的现有支票**,可用于支付供应商账单。



要执行此操作,请进入 会计 ‣ 客户 ‣ 第三方支票会计 ‣ 供应商 ‣ 自有支票`(视情况而定),然后点击支票。在 :guilabel:`查看当前日记账 字段中,点击 => 查看操作 查看支票的历史记录和变动情况。

Check Operations menu.


  • guilabel:付款类型,用于区分是向供应商*发送*的付款,还是从客户*收到*的付款。

  • 当前登记支票的 日记账

  • 与操作相关的**合作伙伴**(客户或供应商)。


作为本地化安装的一部分,阿根廷的财务报告已添加到 会计`仪表板。通过导航至 :menuselection:`会计 –> 报告 –> 阿根廷报告 访问这些报告。





销售增值税`账簿报告可以导出为.zip`文件,增值税账簿(ZIP)`按钮在左上角,其中包含.txt`文件上传到 AFIP 门户网站。



采购增值税 账簿报告可以导出为`.zip`文件 增值税账簿(ZIP)`按钮在左上角,其中包含.txt`文件上传到 AFIP 门户网站。



用于检查每月增值税总额的透视表。本报告供内部使用,不发送给 AFIP。


IIBB - Reports

IIBB - 各辖区的销售额

透视表,您可以在此确认各辖区的总收入。对应的税款申报表将用于支付相应的税款,因此不会发送给 AFIP。

IIBB Sales by jurisdiction.

IIBB - Purchases by jurisdiction

Pivot table where you can validate the gross purchases in each jurisdiction. Affidavit for the corresponding taxes to pay, therefore it is not sent to the AFIP.

IIBB Purchases by jurisdiction.