Take a Picture quality check

In Odoo Quality, a Take a Picture check is one of the quality check types that can be selected when creating a new quality check or quality control point (QCP). Take a Picture checks require a picture to be attached to the check, which can then be reviewed by a quality team.

Create a Take a Picture quality check

There are two distinct ways that Take a Picture quality checks can be created. A single check can be manually created. Alternatively, a QCP can be configured that automatically creates checks at a predetermined interval.

This documentation only details the configuration options that are unique to Take a Picture quality checks and QCP. For a full overview of all the configuration options available when creating a single check or a QCP, see the documentation on quality checks and quality control points.


To create a single Take a Picture quality check, navigate to Quality ‣ Quality Control ‣ Quality Checks, and click New. Fill out the new quality check form as follows:

  • In the Type drop-down field, select the Take a Picture quality check type.

  • 团队 下拉字段中,选择负责管理检查的质量小组。

  • 备注 标签页的 指令 文本框中,输入如何拍摄照片的指示。

A quality check form configured for a Take a Picture quality check.


To create a QCP that will generate Take a Picture quality checks automatically, navigate to Quality ‣ Quality Control ‣ Control Points, and click New. Fill out the new QCP form as follows:

  • In the Type drop-down field, select the Take a Picture quality check type.

  • 如果安装了 维护保养 应用程序,则在选择 Take a Picture 检查类型后会出现 设备 字段。使用此字段指定用于拍摄质量检查图片的设备。有关在 维护保养 应用程序中管理设备的信息,请参阅 增加新设备 文档。

  • 团队 下拉字段中,选择负责管理由 QCP 创建的检查的质量团队。

  • 说明 文本框中,输入如何拍摄照片的说明。

质量控制点(QCP)表单配置用于创建 “拍照” 质量检查。




要从检查页面处理*拍照*质量检查,首先导航至 品控 ‣ 质量控制 ‣ 质量检查,然后选择质量检查。按照 指令 说明拍照。

拍照后,确保照片存储在用于处理质量检查的设备(电脑、平板电脑等)上。然后,单击:guilabel:✏️(铅笔) 部分中的 图片 按钮,打开设备的文件管理器。在文件管理器中,导航到图片,选择图片,然后单击 打开 以附加图片。



要对订单进行*拍照*质量检查,请选择需要检查的生产订单或库存订单(收货、发货、退货等)。可通过导航至 制造 ‣ 操作 ‣ 制造订单 并点击订单来选择生产订单。选择库存订单的方法是浏览 库存,点击操作卡上的 # 待处理 按钮,然后选择订单。

在选定的生产或库存订单上,页面顶部会出现一个紫色的 质量检查`按钮。点击该按钮可打开弹出式 :guilabel:`质量检查 窗口,显示该订单所需的所有质量检查。

按照 质量检查 弹出窗口中显示的详细说明进行拍照。拍照后,确保照片存储在用于处理质量检查的设备上(电脑、平板电脑等)。

然后,点击 图片 部分中的 拍照 按钮打开设备的文件管理器。在文件管理器中,导航到图片,选择图片并点击 打开 以附加图片。最后,在弹出的 质量检查 窗口中点击 验证,以完成质量检查。

在制造或库存订单上弹出 “拍照质量检查” 窗口。

如果必须创建质量警报,请点击 质量警报 按钮,该按钮在检查验证后出现在生产单或库存单的顶部。点击 质量警报 会在新页面上打开质量警报表单。有关如何填写质量警报表单的完整指南,请查看 质量警报 文档。

On a work order

在配置生产过程中触发的 QCP 时,也可在 QCP 表单的 :guilabel:`工单操作`字段中指定特定工单。如果指定了工单,就会为该特定工单而不是整个生产单创建*拍照*质量检查。

Take a Picture quality checks created for work orders must be completed from the tablet view. To do so, begin by navigating to Manufacturing ‣ Operations ‣ Manufacturing Orders. Select a manufacturing order that includes a work order for which a quality check is required. Open the tablet view for that work order by selecting the Work Orders tab, and then clicking the 📱 (tablet) button on the order’s line.

With tablet view open, complete the steps listed on the left side of the screen until the Take a Picture quality check step is reached. Upon reaching the check, follow the instructions for how to take the picture, which appear at the top of the screen.

After taking the picture, make sure it is stored on the device being used to process the work order (computer, tablet, etc.). Then, click the Take a Picture button to open the device’s file manager. In the file manager, navigate to the picture, select it, and click Open to attach it. Finally, click Validate to complete the quality check.

A Take a Picture check for a manufacturing work order.

If a quality alert must be created, do so by clicking the ☰ (three horizontal lines) button in the tablet view, and selecting Quality Alert from the Menu pop-up window. A Quality Alerts pop-up window appears, from which a quality alert can be created. For a complete guide on how to fill out quality alert forms, view the documentation on quality alerts.

Review a picture attached to a check

检查附加图片后,质量小组成员或其他用户可对其进行审查。要执行此操作,请导航至 质量 ‣ 质量控制 ‣ 质量检查,然后选择要审查的质量检查。

所附图片将显示在质量检查表单的 图片 部分。查看图片后,如果检查通过,请点击 通过 按钮;如果检查失败,请点击 失败 按钮。

A Take a Picture check with a picture attached.