

有关如何配置质量检查或 QCP 的完整概述,请参阅 质量检查质量控制点 文档。




要从检查页面处理*说明*质量检查,首先导航到 质量‣质量控制‣质量检查,然后选择一项质量检查。按照 说明 指示完成检查。

如果产品通过检查,请单击质量检查表上方的 通过 按钮。如果产品未通过检查,请点击 未通过 按钮。


要对订单进行*说明*质量检查,请选择需要检查的生产订单或库存订单(收货、发货、退货等)。可通过导航至 制造 ‣ 操作 ‣ 制造订单 并点击订单来选择生产订单。库存订单可通过导航至 库存,点击操作卡上的 # 待处理 按钮,然后选择订单。

在选定的制造或库存订单上,订单上方会出现一个紫色的 质量检查 按钮。点击该按钮可打开:guilabel:质量检查 弹窗,处理为订单创建的任何质量检查。


要完成*说明*质量检查,请按照 质量检查`弹窗中的详细说明进行操作。最后,单击 :guilabel:`验证,确认检查已完成。


点击:guilabel:质量警报 可在新页面上打开质量警报表单。有关如何填写质量警报表单的完整指南,请查看 quality alerts 文档。


When configuring a QCP that is triggered by a manufacturing order, a specific work order can also be specified in the Work Order Operation field on the QCP form. If a work order is specified, an Instructions quality check is created for that specific work order, rather than the manufacturing order as a whole.

Quality checks configured for work orders must be completed from the tablet view. To do so, begin by navigating to Manufacturing ‣ Operations ‣ Manufacturing Orders. Select a manufacturing order that includes a work order for which a quality check is required. Open the tablet view for that work order by clicking the 📱 (tablet) button on the order’s line.

With tablet view open, complete the steps listed on the left side of the screen until the Instructions quality check step is reached. Upon reaching the check, the instructions for how to complete it will appear at the top of the screen. Follow the instructions, then click Next to move on to the next step.

An Instructions check for a work order.

If an issue or defect is found during the quality check, a quality alert may need to be created to notify a quality team. To do so, click the ☰ (menu) button in the tablet view, and then select Quality Alert from the Menu pop-up window.

Clicking Quality Alert opens a Quality Alerts pop-up window, from which a quality alert can be created. For a complete guide to quality alert creation, view the documentation on quality alerts.