

本文档介绍如何使用 Odoo VoIP 拨打、接听、转移和转接电话。


从 Odoo 仪表板开始,打开右上角的电话部件即可拨打电话,该部件由 ☎️(电话) 图标表示。

然后,用户可以点击 :guilabel:`联系人`选项卡,点击数据库中的任何联系人拨打电话。

此外,还可以使用 VOIP 弹出窗口中的 搜索栏 查找任何需要的联系人。


要手动拨打电话,请单击 ⌨️(键盘) 图标,然后手动键入所需号码。不要忘记用 + (加号) 图标引导,然后输入国际国家/地区代码。


For the United States of America, the country code and + (plus) icon, would look like this: +1. If one were to dial Belgium, the number would be prefixed by +32, and for Great Britain it would be +44.

After entering the full number, with the required + (plus) icon prefix and country code, click the green 📞 (phone) icon to start the call. When finished, click the red 📞 (phone) icon to end the call.


Receive calls

An incoming call automatically opens the VoIP widget, when a user is using the Odoo database. Should the database be open in another tab, a sound plays (the sound must be activated on the device).

Once back to the tab, the calling screen of the VoIP phone widget appears.

Click the green 📞 (phone) icon to pick up the call, or the red 📞 (phone) icon to reject the call.

Incoming call on the VoIP widget, with the call answer and call reject buttons highlighted.


All the contacts and customers that need to be called can be seen in one place with the Odoo VoIP phone widget, under the Next activities tab.

VoIP widget with next activities highlighted, showing tasks below.

To add a call to the Next activities tab, click the green 📞 (phone) icon, while in kanban view of the CRM application.

To remove them from the call queue, hover over the opportunity that has a call scheduled, and click the red 📞 (phone) icon that appears with the - (minus) icon.

When navigating back to the VoIP phone widget, only the calls that are scheduled immediately for that day appear in the queue under the Next Activities tab of the VoIP pop-up widget.

Adding a call to the next activities tab in the VoIP phone widget.

The Next Activities tab of the VoIP phone widget is integrated with the following Odoo apps: CRM, Project, and Helpdesk.

A call can be added in the chatter of records within those applications.

To manually add a call, via the chatter, click Activities (next to the 🕗 (clock) icon). Under Activity Type, select Call from the drop-down menu that appears.

Next, set a Due Date, and add a Summary.

Lastly, change the Assigned to field to the person that should make the call. Whomever is set in this last field (Assigned to) has this call show up in their Next Activities call queue in the Odoo VoIP phone widget.


Only calls for the immediate day (today’s date) appear in the Next Activities tab of the VoIP phone widget for that specific user.

If specified, click Save or Open Calendar to complete the scheduling of the call.

Transfer calls

A call can be transferred from one user to another in the Odoo VoIP phone widget. However, this can only occur after speaking to the caller first. Without picking up the call in the Odoo VoIP phone widget, the only way to transfer a call is automatically though the provider console/portal.


For more information on transfers, visit 转发选项卡.

To transfer a call within the Odoo VoIP phone widget, first, answer the call using the green 📞 (phone) icon.

Once the incoming call is answered, click the ↔ (left-right arrow) icon. Then, enter the extension of the user the call should be forwarded to. Finally, click Transfer to route the call to that phone number.


To find the extension for a user, consult the VoIP administrator, or, if the user has Settings access rights to Administration, navigate to Settings App ‣ Manage Users ‣ Select the user ‣ Preferences ‣ VOIP ‣ VoIP username / Extension number.

For more information on access rights, visit: Access rights.

Transferring a call within the phone widget, with the transfer buttons highlighted.

Forward calls

To forward a call within the Odoo VoIP phone widget, first, answer the call using the green 📞 (phone) icon. Once the incoming call is answered, click the ↔ (left-right arrow) icon.

Then, enter the full phone number of the user the call should be forwarded to. Finally, click Transfer to route the call to that phone number.


For more information on forwarding, visit 转发选项卡.