
Analytic accounting helps you track costs and revenues, as well as analyze the profitability of a project or service. When creating your journal entries, the analytic widget allows the distribution of costs in one or more analytic accounts.


Enable the Analytic Accounting feature by going to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ Analytics.

Analytic accounts

The analytic accounts give an overview of your costs and revenue.

Access your existing analytic accounts by going to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Analytic Accounting: Analytic Accounts. To create a new analytic account, click New, and fill in the required information:

  • Analytic Account: add the name of your analytic account;

  • Customer: select the customer related to your project;

  • Reference: add a reference to make it easier to find the account when you are on your bill;

  • Plan: add an analytic plan;

  • Company: if you are managing multiple companies, select the company for which the analytic account will be used;

  • Currency: select the currency of the analytic account;

Then, fill in your budget information.

Analytic plans

The analytic plans allow you to analyze your accounting. For example, to track costs and revenues by project or department.

You can access the analytic plans by going to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Analytic Accounting: Analytic Plans. Click New to create a new plan.

create an analytic plan

The following information must be completed:

  • Parent: link your plan to another Analytic Plan to build a hierarchy between your plans;

  • Default Applicability: decide how your plan behaves in the widget when creating a new journal entry:

    • Optional: if selected, it is not mandatory to add the analytic plan in the widget;

    • Mandatory: if selected, an orange bullet is visible in the widget next to the plan until the analytic distribution is done (the bullet then turns to green); it is not possible to confirm the entry if no analytic account is selected;

    • Unavailable: if selected, the plan is not available in the widget.

  • Color: select the color of the tag related to this specific plan;

  • Company: add the company to which the plan applies;

You can also fine-tune your plans’ applicability by filling in the Applicability tab:

  • Domain: choose to which accounting document your plan applies;

  • Financial Accounts Prefix: select the prefix of the account(s) to which this plan should be applied;

  • Product Category: decide to which product category the plan applies;

  • Applicability: decide how your plan behaves in the widget when creating a new journal

    entry. The applicability you set here always overrides the default applicability.


  • Subplans: can be created to have a more complex analytic structure. Click the Subplans smart button, and then New to add a subplan;

  • Analytic Accounts: to reach the analytic accounts related to the plan.


  • The analytic widget is prefilled based on the applicability, and the Analytic Distribution Models;

  • 每个分析计划必须至少有一个分析账户。


Add a plan in the Analytic column when creating an invoice or bill. This field is mandatory only if you previously linked your analytic plan to at least one analytic account. After adding the plan, a widget opens where you can fill in the different information. You can add tags to reflect the related analytic accounts and decide how to split the costs between the accounts by modifying the percentage.




要创建新的分析分配模式,请访问 会计 ‣ 配置 ‣ 分析分配模型,单击 新建,然后设置模式必须满足的自动应用条件:

  • 账户前缀:此分析分布将适用于共享指定前缀的所有财务账户;

  • 合作伙伴:选择将使用分析分布的合作伙伴;

  • 合作伙伴类别:默认情况下该字段不可见:点击列选择按钮添加该字段,并勾选:guilabel:`合作伙伴类别`方框。添加将使用分析分布的合作伙伴类别;

  • guilabel:产品:选择要使用分析分布的产品;

  • 产品类别:默认情况下该字段不可见:点击列选择按钮添加该字段,并勾选:guilabel:`产品类别`方框。选择要使用分析分布的产品类别;

  • 分析: 添加分析账户及其分布;

  • 公司:选择要使用分析分布的公司;

  • 分析分配:如果满足上述条件,将在输入时自动选择在此字段中定义的 分析计划 以及在不同分析账户之间应用的分配。


要同时**批量编辑**多个条目,进入 会计 ‣ 会计 ‣ 日记账分录,选择需要更新的条目。在 分析分配 栏中添加所需的分配,然后点击 软盘 图标保存。分析分布模板就会弹出,您可以将其保存起来以备后用。