Receipts and invoices


Set up receipts by going to Point of Sale ‣ Configuration ‣ Point of Sale, selecting a POS, and scrolling down to the Bills & Receipts section.

To customize the header and footer, activate Header & Footer and fill in both fields with the information to be printed on the receipts.

To print receipts automatically once the payment is registered, enable the Automatic Receipt Printing setting.

POS receipt


From the POS interface, click Orders, open the dropdown selection menu next to the search bar, and change the default All active orders filter to Paid. Then, select the corresponding order and click Print Receipt.

Print receipt button from the backend


You can filter the list of orders using the search bar. Type in your reference and click Receipt Number, Date, or Customer.


销售点允许您在付款后为 注册客户 开具和打印发票,并检索所有过去已开具发票的订单。


An invoice created in a POS creates an entry into the corresponding accounting journal, previously set up.


To define what journals will be used for a specific POS, go to the POS’ settings and scroll down to the accounting section. Then, you can determine the accounting journals used by default for orders and invoices in the Default Journals section.

accounting section in the POS settings


处理付款后,点击客户姓名下方的 开票 即可为该订单开具发票。

选择付款方式,然后点击 验证**发票**将自动出具,并可下载和/或打印。


要开具发票,必须选择 客户


**POS 面板**检索发票

  1. access all orders made through your POS by going to Point of Sale ‣ Orders ‣ Orders;

  2. 要访问订单发票,请选择订单打开**订单表**,然后单击 发票

invoice smart button from an order form


  • **已开票订单**可通过 状态 列中的 已开票 状态来识别。

  • 点击 筛选器已开票 可将订单列表筛选为已开发票订单。


客户也可以通过扫描印在收据上的**二维码**来索取发票。扫描后,他们必须在表格中填写账单信息,然后点击 获取我的发票。一方面,这样做会生成可供下载的发票。另一方面,订单状态将从 Odoo 后台的 已支付已发布 变为 已开票


要使用此功能,您必须进入 POS ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置,启用收据上的二维码。然后,在 POS 字段中选择销售点,向下滚动到 账单和收据 部分并启用 在票据上二维码