GS1 barcode usage

GS1 barcodes provide a standardized format that barcode scanners can interpret. They encode information in a specific structure recognized globally, allowing scanners to understand and process supply chain data consistently.

Odoo Barcode interprets and prints GS1 barcodes, automating product identification and tracking in warehouse operations such as receiving, picking, and shipping.

The following sections contain examples of how Odoo uses GS1 barcodes provided by the business to identify common warehouse items and automate certain warehouse workflows.


Odoo does not create GS1 barcodes. Businesses must purchase a unique Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) from GS1. Then, they can combine their existing GS1 barcodes with product and supply chain information (also provided by GS1) to create barcodes in Odoo.

Configure barcodes for product, quantity, and lots

To build a GS1 barcode that contains information about a product, its quantities, and the lot number, the following barcode patterns and Application Identifiers (A.I.) are used:


Numele regulii


Șablon cod bare

Field in Odoo


Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)



Barcode field on product form


Variable count of items



Units field on transfer form

Numărul lotului

Batch or lot number



Lot on Detailed Operations pop-up


First, enable product tracking using lots by navigating to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, and checking the box for Lots & Serial Numbers under the Traceability heading.

Then, set up the product barcode by navigating to the intended product form in Inventory app ‣ Products ‣ Products and selecting the product. On the product form, click Edit. Then, in the General Information tab, fill in the Barcode field with the unique 14-digit Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), which is a universally recognized identifying number that is provided by GS1.


On the product form, omit the A.I. 01 for GTIN product barcode pattern, as it is only used to encode multiple barcodes into a single barcode that contains detailed information about the package contents.


To record the GS1 barcode for the product, Fuji Apple, enter the 14-digit GTIN 20611628936004 in the Barcode field on the product form.

Enter 14-digit GTIN into the Barcode field on product form.


To view a list of all products and their corresponding barcodes in the Odoo database, navigate to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Under the Barcode heading, click on the Configure Product Barcodes button under the Barcode Scanner section. Enter the 14-digit GTIN into the Barcode column, then click Save.

Vizualizați pagina Coduri de bare pentru produse din setările inventarului.

În urma activării urmăririi pe loturi și numere de serie din pagina de setări,specificați că această caracteristică trebuie aplicată pe fiecare produs navigând la fila Inventar din formularul produsului. Sub Urmărire, alegeți butonul radio Pe loturi.

Activați urmărirea produselor pe loturi în fila "Inventar" a formularului

Scanați codul de bare la primire

În vederea asigurării interpretării corecte a loturilor în Odoo pe codurile de bare ale produselor scanate în timpul unei operații de primire, navigați la aplicația Cod de bare pentru a gestiona procesul de ridicare a primirii.

De pe tabloul de bord Scanare coduri de bare, faceți clic pe butonul Operații, apoi pe butonul Primiri pentru a vizualiza lista primirilor de la furnizori de procesat. Primirile generate din POs sunt listate, dar noi operații de primire pot fi create și direct prin intermediul aplicației Cod de bare folosind butonul Creează.

În lista de primiri, faceți clic pe operația depozitului (WH/IN) și scanați codurile de bare ale produselor și numerele loturilor cu un scaner de coduri de bare. Produsul scanat apare apoi în listă. Utilizați butonul ✏️ (creion) pentru a deschide o fereastră și a introduce manual cantități pentru anumite numere de lot.


În urma plasării unei PO pentru cincizeci de mere, navigați la primirea asociată în aplicația Cod de bare.

Scanați codul de bare care conține GTIN, cantitatea și numărul lotului. Pentru testare cu un scaner de coduri de bare, mai jos este un exemplu de cod de bare pentru cele cincizeci de mere Fuji din Lot 2.

50 mere fuji în Lot0002

2D Matrice

Matrice 2D a codului de bare GS1 al celor 50 de mere fuji cu un număr de lot atribuit.

A.I. (produs)


GS1 Cod de bare (produs)


A.I. (quantity)


GS1 Barcode (quantity)


A.I. (lot)


GS1 Barcode (lot #)


Full GS1 barcode

0120611628936004 3000000050 10LOT0002

If the configuration is correct, 50/50 Units processed will be displayed and the Validate button turns green. Click the Validate button to complete the reception.

Scan the barcode for a product on the reception picking page in the *Barcode* app.

Configure barcode for product and non-unit quantity

To build a GS1 barcode that contains products measured in a non-unit quantity, like kilograms, for example, the following barcode patterns are used:


Numele regulii


Șablon cod bare

Field in Odoo


Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)



Barcode field on product form

Quantity in kilograms

Variable count of items



Units field on transfer form

Scanați codul de bare la primire

To confirm that quantities are correctly interpreted in Odoo, place an order in the Purchase app using the appropriate unit of measure (UoM) for the quantity of products to be purchased.

After the order is placed, navigate to the Barcode app to receive the vendor shipment.


On the receipt in the Barcode app, receive an order for 52.1 kg of peaches by scanning the barcode containing the GTIN and quantity of peaches in kilograms.

52.1 kg of Peaches

2D Matrice

2D matrix of GS1 barcode of 52.1 kg of peaches.

A.I. (produs)


GS1 Cod de bare (produs)


A.I. (kg, 1 decimal point)


GS1 Barcode (quantity)


Full GS1 barcode

0100614141000012 3101000521

If the configuration is correct, 52.1 / 52.1 kg will be displayed and the Validate button turns green. Finally, press Validate to complete the validation.

Scan barcode screen for a reception operation in the Barcode app.

Verify product moves

For additional verification, the quantities of received products are also recorded on the Product Moves report, accessible by navigating to Inventory app ‣ Reporting ‣ Product Moves.

The items on the Product Moves report are grouped by product by default. To confirm the received quantities, click on a product line to open its collapsible drop-down menu, which displays a list of stock move lines for the product. The latest stock move matches the warehouse reception reference number (e.g. WH/IN/00013) and quantity processed in the barcode scan, demonstrating that the records processed in the Barcode app were properly stored in Inventory.

Reception stock move record for 52.1 kg of peaches.