Posturi de muncă

In the default Recruitment dashboard view, all job positions are shown, regardless of status. Current published positions with active applicants are shown, as well as job positions that have been created but have not yet been published.

Each job position is shown in an individual kanban card. If the job position is active and candidates can apply, then a Published banner will appear in the top-right corner of the card.

View submitted applications by clicking the # Applications button, with # being the number of applications received. If a position is not published, a Start Recruitment button will appear instead.

Main dashboard view of Recruitment showing all job positions.

Creați o nouă poziție de muncă

There are two ways a job position can be created: from the main Recruitment dashboard, or from the Configuration menu.

To create a job position from the Configuration menu, go to Recruitment app ‣ Configuration ‣ Job Positions. The job positions in this view are displayed in a list.

Create a new job position from the Job Positions dashboard by clicking the Create button in the top-left corner.

Then, a Create a Job Position pop-up window will appear. From here, enter the name of the position (such as Sales Manager, Mechanical Engineer, etc.). When complete, click the Create button to save the entry, or the Discard button to delete it.

Creați o nouă poziție de muncă.

Once the job position has been created, it will appear as a card in the kanban view on the main Recruitment` dashboard, as well as in the list view on the Configuration dashboard.

Editați o nouă poziție

Once the job position is created, it’s time to enter the details for the position. Click on the ⋮ (three dots) icon in the upper-right corner of the relevant card to reveal several options, and then click Edit to edit the details.

Editați cardul de poziție.

Enter the job description in the Job Description tab. This information is what is visible to potential employees when searching for available jobs.


All the basic information about the job position is listed under the Recruitment tab. None of the fields are required, but it is a good idea to provide at least a few details, such as where the job is located.

Câmpurile pot fi completate după cum urmează:

  • Company: Select the company the job is for.

  • Website: Select the website where the job will be published.

  • Department: Select the relevant department for the job position.

  • Job Location: Select the physical address for the job.

  • Expected New Employees: Enter the number of employees to be hired for this position.

  • Is Published: Check the box to publish the job online.

  • Contract Template: Select a contract template that will be used when offering the job to a candidate.

  • Interviewers: Select who should perform the interview(s). Multiple people can be selected.

  • Interview Form: Select a form that applicants will fill out prior to their interview, or create a new form. Once selected, a Display (Name) Form button will appear next to the selected form. Click on this to see how the form will be displayed to the candidate on the front end.

The interview form will display a link to see the form as the candidate will.
  • Recruiter: Select the person who will be doing the recruiting for this role.

Introduceți detaliile despre informațiile despre post în fila de recrutare.

Creați formularul de interviu

Once a job position has been made, the Interview Form needs to be created. In the kanban view of the Recruitment dashboard, click on the ⋮ (three dots) icon in the upper-right corner of the card to reveal several options, and then click Create Interview Form.

Create an interview form for the new position.

Next the survey form loads. The Survey Title is pre-populated based on the job description. Then, select the person Responsible for the survey from the drop-down menu.


In the Questions tab, click on Add a section to add a section to the form. A line appears, and a section heading can be entered. When complete, click off the line, or press enter to lock in the new section on the form.

Introduceți detaliile despre informațiile despre post în fila de recrutare.

Next, click Add a question to add a question to the section. A pop-up window appears to enter the question details. Type out the question in the top line.

There are several Question Types to choose from:

  • Multiple choice: only one answer: a multiple choice question that only allows the candidate to select one answer

  • Multiple choice: multiple answers allowed: a multiple choice question that allows the candidate to select multiple answers

  • Multiple Lines Text Box: allows the applicant to enter several lines of text

  • Single Line Text Box: limits the applicant to only a single line of text

  • Numerical Value: only allows a number to be entered

  • Date: a calendar module is presented to select a date

  • Datetime: a calendar module and a clock icon is presented to select a date and time

  • Matrix: a customizable table that allows the candidate to choose an answer for each row

After selecting a question type, a sample question appears in gray. This represents how the question format will be displayed to applicants.

Add a new question to the interview form.

Questions and sections can be reorganized. Move them by clicking and dragging individual section headings or question lines to their desired position(s).

Sections are indicated by a gray background, while questions have a white background.

A sample of categories and questions for a candidate.

If Multiple choice: only one answer, Multiple choice: multiple answers allowed, Single Line Text Box, or Matrix is selected for the Question Type, an Answers tab appears beneath the question. If another Question Type is selected, the Answers tab remains hidden from view.

For both the Multiple choice: only one answer and Multiple choice: multiple answers allowed question types, the answers are populated in the same way.

First, in the Answers tab, click Add a line. A line appears, and an answer can be entered. After typing in the answer, click off the line, or press enter to lock in the new answer on the form and have another answer line appear.

If desired, an image can be attached to the answer. Click on a line to select it, and an Upload your file button appears on the right side. Click the Upload your file button and a file explorer window appears. Navigate to the photo file, select it, then click Open to select it.

Repeat this for all the answers to be added for the multiple choice question. The answers can be rearranged in any order. To move an answer, click on the ↕️ (Up-down arrows) on the far left of each answer line, and drag the answer to the desired position. The order the answers appear in the form is the order the answers will appear online.

To delete a line, click on the 🗑️ (trash can) icon on the far right side of the answer line.

Answers to a multiple choice question, where each line has a different answer listed.

Enter any information that may be helpful to an applicant. This description will appear for this specific question only, and therefore should be question-specific and not generalized.


To view the options that are available to set for a question, click on the Options tab. The Layout, Constraints, and Live Sessions sections are universal for all Question Types, while the Answers tab is specific to the Question Type selected, and changes based on the selection.

  • Multiple choice: only one answer and Multiple choice: multiple answers allowed: The Answers section is blank, with no choices needed to be made.

  • Multiple Lines Text Box: A Placeholder field appears. Enter any text that should appear with the question to help clarify how the applicant should answer.

  • Single Line Text Box, Numerical Value, Date, and Datetime: A Validate entry option appears. Activate this option if what the applicant enters must be verified as adhering to the parameters set in this section. When activated, several other options appear. Enter the Minimum and Maximum values in the corresponding fields. Depending on the Question Type selected, these fields may reference characters, numbers, or dates. Next, enter the text that appears when the answer given does not fit within the designated minimum and maximum parameters. Last, enter any text in the Placeholder field to provide any additional information or directions to assist the applicant.

  • Matrix: The first option that appears is Matrix Type. Select either One choice per row or Multiple choices per row using the drop-down menu.


If the question is required to be answered by the applicant, activate the box next to Mandatory Answer. An Error message field appears, with some example text in gray (This question requires an answer). Enter the message that should appear if the applicant attempts to move on to the next question without answering this required one. The text should explain that the question must be answered.


If the question should only appear if a previous question is answered in a specific way, activate the Conditional Display option. A new Triggering Question field appears. Using the drop-down menu, select the previous question this new question is linked to. Once a previous question is selected, a Triggering Answer field appears. Select the answer that must be selected in order for the new question to appear.

The next option is Show Comments Field. Activate the option if there should be a comment displayed to the applicant. If activated, a Comment Message field appears. Enter the text to appear in the Comment Message field.


To further illustrate a triggering question, the following is an example that is applicable to recruitment. The question, Do you have management experience? is already added. A new question is then added, How many years of experience?. This question should only appear if the applicant selected Yes to the question Do you have management experience?.

To properly configure this example, activate the Conditional Display option. Then, select Do you have management experience? as the Triggering Question. Then, select Yes for the triggering answer.

The layout field when properly configured for a conditional question.
Sesiuni Live

If the question is for a live session, activate the Question Time Limit option. A seconds field appears. Enter the amount of time allotted for the applicant to enter the answer, in seconds.


Next, configure the various options for the interview form. Click the Options tab to view all the options to configure, by category.

  • Pagination: Choose how the questions should be displayed.

    • One page with all the questions: Display all sections and questions at the same time.

    • One page per section: Display each section with the corresponding questions on an individual page.

    • One page per question: Display a single question on each page.

  • Question Selection: Choose which questions are presented.

    • All questions: Display the entire form, with all questions form all sections.

    • Randomized per Section: Display only a random selection of questions from each section.


Although it is a selectable option, the Randomized per section option should only be used if receiving partial information/an incomplete survey from every applicant is acceptable to the business.

Timp și scor
  • Survey Time Limit: Check this box to limit the time allowed to complete the form. When selected, a field to enter the minutes appears next to the checked box. Enter the time (using an XX:XX minute/second format) in the field.

  • Scoring: Choose how the questions should be scored.

    • No scoring: Select this option to not score the form.

    • Scoring with answers at the end: Select this option to score the form and display the correct answers for the candidate when they are finished with the form.

    • Scoring without answers at the end: Select this option to score the form but not display the answers to the candidate.

  • Required Score (%): If one of the scoring options was selected, a Required Score (%) field appears. Enter the percentage the candidate needs to pass the exam (example, 80.00%). The entry should be written in an “XX.XX” format.

  • Is a Certification: Check this box if the form is a certification exam. When checked, a drop-down menu appears next to the checkbox. Select one of the default formats for the PDF certificate that will be sent to the candidate after completing the certification exam. Click the Preview button to view an example of the PDF certificate.

  • Certified Email Template: If the Is a Certification box is checked, a Certified Email Template appears. Select the email template from the drop-down menu that is to be used when the applicant passes the test. Click the External Link icon to the right of the email template to preview the email.

  • Access Mode: Specify who can access the exam. Either Anyone with the link or Invited people only.

  • Require Login: Check this box to require candidates to log in before taking the exam, whether they have a valid token or not.

  • Limit Attempts: If there is a limit to how many times the exam can be taken, check this box, then enter the maximum attempt number in the field next to it.

Sesiune Live
  • Session Code: Enter the access code that will allow the viewers into the live exam session.

  • Reward quick answers: If the exam is to be taken live, check this box to award more points to participants who answer quickly.

After all fields have been entered, click the Save button to save the changes, or click Discard to delete the changes.

Various options to configure for the interview form.


When the applicant begins the survey, the text entered in this tab appears at the top of the survey page. Enter any information or descriptions that would be helpful to the applicant.

Finalizare Mesaj

Once the survey is complete the message entered in this tab is displayed for the applicant.