Integrarea Avatax

Avatax este un furnizor de calcul de taxe care poate fi integrat în Odoo.

Configurarea acreditărilor

Pentru integrarea Avatax cu Odoo, accesați Contabilitate ‣ Configurare ‣ Setări ‣ Taxe și adăugați acreditările Avatax in secțiunea Avatax.


If you do not yet have credentials, click on How to Get Credentials.

Configure Avatax settings

Tax mapping

The Avatax integration is available on Sale Orders and Invoices with the included Avatax fiscal position.

Before using the integration, specify an Avatax Category on the product categories.

Specify Avatax Category on products

Avatax Categories may be overridden or set on individual products as well.

Override product categories as needed

Address validation

Manually validate customer addresses by clicking the Validate address link in the customer form view.

Validate customer addresses

If preferred, choose to keep the newly validated address or the original address in the wizard that pops up.

Address validation wizard

Tax calculation

Automatically calculate taxes on Odoo quotations and invoices with Avatax by confirming the documents. Alternatively, calculate the taxes manually by clicking the Compute taxes using Avatax button while these documents are in draft mode.

Use the Avalara Code field that’s available on customers, quotations, and invoices to cross-reference data in Odoo and Avatax.