Developer Mode (debug mode)

De ontwikkelaarsmodus (of debug-modus) geeft je toegang tot extra en geavanceerde tools.

Activate through the Settings

Ga naar Instellingen ‣ Activeer de ontwikkelaars mode.

Overview of the debug options under settings in Odoo


Activate the developer mode (with assets) is used by developers; Activate the developer mode (with tests assets) is used by developers and testers.

Eenmaal geactiveerd, wordt de optie Deactiveer de ontwikkelaars mode beschikbaar.

Activate through a browser extension

Go to the settings and extensions of your web browser, and search for Odoo Debug. Once the extension is installed, a new icon will be shown on your toolbar.
For the Odoo Debug extension, a single click enables a normal version of the mode, while a double click enables it with assets. To deactivate it, use a single click.
View of odoo’s debug icon in a chrome’s toolbar

Activate through the URL

Voeg In de URL ?debug=1 of ?debug=true toe na web.

Overview of an url with the debug mode command added in Odoo


Ontwikkelaars: type ?debug=assets en activeer de modus met assets.

Zoek de modushulpmiddelen

De tools in de ontwikkelaarsmodus zijn toegankelijk via de knop Open Developer Tools, die zich in de kop van uw pagina’s bevindt.

Overview of a console page and the debug icon being shown in Odoo