
当潜在客户/商机从一个阶段到另一个阶段,从发起到销售(赢得)或存档(丢失)时,CRM 应用程序会对销售管道进行管理。


要访问 管道分析 页面,请访问 CRM 应用程序 ‣ 报告 ‣ 管道

打开 CRM 应用程序,点击顶部的报告选项卡,然后点击管道。


guilabel:管道分析 页面可通过各种筛选器和分组选项进行自定义。

要添加新的搜索条件,请在搜索栏中键入所需的条件,或单击搜索栏旁边的 ⬇️(向下箭头) 图标,打开包含所有选项的下拉菜单。有关每个选项作用的更多信息,请参阅以下章节。


通过 筛选 部分,用户可以在搜索条件中添加预制和自定义筛选器。一次搜索可添加多个筛选器。

  • 我的管道:显示分配给当前用户的潜在客户。

  • 商机: 显示符合机会条件的潜在客户。

  • 潜在客户: 显示尚未被确认为商机的潜在客户。

  • Active: 显示活跃潜在客户。

  • 不活跃:显示不活跃的潜在客户。

  • 赢得:显示已标记为**赢得**的潜在客户。

  • 丢失:显示已标记为**丢失**的潜在客户。

  • Created On: show leads that were created during a specific period of time. By default, this is the past year, but it can be adjusted as needed, or removed entirely.

  • Expected Closing: show leads that are expected to close (marked Won) during a specific period of time.

  • Date Closed: show leads that were closed (marked Won) during a specific period of time.

  • Archived: show leads that have been archived (marked Lost).

  • Add Custom Filter: allows the user to create a custom filter with numerous options. (See Add Custom Filters and Groups for more information)

Add custom filters and groups

除了搜索栏中的预制选项外,管道分析 页面还可以使用自定义筛选器和分组。



  1. 管道分析 页面上,单击 搜索… 栏旁边的 向下箭头 图标。

  2. 在下拉菜单中,单击 添加自定义筛选器

  3. 在弹出的 添加自定义筛选器 窗口中会出现一个默认规则(国家/地区位于 _____),该规则由三个唯一字段组成。可以对这些字段进行编辑,以制定自定义规则,还可以在单个自定义筛选器中添加多个规则。

  4. 要编辑一条规则,首先点击第一个字段(国家/地区),然后从下拉菜单中选择一个选项。第一个字段决定了规则的主要主题。

  5. 接下来,点击第二个字段,从下拉菜单中选择一个选项。第二个字段决定了第一个字段和第三个字段的关系,通常是**是**或**不是**语句,但也可以是**大于或小于**语句等。

  6. 最后,单击第三个字段,从下拉菜单中选择一个选项。第三个字段决定了规则的次要主题。

  7. With all three fields selected, the rule is complete.

    • To add more rules: click New Rule and repeat steps 4-7, as needed.

    • To delete a rule: click the 🗑️ (trash) icon to the right of the rule.

    • To duplicate an existing rule: click the ➕ (plus sign) icon to the right of the rule.

    • 要创建更复杂的规则: 点击规则右侧的 添加分支 图标。这会在规则下方添加另一个修改器,用于添加 “所有” 或 “任何” 语句。

The add branch feature allows the creation of more complex all or any statements for rules.
  1. Once all rules have been added, click Add to add the custom filter to the search criteria.

    • To remove a custom filter: click the ✖️ (x) icon beside the filter in the search bar.

To add a custom group:

  1. On the Pipeline Analysis page, click the down arrow icon next to the search bar.

  2. In the drop-down menu that appears, click Add Custom Group.

  3. Scroll through the options in the drop-down menu, and select one or more groups.

    • To remove a custom group: click the ✖️ (x) icon beside the custom group in the search bar.

Measurement options


要更改选定的测量值,请单击页面左上角的 衡量标准 按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择以下选项之一:

  • Days to Assign: measures the number of days it took a lead to be assigned after creation.

  • Days to Close: measures the number of days it took a lead to be closed (marked Won).

  • Days to Convert: measures the number of days it took a lead to be converted to an opportunity.

  • Exceeded Closing Days: measures the number of days by which a lead exceeded its Expected Closing date.

  • Expected MRR: measures the Expected Recurring Revenue of a lead.

  • Expected Revenue: measures the Expected Revenue of a lead.

  • Prorated MRR: measures the Prorated Monthly Recurring Revenue of a lead.

  • Prorated Recurring Revenues: measures the Prorated Recurring Revenues of a lead.

  • Prorated Revenue: measures the Prorated Revenue of a lead.

  • Recurring Revenues: measures the Recurring Revenue of a lead.

  • Count: measures the total amount of leads that match the search criteria.



要将管道更改为不同视图,请单击位于 管道分析 页面右上方的四个视图图标之一。

图表视图是 管道分析 页面的默认选项。它以条形图、折线图或饼状图显示分析结果。

该视图选项适用于快速可视化和比较简单关系,如每个阶段的 计数 潜在客户数量,或分配给每个 销售人员 的潜在客户数量。

默认情况下,图表会衡量每个组中的 计数 潜在客户数量,但可以通过点击 衡量标准 按钮并从下拉菜单中选择另一个选项 <win_loss/measure>` 来更改。



在此视图中使用条形图时,请考虑取消选择 堆叠 选项,以便使结果细目更清晰。


在了解如何 浏览管道分析页面 之后,就可以使用 管道分析 页面创建和共享不同的报告。在预设选项和自定义筛选器及分组之间,几乎可以实现任何组合。

创建报告后,可以 :ref:` 保存到收藏夹、与其他用户共享和/或添加到仪表板和电子表格 <win_loss/save_repheets>` 中。

使用 管道分析 页面创建的几种常见报告详述如下。


“赢得/丢失” 是对销售渠道中,活跃或以前活跃的潜在客户进行计算的结果,这些潜在客户在特定时间段内被标记为 赢得**或**丢失。通过计算赢得和丢失的商机,团队可以明确将潜在客户转化为销售额的关键绩效指标(KPI),如特定团队或团队成员、某些营销媒介或营销活动等。

\[\begin{equation} Win/Loss Ratio = \frac{Opportunities Won}{Opportunities Lost} \end{equation}\]

赢得/丢失报告会筛选过去一年的潜在客户,无论赢得还是丢失,按潜在客户在管道中的阶段对结果进行分组。创建此报告需要自定义筛选器,并按 阶段 对结果进行分组。

The search criteria for win/loss reports is Created On, Stage, and Active is in true false.

Follow the steps below to create a win/loss report:

  1. Navigate to CRM app ‣ Reporting ‣ Pipeline.

  2. 管道分析 页面上,单击搜索栏旁边的 ⬇️ (向下箭头) 图标,打开筛选器和分组的下拉菜单。

  3. In drop-down menu that appears, under the Group By heading, click Stage.

  4. Under the Filters heading, click Add Custom Filter to open another pop-up menu.

  5. 添加自定义筛选器 弹出菜单中,单击 符合以下任一规则: 部分中的第一个字段。默认情况下,此字段显示 国家/地区

  6. 点击第一个字段后会出现一个子菜单,其中有许多选项可供选择。从子菜单中找到并选择 激活 选项。这样就会自动填充其余字段。

    The first field reads: Active. The second field reads: is. And lastly, the third field reads: set.

    In total, the rule reads: Active is set.

  7. Click New Rule, change the first field to Active, and the last field to not set. In total, the rule reads Active is not set.

  8. Click Add.

The Add Custom Filter menu showing two rules: (1) Active is set, and (2) Active is not set.

The report now displays the total Count of leads, whether “Won” or “Lost,” grouped by their stage in the CRM pipeline. Hover over a section of the report to see the number of leads in that stage.

A basic win/loss report showing all leads whether won or lost grouped by stage.

Customize win/loss reports

After creating a win/loss report, consider using the options below to customize the report for different needs.


A sales manager might group wins and losses by salesperson, or sales team, to see who has the best conversion rate. Or, a marketing team might group by sources, or medium, to determine where their advertising has been most successful.

To add more filters and groups, click the ⬇️ (down arrow) icon, next to the search bar, and select one or more options from the drop-down menu.

Some useful options include:

  • Created on: adjusting this filter to a different period of time, such as the last 30 days, or the last quarter, can provide more timely results.

  • 添加自定义筛选器:单击此选项,并在下拉菜单的众多选项中滚动,可打开其他搜索条件,如 最后阶段更新丢失原因

  • 点击 添加自定义群组 > 活跃: 点击 添加自定义群组 ‣ 活跃 将结果分为 赢得**(:guilabel:`真`)或 **丢失**(:guilabel:`假`)。这显示了潜在客户在哪个阶段被标记为**赢得**或**丢失

  • Multiple Groupings: add multiple Group By selections to split results into more relevant and manageable chunks.

    • Adding Salesperson or Sales Team breaks up the total count of leads in each Stage.

    • Adding Medium or Source can reveal what marketing avenues generate more sales.

The Search menu open and the Won and Lost filters highlighted.

Save and share reports

After creating a report, the search criteria can be saved, so the report does not need to be created again in the future. Saved searches automatically update their results every time the report is opened.

Additionally, reports can be shared with others, or added to spreadsheets/dashboards for greater customization and easier access.

To save a report for later:

  1. On the Pipeline Analysis page, click the ⬇️ (down arrow) icon, next to the search bar.

  2. In the drop-down menu that appears, under the Favorites heading, click Save current search.

  3. In the next drop-down menu that appears, enter a name for the report.

    • Checking the Default filter box sets this report as the default analysis when the Pipeline Analysis page is accessed.

    • Checking the Shared box makes this report available to other users.

  4. Finally, click Save. The report is now saved under the Favorites heading.

Under the Favorites heading, click Save current search and save the report for later.