Linking existing listings

Once the eBay account is linked existing listings from within the eBay seller account need to be added manually to the Odoo product listings.

The process will be as follows: - Turn off eBay scheduled actions - Add products and link listings - Turn on eBay scheduled actions


To learn more about the eBay connector visit these pages as well:

Turn off eBay scheduled actions

To start linking existing listings in eBay, first turn off the eBay notifications in the scheduled actions in Odoo. The reason for this is so that no orders or eBay data syncs during this process. The Scheduled Actions can be accessed by first activating developer mode. After doing so, go to Settings ‣ Technical ‣ Automation ‣ Scheduled Actions.


开发者模式(调试模式) must be activated to ensure the technical menu appears for the user.

Disabling scheduled actions enables users to sync and validate eBay data before receiving orders. The following are descriptions of scheduled actions that need to be temporarily deactivated:

  • eBay: get new orders: eBay pushes new orders not already in Odoo (based on client_order_reference, or sales order reference field). This command also updates existing orders, where changes we made in eBay. New and updated orders are then placed in draft mode. Customers will be created if they are not already in Odoo.

  • eBay: synchronize stock: eBay displays Odoo’s stock on hand.

  • eBay: update categories: eBay will push updated monthly categories (only up to fourth layer; a manual update required for the rest).

To toggle off the eBay notification, select the entry from the Scheduled Actions list. Then, on the page, click the Active toggle button to turn it off.

Sync eBay categories

To ensure that Odoo’s eBay products have all the categories available on eBay, the eBay categories should be synced to Odoo next.

Navigate to Settings ‣ Technical ‣ Automation ‣ Scheduled Actions. Click into the scheduled action labeled: Ebay: update categories and then click Run Manually.


Odoo only recognizes eBay category paths up to four layers deep. If a product has a listing of more than four, the category field will only populate up to the fourth layer.

If product categories beyond four paths are required, users need to manually add those paths. This has historically been done by getting a list of all product categories beyond 4 paths, manually importing them into the Product Category model in Odoo, then linking them individually to the product.

Users can import the remaining product categories into the eBay product categories manually using using the Action menu and Import feature.

打开 eBay 计划操作

下一步是在 Odoo 预定操作中打开 eBay 通知,以便交换订单和数据。首先激活:ref:开发者模式<developer-mode>,然后进入:menuselection:设置 --> 技术 --> 自动化 --> 计划操作,即可访问:guilabel:计划操作

打开以下计划操作允许用户自动同步和验证 eBay 数据。

  • eBay: get new orders: eBay will push all new orders not already in Odoo (based on client_order_reference, or sales order reference field), and will update orders if there has been a change from eBay. Orders will be put in draft mode. Customers will be created if they are not already in Odoo.

  • eBay: synchronize stock: eBay will display the stock on hand in Odoo.

  • eBay: update categories: eBay will push updated monthly categories (only up to fourth layer, will need to manually update the rest).


If an order comes in and the listing from the order is not linked to a product, eBay will create a consumable product.product in its place. These consumables should be altered on the Sales Order while in draft state to represent a storable product, and then the user can link to the listing as they come in.