


以下部分详细介绍了如何使用 Odoo 来实施最常见的持续改进战略所共有的四个步骤,并提供了有关配置必要功能的文档链接。最后一节详细介绍了一家特定公司,如何在其组织内配置这些 Odoo 实施方案。

  1. 发现问题

  2. Suggest improvements

  3. Implement strategies

  4. Review actions



这并不是一种限制,反而是一种优势,因为能灵活适应任何使用情况。Odoo 尤其能很好地适应这种灵活性,可以根据所有工作流程的需要进行配置。

因此,请务必牢记以下内容仅提供了*如何使用* Odoo 的 示例。它们应被视为一个参考点,而不是每个组织都必须遵循的具体规划。


在开始改进之前,有必要确定需要改进的地方。这就是识别问题的作用所在。在识别产品或流程问题方面,服务台品控 是两个最佳 Odoo 应用程序。


服务台 应用程序可用于接收来自组织外部的反馈,如来自客户或顾客的反馈。这可以通过实施 接收工单 方法中的一种(或多种)来实现,包括电子邮件别名、实时聊天对话和网站表单。

使用这些方法,客户可以提交有关问题的反馈,然后由 服务台团队 的成员进行审查。根据审查结果,团队成员可能决定采取进一步行动,以确保问题得到解决。这可能包括创建 质量警报


品控 应用程序可用于接收来自组织*内部*的反馈,如员工的反馈。

实现这一目标的方法之一是设置 质量控制点 (QCP)。QCP 用于定期自动创建质量检查,提示员工检查并确认产品质量。

如果发现问题,员工可以创建 质量警报 通知质量团队。质量警报也可独立于 QCP 而创建,以防员工发现问题而未被提示检查。对于客户支持员工来说,这是一种很好的方式,可以通过客户工单通知质量团队,提醒注意问题。

Suggest improvements

Once a problem is identified, the next step is to put forward ideas for how to address the problem. As with identifying problems, the Quality app is also useful for suggesting improvements. In addition, the PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) app can be used for this purpose, as well.


When creating a quality alert to bring an issue to the attention of a quality team, the Corrective Actions and Preventive Actions tabs can be used to provide feedback about how the issue can be addressed.

The Corrective Actions tab is used to suggest a method for fixing items affected by the issue. For example, Screw the bolts on tighter, so the seat stays in place.

The Preventive Actions tab is used to suggest a method for preventing the issue from occurring in the future. For example, Do not tighten the screws too much, or they will be stripped.

The quality team that reviews the alert sees these suggested actions, and can take them into account when deciding how to address the issue.


The PLM app is used to manage the lifecycle of a product from its introduction through each successive version. As such, it is useful for testing ideas for product improvements.

Using engineering change orders, product management teams can create new iterations of product BoMs, adding or removing specific components or operations, as needed. The products created using these BoMs are put through a review process to confirm the effectiveness of the changes.

Implement strategies

Implementing strategies involves putting the proposed solutions from the suggest improvements step into action. The PLM app continues to be useful during this step, as it can be configured to make BoM updates. The Field Service app can also be used by certain companies to make improvements to products that have already been sold to customers.


Once BoM changes have gone through the proper review process, they can be approved, and the updated BoM put into use. This is accomplished by configuring one of the ECO review stages to apply the changes made to the BoM, at which point the updated BoM becomes available for new MOs.

Product BoMs can continue to be updated, as needed. The version control features of the PLM app allow for easy management of all versions of a given BoM.


The PLM app is a great way to make changes to product BoMs. However, these changes only affect products produced using the new BoM. If a defective product has already been sold to a customer, it may be necessary to repair (or update) that product.

In such a case, the Field Service app can be used to schedule onsite interventions. These interventions allow service technicians (or other employees) to be sent to a customer’s location to address an issue with a product.

Review actions

Reviewing actions is where the “continuous” part of continuous improvement comes into play, as it allows an organization to evaluate the decisions made in the previous steps. As such, this step is, essentially, returning to the beginning of the process, so that additional problems can be identified and addressed.

这意味着应再次使用 服务台 和*品控*应用程序来接收客户和员工的反馈意见。另一个在此阶段可能有用的应用程序是*调查*应用程序。



实现这一目标的最佳方法之一是通过 调查 应用程序。创建一份调查问卷,并将其发送给收到更新产品的客户,这样就更有可能收到关于产品的相关反馈。


Wood Hut 是一家精细木制品制造商,致力于生产最高质量的产品,并一直在寻找改进所售产品及其生产工艺的方法。

Wood Hut 利用 Odoo 平台管理生产、履约和客户满意度的各个环节,开发了一套定制的产品改进流程,结合了客服、质量管理、产品生命周期管理和制造等应用。

Wood Hut 最受欢迎的产品之一是 衣架。它完全由橡木制成,顾客形容它 “时尚而优雅”。然而,最近顾客对衣帽架的反馈引起了人们对质量问题的关注,因此有必要修改目前的生产工艺。

当客户服务团队在服务台应用程序中收到客户对其购买的衣帽架提出的问题时,产品修改工作流程就开始了。一位名叫Abigail Peterson 的客户发现,当衣帽架上挂的外套超过五件时,衣帽架就会倾倒。这是一个大问题,因为衣帽架有六个挂钩。


被指派处理服务台工单的客户服务员工 Marc 打开品控应用程序,创建了一个新的质量警报。他标记了*生产质量团队*,并指定 Julie Andreson 为负责该警报的品控员工。

Julie 查看了警报,并与她的团队商讨最佳行动方案。他们决定有必要修改产品的 BoM 以防止将来出现问题。Julie 在质量警报的 纠正措施 选项卡中记录了这一点。


然后,Julie 在质量警报的沟通栏中给产品工程师 Joe Kazan 发消息,提请他注意该问题。Joe 打开 PLM 应用程序,创建了一个新的工程变更指令 ECO,指出了衣帽架的问题,并建议有必要更改产品的 BoM

已创建 ECO,以便更新衣帽架产品的 BoM 。

Joe clicks Start Revision, and then the Revision smart button to open version two of the coat rack’s BoM. This BoM was created alongside the ECO, and remains archived until it is approved.

After some testing, Joe discovers that adding a metal support rod to the coat rack strengthens it, allowing the rack to hold six or more coats without falling over. He updates the BoM to include the support rod as one of the components, and adds an extra operation to make sure it is installed during the manufacturing process. Finally, he leaves a message in the chatter of the ECO, letting his manager, Jose, know that it is ready for review.

The coat rack BoM, updated to add an extra component and operation.

Jose reviews the changes, and confirms they are an effective method for addressing the problem with the coat rack. He moves the ECO to the Approved stage, which makes version two of the coat rack BoM the current version.

Now, each time an MO is created to produce a coat rack, the updated BoM is automatically selected. Wood Hut begins producing the improved coat rack, and customer feedback confirms that the new version has addressed the problem with its predecessor.

Using the Odoo platform, Wood Hut has implemented an end-to-end product improvement process. Since the essential elements of this process (customer feedback, quality control, etc.) are always functioning, it can be reused to continuously update products and processes.