Re-invoice expenses

If expenses are tracked on customer projects, they can be automatically charged back to the customer. This is done by creating an expense, referencing the sales order the expense is added to, and then creating an expense report.

Next, managers approve the expense report, before the accounting department posts the journal entries.

Finally, once the expense report is posted to a journal, the expenses appears on the specified SO. The SO is then invoiced, thus charging the customer for the expenses.


Approving expenses, posting expenses to accounting, and reinvoicing expenses on SOs is only possible for users with the appropriate access rights.


This document provides lower-level instructions for the creation, submission, approval, and posting of expenses. For fully-detailed instructions for any of these steps, refer to the following documentation:


First, specify the invoicing policy for each expense category. Navigate to Expenses app ‣ Configuration ‣ Expense Categories. Click on an expense category to view the expense category form. Under the INVOICING section, click the radio button next to the desired selection for Re-Invoice Expenses:

  • No: The expense category cannot be re-invoiced.

  • At cost: The expense category invoices expenses at the cost set on the expense category form.

  • Sales price: The expense category invoices at the sales price set on the expense form.

Create an expense

首先,当 创建新费用 时,需要输入正确的信息,以便向客户重新开具费用发票。使用下拉菜单,在 客户重新开发票 字段中选择要添加费用的 SO(销售订单)

下一步,选择费用过账到的 分析分配 账户。如果需要,可以选择多个账户。

要添加另一个 分析分配,请点击行以显示 分析 弹出窗口。点击 添加行,然后从下拉菜单中选择所需的 分析分配。如果选择多个 分析分配 字段,则必须修改 百分比 字段。默认情况下,这两个字段都填充为 100%。调整所有字段的百分比,使所有选定账户的总和等于 100%



两家公司都同意支付油漆公司员工的差旅费。在创建里程和酒店费用时,两家公司 都列在 分析分配 一行,各占 50%。


创建费用后,必须以与所有其他支出相同的方式 创建提交 创建支出报告。

提交费用报告后,费用报告的顶部中心会出现一个 销售订单 智能按钮,并且每个单独的费用记录都会重新开具发票。



Selecting the proper SO in the Customer to Reinvoice field is critical, since this is how expenses are automatically invoiced after an expense report is approved.

The Customer to Reinvoice field can be modified only until an expense report is approved. After an expense report is approved, the Customer to Reinvoice field is no longer able to be modified.

Approve and post expenses

Before approving an expense report, ensure the Analytic Distribution section is populated for every expense line.

If an Analytic Distribution entry is missing, assign the correct accounts from the drop-down menu, then click Approve.

The expense report with all the Analytic Distribution lines populated.


The Approve button only appears after an expense report has been submitted.

The accounting department is typically responsible for posting journal entries. To post expenses to an accounting journal, click Post Journal Entries. Once an expense report is approved, it can then be posted.

The SO is only updated after the journal entries are posted. Once the journal entries are posted, the expenses now appear on the referenced SO.


After the expense report has been approved, and the journal entries have been posted, the SO is updated, and the customer can be invoiced.

Select the expense report, and click the Sales Orders smart button to open the SO. The expenses to be re-invoiced now appear on the SO.


More than one SO can be referenced on an expense report. If more than one SO is referenced, clicking the Sales Orders smart button opens a list displaying all the SOs associated with that expense report. Click on a SO to open the individual SO details.

The expenses are listed in the SO Order Lines tab.

See the expenses listed on the sales order after clicking into it.

Next, click Create Invoice, and a Create invoices pop-up window appears. Select if the invoice is a Regular invoice, a Down payment (percentage), or a Down payment (fixed amount). Then, click Create Draft Invoice. Doing so creates a draft invoice for the customer. Click Confirm to confirm the invoice, and the customer is invoiced for the expenses.