Consignment: buy and sell stock without owning it


Consignment is a useful method for suppliers to launch new products, and easily deliver to their customers. It’s also a great way for the company storing the products (the consignee) to earn something back for their efforts. Consignees can even charge a fee for the convenience of storing products they don’t actually own.

Enable the consignment setting

要接收、存储和销售寄售库存,需要在设置中启用该功能。执行此操作,请进入 库存‣配置‣设置,在 可追踪性 部分,选中 寄售 旁边的复选框,然后单击 保存 完成。



在 Odoo 中启用该功能后,现在可以将寄售库存接收到仓库中。从主 库存 仪表板中,单击进入 收据 部分。然后,单击:guilabel:创建



Choose a vendor to enter in the Receive From field, and then choose the same vendor to enter in the Assign Owner field.


由于从供应商处收到的产品将归同一供应商所有,因此 收货来自指定所有者 字段必须匹配。

设置供应商相关字段后,在 产品 行中输入产品,并在 已完成 列中设置仓库接收的数量。如果启用了 计量单位 功能,还可以更改 : abbr:UoM(计量单位)。收到所有寄售存货后,验证 收据。

Matching vendor fields in consignment Receipt creation.

Sell and deliver consignment stock

Once consignment stock has been received into the warehouse, it can be sold the same as any other in-stock product that has the Can Be Sold option enabled on the product form.

To create a sales order, navigate to the Sales app, and from the Quotations overview, click Create. Next, choose a customer to enter into the Customer field.


The Customer must be different from the Vendor that supplied the consignment stock received (and stored) in the warehouse.

Add the consignment product under the Product column in the order lines, set the Quantity, and fill out any other pertinent product details on the form. Once the quotation is complete, click Confirm.

Sales order of consignment stock.

Once the RFQ has been confirmed, it will become a sales order. From here, the products can be delivered by clicking on the Delivery smart button, and selecting Validate to validate the delivery.

Traceability and reporting of consignment stock

Although consignment stock is owned by the vendor who supplied it, and not by the company storing it in their warehouse, consignment products will still appear in certain inventory reports.

To find inventory reports, go to Inventory ‣ Reporting, and choose a report to view.


Since the consignee does not actually own consigment stock, these products are not reflected in the Stock Valuation report, and have no impact on the consignee’s inventory valuation.

Product moves report

要查看手头库存移动的所有信息,请通过 库存 ‣ 报告 ‣ 产品移动 进入 产品移动 面板。对于寄售产品,该报告中的信息与其他产品相同:可查看其产品移动的历史记录;可查看 已完成数量参考资料 文档;还可查看其 位置。寄售库存将来自 :guilabel:` 合作伙伴位置/供应商`。


To view a consignment product’s moves by ownership, select the Group By filter, choose the Add Custom Group parameter, and then select From Owner, and Apply to finish.

Consignment stock moves history.


To see forecasted units of consignment stock, go to Inventory ‣ Reporting ‣ Forecasted Inventory.

Stock on hand report

View the Stock On Hand dashboard by navigating to Inventory ‣ Reporting ‣ Inventory Report. From this report, the Locations of all stock on-hand are displayed, in addition to the quantities per location. For consigment products, the Owner column will be populated with the owner of those products, or the original vendor who supplied the products in the first place.