
Add PayNow QR codes to invoices

PayNow is a payment service platform that allows customers to make instant domestic payments to individuals and merchants in Singapore dollars via online and mobile banking.


进入 会计 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置。在 客户付款 部分,激活 二维码 功能。

PayNow bank account configuration

Go to Contacts ‣ Configuration ‣ Bank Accounts and select the bank account for which you want to activate PayNow. Set the Proxy Type and fill in the Proxy Value field depending on the type you chose.


  • The account holder’s country must be set to Singapore on its contact form.

  • The account holder’s city is mandatory.

  • 您还可以选中 附带参考 复选框,将发票号码纳入二维码中。

PayNow bank account configuration


进入 会计 ‣ 配置 ‣ 日记账,打开银行日记账,然后在 日记账分录 标签下填写 账号银行


Issue invoices with PayNow QR codes

创建新发票时,打开 其他信息 标签,将 付款二维码 选项设置为 EMV 商户出示二维码

选择 EMV 商户出示二维码选项

确保 收款银行 由您配置,因为 Odoo 使用此字段生成 PayNow QR 二维码。