
Il existe plusieurs façons d’installer Odoo, ou de ne pas l’installer du tout, selon le cas d’utilisation prévu.

Ce document tente de décrire la plupart des options d’installation.

En ligne

Le moyen le plus simple d’utiliser Odoo en production ou de l’essayer.


Convient pour tester Odoo, développer des modules et peut être utilisé pour une utilisation de production à long terme avec des travaux de déploiement et de maintenance supplémentaires.

Source Install

Offre une plus grande flexibilité : par exemple, permet de faire tourner plusieurs versions d’Odoo sur le même système. Bon pour le développement de modules, peut être utilisé comme base pour le déploiement en production.


Si vous utilisez habituellement docker pour le développement ou le déploiement, une image de base docker officielle est disponible.


Il existe deux éditions différentes d’Odoo : les versions Community et Enterprise. L’utilisation de la version Enterprise est possible sur notre SaaS et l’accès au code est limité aux clients et partenaires Enterprise. La version Community est librement accessible à tous.

Si vous utilisez déjà la version Community et que vous souhaitez passer à la version Enterprise, veuillez vous référer à Upgrade Community to Enterprise (sauf pour Source Install).

En ligne


Pour se faire une idée rapide d’Odoo, des instances de démonstration sont disponibles. Il s’agit d’instances partagées qui ne vivent que quelques heures, et peuvent être utilisées pour naviguer et faire des tests sans engagement.

Les instances Demo ne nécessitent aucune installation locale, juste un navigateur web.


Facile à utiliser, entièrement géré et migré par Odoo S.A., le SaaS d’Odoo fournit des instances privées et est gratuit au départ. Il peut être utilisé pour découvrir et tester Odoo et faire des personnalisations non codées (c’est-à-dire incompatibles avec les modules personnalisés ou le Odoo Apps Store) sans avoir à l’installer localement.

Peut être utilisé aussi bien pour tester Odoo que pour une utilisation en production à long terme.

Comme les instances demo, les instances SaaS ne nécessitent aucune installation locale, un navigateur web suffit.


Odoo fournit des installeurs pour Windows, les distributions basées sur deb (Debian, Ubuntu, …) et les distributions basées sur RPM (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, …) pour les versions Community et Enterprise.

Ces package configurent automatiquement toutes les dépendances (pour la version communautaire), mais peuvent être difficiles à maintenir à jour.

Les packages Community officiels avec toutes les dépendances requises sont disponibles sur notre serveur nightly. Les packages Community et Enterprise peuvent être téléchargés depuis notre page de téléchargement (vous devez être connecté en tant que client ou partenaire payant pour télécharger les packages Enterprise).


  1. Téléchargez l’installeur depuis notre serveur nightly (Community uniquement) ou l’installeur Windows depuis la page de téléchargement (toute édition).

  2. Exécutez le fichier téléchargé.


    Sur Windows 8 et les versions ultérieures, vous pouvez voir un avertissement intitulé « Windows a protégé votre PC ».
    Click on More Info and then on Run anyway.
  3. Accept the UAC prompt.

  4. Passez par les différentes étapes de l’installation.

Odoo sera automatiquement lancé à la fin de l’installation.



Odoo 13.0 “deb” package currently supports Debian Buster, Ubuntu 18.04 or above.


Odoo a besoin d’un serveur PostgreSQL pour fonctionner correctement. La configuration par défaut pour le package “deb” de Odoo est d’utiliser le serveur PostgreSQL sur le même hôte que votre instance Odoo. Exécutez la commande suivante afin d’installer le serveur PostgreSQL.

$ sudo apt install postgresql -y


wkhtmltopdf is not installed through pip and must be installed manually in version 0.12.5 for it to support headers and footers. See our wiki for more details on the various versions.


Odoo S.A. provides a repository that can be used with Debian and Ubuntu distributions. It can be used to install Odoo Community Edition by executing the following commands as root:

# wget -O - | apt-key add -
# echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odoo.list
# apt-get update && apt-get install odoo

You can then use the usual apt-get upgrade command to keep your installation up-to-date.

At this moment, there is no nightly repository for the Enterprise Edition.

Deb Package

Instead of using the repository as described above, the “deb” packages for both the Community and Enterprise editions can be downloaded from the official download page.

Next, execute the following commands as root:

# dpkg -i <path_to_installation_package> # this probably fails with missing dependencies
# apt-get install -f # should install the missing dependencies
# dpkg -i <path_to_installation_package>

Ceci installera Odoo comme un service, créera l’utilisateur PostgreSQL nécessaire et démarrera automatiquement le serveur.


The python3-xlwt Debian package does not exists in Debian Buster nor Ubuntu 18.04. This python module is needed to export into xls format.

Si vous avez besoin de cette fonctionnalité, vous pouvez l’installer manuellement avec :

$ sudo pip3 install xlwt


The num2words python package does not exists in Debian Buster nor Ubuntu 18.04. Textual amounts will not be rendered by Odoo and this could cause problems with the l10n_mx_edi module.

Si vous avez besoin de cette fonctionnalité, vous pouvez l’installer manuellement avec :

$ sudo pip3 install num2words


Odoo 13.0 “rpm” package supports Fedora 30.


Odoo needs a PostgreSQL server to run properly. Make sure that the sudo command is available and well configured and, only then, execute the following command in order to install the PostgreSQL server:

$ sudo dnf install -y postgresql-server
$ sudo postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql
$ sudo systemctl enable postgresql
$ sudo systemctl start postgresql


wkhtmltopdf is not installed through pip and must be installed manually in version 0.12.5 for it to support headers and footers. See our wiki for more details on the various versions.


Odoo S.A. provides a repository that can be used with the Fedora distributions. It can be used to install Odoo Community Edition by executing the following commands:

$ sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=
$ sudo dnf install -y odoo
$ sudo systemctl enable odoo
$ sudo systemctl start odoo
Package RPM

Instead of using the repository as described above, the “rpm” packages for both the Community and Enterprise editions can be downloaded from the official download page.

Once downloaded, the package can be installed using the “dnf” package manager:

$ sudo dnf localinstall odoo_13.0.latest.noarch.rpm
$ sudo systemctl enable odoo
$ sudo systemctl start odoo

Source Install

The source « installation » is really about not installing Odoo, and running it directly from source instead.

This can be more convenient for module developers as the Odoo source is more easily accessible than using packaged installation (for information or to build this documentation and have it available offline).

It also makes starting and stopping Odoo more flexible and explicit than the services set up by the packaged installations, and allows overriding settings using command-line parameters without needing to edit a configuration file.

Enfin, il offre un meilleur contrôle sur la configuration du système et permet de conserver (et de faire fonctionner) plus facilement plusieurs versions d’Odoo côte à côte.


Fetch the sources

Il y a deux façons d’obtenir le code source d’Odoo : sous forme d’une archive zip ou par git.


Edition Community :

Édition Enterprise :


The following requires git to be installed on your machine and that you have basic knowledge of git commands.

Edition Community :

C:\> git clone

Enterprise Edition: (see Éditions to get access)

C:\> git clone


The Enterprise git repository does not contain the full Odoo source code. It is only a collection of extra add-ons. The main server code is in the Community version. Running the Enterprise version actually means running the server from the Community version with the addons-path option set to the folder with the Enterprise version. You need to clone both the Community and Enterprise repository to have a working Odoo Enterprise installation.



Odoo requires Python 3.6 or later to run. Visit Python’s download page to download and install the latest version of Python 3 on your machine.

During installation, check Add Python 3 to PATH, then click Customize Installation and make sure that pip is checked.


If Python 3 is already installed, make sure that the version is 3.6 or above, as previous versions are not compatible with Odoo.

C:\> python --version

Vérifiez également que pip est installé pour cette version.

C:\> pip --version

Odoo utilise PostgreSQL comme système de gestion de base de données. Téléchargez et installez PostgreSQL (version supportée : 10.0 et plus).

Par défaut, le seul utilisateur est postgres mais Odoo interdit de se connecter en tant que postgres, vous devez donc créer un nouvel utilisateur PostgreSQL :

  1. Ajoutez le répertoire bin de PostgreSQL (par défaut : C:\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\<version>\bin) à votre PATH.

  2. Create a postgres user with a password using the pg admin gui:

    1. Ouvrez pgAdmin

    2. Double-cliquez sur le serveur pour créer une connexion.

    3. Select Object ‣ Create ‣ Login/Group Role.

    4. Enter the username in the Role Name field (e.g. odoo).

    5. Open the Definition tab and enter the password (e.g. odoo), then click Save.

    6. Open the Privileges tab and switch Can login? to Yes and Create database? to Yes.


Before installing the dependencies, you must download and install the Build Tools for Visual Studio. When prompted, select C++ build tools in the Workloads tab and install them.

Odoo dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt file located at the root of the Odoo community directory.


It can be preferable to not mix python modules packages between different instances of Odoo or with your system. You can use virtualenv to create isolated Python environments.

Navigate to the path of your Odoo Community installation (CommunityPath) and run pip on the requirements file in a terminal with Administrator privileges:

C:\> cd \CommunityPath
C:\> pip install setuptools wheel
C:\> pip install -r requirements.txt


wkhtmltopdf is not installed through pip and must be installed manually in version 0.12.5 for it to support headers and footers. See our wiki for more details on the various versions.

For languages with right-to-left interface (such as Arabic or Hebrew), the package rtlcss is needed:

  1. Download and install nodejs.

  2. Install rtlcss:

    C:\> npm install -g rtlcss
  3. Edit the System Environment’s variable PATH to add the folder where rtlcss.cmd is located (typically: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm\).

Running Odoo

Once all dependencies are set up, Odoo can be launched by running odoo-bin, the command-line interface of the server. It is located at the root of the Odoo Community directory.

To configure the server, you can either specify command-line arguments or a configuration file.


For the Enterprise edition, you must add the path to the enterprise addons to the addons-path argument. Note that it must come before the other paths in addons-path for addons to be loaded correctly.

Common necessary configurations are:

  • PostgreSQL user and password.

  • Custom addon paths beyond the defaults, to load your own modules.

A typical way to run the server would be:

C:\> cd CommunityPath/
C:\> python odoo-bin -r dbuser -w dbpassword --addons-path=addons -d mydb

Where CommunityPath is the path of the Odoo Community installation, dbuser is the PostgreSQL login, dbpassword is the PostgreSQL password and mydb is the default database to serve on localhost:8069.


Fetch the sources

Il y a deux façons d’obtenir le code source d’Odoo : sous forme d’une archive zip ou par git.


Edition Community :

Édition Enterprise :


The following requires git to be installed on your machine and that you have basic knowledge of git commands.

Edition Community :

$ git clone

Enterprise Edition: (see Éditions to get access)

$ git clone


The Enterprise git repository does not contain the full Odoo source code. It is only a collection of extra add-ons. The main server code is in the Community version. Running the Enterprise version actually means running the server from the Community version with the addons-path option set to the folder with the Enterprise version. You need to clone both the Community and Enterprise repository to have a working Odoo Enterprise installation.



Odoo requires Python 3.6 or later to run. Use your package manager to download and install Python 3 on your machine if it is not already done.


If Python 3 is already installed, make sure that the version is 3.6 or above, as previous versions are not compatible with Odoo.

$ python3 --version

Vérifiez également que pip est installé pour cette version.

$ pip3 --version

Odoo uses PostgreSQL as database management system. Use your package manager to download and install PostgreSQL (supported version: 10.0 and later).

On Debian/Unbuntu, it can be achieved by executing the following:

$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-client

Par défaut, le seul utilisateur est postgres mais Odoo interdit de se connecter en tant que postgres, vous devez donc créer un nouvel utilisateur PostgreSQL :

$ sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER
$ createdb $USER


Because your PostgreSQL user has the same name as your Unix login, you will be able to connect to the database without password.


For libraries using native code, it is necessary to install development tools and native dependencies before the Python dependencies of Odoo. They are available in -dev or -devel packages for Python, PostgreSQL, libxml2, libxslt1, libevent, libsasl2 and libldap2.

On Debian/Unbuntu, the following command should install all the required libraries:

$ sudo apt install python3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev \
    libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev libopenjp2-7-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev \
    liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev libharfbuzz-dev libfribidi-dev libxcb1-dev libpq-dev

Odoo dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt file located at the root of the Odoo community directory.


It can be preferable to not mix python modules packages between different instances of Odoo or with your system. You can use virtualenv to create isolated Python environments.

Navigate to the path of your Odoo Community installation (CommunityPath) and run pip on the requirements file:

$ cd /CommunityPath
$ pip3 install setuptools wheel
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


wkhtmltopdf is not installed through pip and must be installed manually in version 0.12.5 for it to support headers and footers. See our wiki for more details on the various versions.

For languages with right-to-left interface (such as Arabic or Hebrew), the package rtlcss is needed:

  1. Download and install nodejs and npm with your package manager.

  2. Install rtlcss:

    $ sudo npm install -g rtlcss

Running Odoo

Once all dependencies are set up, Odoo can be launched by running odoo-bin, the command-line interface of the server. It is located at the root of the Odoo Community directory.

To configure the server, you can either specify command-line arguments or a configuration file.


For the Enterprise edition, you must add the path to the enterprise addons to the addons-path argument. Note that it must come before the other paths in addons-path for addons to be loaded correctly.

Common necessary configurations are:

  • PostgreSQL user and password. Odoo has no defaults beyond psycopg2’s defaults: connects over a UNIX socket on port 5432 with the current user and no password.

  • Custom addon paths beyond the defaults, to load your own modules.

A typical way to run the server would be:

$ cd /CommunityPath
$ python3 odoo-bin --addons-path=addons -d mydb

Where CommunityPath is the path of the Odoo Community installation and mydb is the default database to serve on localhost:8069.

Mac OS

Fetch the sources

Il y a deux façons d’obtenir le code source d’Odoo : sous forme d’une archive zip ou par git.


Edition Community :

Édition Enterprise :


The following requires git to be installed on your machine and that you have basic knowledge of git commands.

Edition Community :

$ git clone

Enterprise Edition: (see Éditions to get access)

$ git clone


The Enterprise git repository does not contain the full Odoo source code. It is only a collection of extra add-ons. The main server code is in the Community version. Running the Enterprise version actually means running the server from the Community version with the addons-path option set to the folder with the Enterprise version. You need to clone both the Community and Enterprise repository to have a working Odoo Enterprise installation.



Odoo requires Python 3.6 or later to run. Use your preferred package manager (homebrew, macports) to download and install Python 3 on your machine if it is not already done.


If Python 3 is already installed, make sure that the version is 3.6 or above, as previous versions are not compatible with Odoo.

$ python3 --version

Vérifiez également que pip est installé pour cette version.

$ pip3 --version

Odoo uses PostgreSQL as database management system. Use to download and install PostgreSQL (supported version: 10.0 and later).

Par défaut, le seul utilisateur est postgres mais Odoo interdit de se connecter en tant que postgres, vous devez donc créer un nouvel utilisateur PostgreSQL :

$ sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER
$ createdb $USER


Because your PostgreSQL user has the same name as your Unix login, you will be able to connect to the database without password.


Odoo dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt file located at the root of the Odoo community directory.


It can be preferable to not mix python modules packages between different instances of Odoo or with your system. You can use virtualenv to create isolated Python environments.

Navigate to the path of your Odoo Community installation (CommunityPath) and run pip on the requirements file:

$ cd /CommunityPath
$ pip3 install setuptools wheel
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Non-Python dependencies need to be installed with a package manager:

  1. Download and install the Command Line Tools:

    $ xcode-select --install
  2. Download and install the package manager of your choice (homebrew, macports).

  3. Install non-python dependencies.


wkhtmltopdf is not installed through pip and must be installed manually in version 0.12.5 for it to support headers and footers. See our wiki for more details on the various versions.

For languages with right-to-left interface (such as Arabic or Hebrew), the package rtlcss is needed:

  1. Download and install nodejs with your preferred package manager (homebrew, macports).

  2. Install rtlcss:

    $ sudo npm install -g rtlcss

Running Odoo

Once all dependencies are set up, Odoo can be launched by running odoo-bin, the command-line interface of the server. It is located at the root of the Odoo Community directory.

To configure the server, you can either specify command-line arguments or a configuration file.


For the Enterprise edition, you must add the path to the enterprise addons to the addons-path argument. Note that it must come before the other paths in addons-path for addons to be loaded correctly.

Common necessary configurations are:

  • PostgreSQL user and password. Odoo has no defaults beyond psycopg2’s defaults: connects over a UNIX socket on port 5432 with the current user and no password.

  • Custom addon paths beyond the defaults, to load your own modules.

A typical way to run the server would be:

$ cd /CommunityPath
$ python3 odoo-bin --addons-path=addons -d mydb

Where CommunityPath is the path of the Odoo Community installation and mydb is the default database to serve on localhost:8069.


The full documentation on how to use Odoo with Docker can be found on the official Odoo docker image page.