Comment obtenir les informations d’identification UPS pour l’intégration avec Odoo ?

Pour utiliser Odoo UPS API, vous aurez besoin de :

  • Un ID utilisateur et un mot de passe

  • A UPS account number

  • Une clé d’accès

An Access Key is a 16 character alphanumeric code that allows access to the UPS Developer Kit API Development and Production servers.

Créez un compte UPS

Note that only customers located in the US can open a UPS account online. If you are located outside the US, you will need to contact UPS Customer Service in order to to open an account.

Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur comment ouvrir un compte UPS sur leur site Web, à la page Comment ouvrir un compte UPS en ligne

If you don’t already have a UPS account, you can create one along with your online profile by following these steps:

1. Access the web site at, and click the New User link at the top of the page.

2. Click the Register for MyUPS button, and follow the prompts to complete the registration process.

If you already have a UPS account, you can add it to your online profile as follows:

  1. Log in to the website) using your User ID and Password.

  2. Cliquez sur l’onglet Mon UPS.

  3. Click the Account Summary link.

4. Click the Add an Existing UPS Account link in the UPS Account Details section of the page.

5. In the Add New Account screen, enter the UPS Account Number, Account Name, and Postal Code fields. The country defaults to United States.q

  1. Pour continuer, cliquez sur le bouton Suivant.

Get an Access Key

After you have added your UPS account number to your user profile you can request an Access Key from UPS using the steps below:

  1. Go to the UPS Developer Kit web page

  2. Log into with your user ID and password

  3. Click on the link Request an access key.

  4. Vérifiez vos informations de contact

  5. Click the Request Access Key button.

The Access Key will be provided to you on the web page, and an email with the Access Key will be sent to the email address of the primary contact.