Réapprovisonnement depuis un autre entrepôt


In order to be able to resupply from another warehouse, you need to activate *multi-warehouses* and *multi-step routes*. Storage locations will be automatically activated when activating multi-warehouses.


Vous pouvez alors accéder à vos entrepôts via Stock ‣ Configuration ‣ Entrepôts. Créez les entrepôts nécessaires en suivant ce lien documentation. Entrez l’entrepôt qui doit être réapprovisionné par un autre. Vous aurez la possibilité d’indiquer directement par quel entrepôt il sera réapprovisionné.


By activating this option, a new route will now be available on your products *Supply Product from Second warehouse*. It can now be selected, along with either a *reordering rule* or a *make to order*.


For the demonstration, I set a reordering rule with a minimum of 5 units in stock and a maximum of 10 units in stock, having currently 0 units on hand. I will run the scheduler by going to Inventory ‣ Operations ‣ Run scheduler.


The system automatically creates two pickings, one *delivery order* from my Second Warehouse which contains the necessary products, and a receipt in my main warehouse WH/Stock for the same products. The source document is the *reordering rule* which triggered the route *Supply Product from Second warehouse*.

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