Obtenez une signature pour confirmer une commande

Online signatures are like electronic « fingerprints ». By using them on Odoo, you will get automatic orders confirmation. You and your customers will save a lot of time by using this feature compared to a traditional process.

Activez les signatures en ligne

Allez à Ventes ‣ Configuration ‣ Paramètres et activez la fonctionnalité Signature en ligne.

How to enable online signature on Odoo Sales?


If you are familiar with this documentation: Utilisez les templates de devis., you can activate or not the Online Signature feature for each quotation template you use, under their confirmation tab. Example:

How to enable online signature on Odoo Sales?

Confirmer une commande avec une signature

When you send quotations to clients, they can instantly accept and sign it online. When they click on Sign & Pay, they have the choice to draw their own signature, automatically fill in the field with an automated signature or load a file from their computer. Here below, it is an example of an automated signature:

How to confirm an order with a signature on Odoo Sales?

Once signed, you will have the possibility to choose your payment methods. Then, when the quotation will be paid and confirmed, a delivery order will be created automatically by Odoo.


Be careful that delivery orders are only generated for storable products and if the Inventory app is already installed.