
The Members application is where all operations related to memberships can be configured and managed. The Members app integrates with the Sales and Accounting applications to sell and invoice memberships directly to customers.

회원권 상품

To create a new membership product, navigate to Members app ‣ Configuration ‣ Membership Products, and click New to open a blank product form.

On the new product form, enter a name for the product in the field under Product Name. Use the two blank fields to the right of Membership Duration to set a date from which the membership becomes active. Finally, use the Membership Fee field to set the price at which the product is sold to customers.

The following optional fields can also be configured for each product:

  • Internal Reference: Set an internal reference number for the product.

  • Product Category: Set a category for the product.

  • Company: Set the company inventory for the product to appear in.

  • Active: Hide a product without removing it from inventory.

  • Visible on current website: Make the product visible to customers on the current website.

  • Description: Set an internal product description.

  • Sales Description: Set a product description that is visible on quotations.

  • Income Account: Use a different value than the default from the product category.

  • Taxes: Set the default tax used when selling this product.


Membership products require a start and end date, as they are used to determine membership status. Membership products can be sold before their active start date.

A new membership product in the members app.

Membership products can be added to a sales order, and invoiced as regular products or subscriptions.

Activate a membership

To activate a membership from the Contacts application, navigate to the Contacts app, and click on a contact to open that specific contact form.

From the contact form, open the Membership tab, and click Buy Membership.

To successfully buy a membership, both the Account Receivable and Account Payable lines must be configured for that contact. These can be found in the contact form’s Accounting tab, under the Accounting entries section.

On the Join Membership pop-up window that appears, select a Membership from the drop-down menu. Then, configure a Member Price.

Click Invoice Membership when both fields are filled in. Doing so reveals a Membership Invoices page, wherein invoices can be confirmed and completed.

또는 무료 멤버십을 제공하려면 연락처 양식에서 멤버십 탭에 있는 무료 회원 확인란에 표시합니다.

Membership status

The Current Membership Status is listed on the Membership tab of each contact record:

  • Non Member: a partner who has not applied for membership.

  • Cancelled Member: a member who has cancelled their membership.

  • Old Member: a member whose membership end date has passed.

  • Waiting Member: a member who has applied for membership, but whose invoice has not yet been created.

  • Invoiced Member: a member whose invoice has been created, but has not been paid.

  • Paid Member: a member who has paid the membership fee.

멤버 디렉토리 게시하기

To publish a list of active members on the website, the Online Members Directory module must first be installed. After installing the module, add the /members page to the website’s menu by editing the website menu.

The Online Members directory module in Odoo.

개별 멤버 게시하기

Navigate to CRM app ‣ Sales ‣ Customers, and click the Kanban card for a member. From the customer form that appears, click the Go to Website smart button at the top of the page to open the member’s webpage.

편집 버튼을 클릭하면 편집 도구 사이드바가 표시됩니다. 페이지에서 수정할 내용을 편집한 후, click 저장 합니다. 페이지 상단에 있는 게시되지 않음 토글을 활성화할 수 있도록 게시됨 위치로 슬라이드합니다.

Repeat these steps for all desired members.