
Intuitive user interface

Handle your projects in a user-oriented interface designed for modern project management.

Project management tools

Tailor each project to your needs using stages, property fields, and tags, and set up priorities and color codes.

Property fields

Customize your tasks by adding new fields with extra information.


Pracujte na jednom alebo viacerých projektoch súčasne. Vykonajte multi-projektovú analýzu a vyhľadávania.

Automated actions

Set automated actions to trigger changes based on user actions or a predefined frequency. Different automated actions are possible, such as creating or updating records, assigning tasks to specific users, sending emails or SMS, scheduling activities, …

Mobile app

Track projects and tasks easily on the move. Stay connected, always.


Zobrazenie na veľkej obrazovke

Optimized view for larger screens, with a scrollable chatter on the right.

Calendar view

Use the calendar view to overlook project deadlines. Simply drag and drop tasks in the calendar to reschedule.

Kanban view

Overlook all your project with a visual dashboard. Drag and drop tasks between stages. A progress bar shows the status of each task. Filter and group tasks by stages, assignees, deadlines, keywords, and more.

Gantt view

Manage tasks on a timeline and track deadlines, progress, and task dependencies. Forecasts projects and resources easily, taking employee holidays into account. Compare the planned and effective hours. Allocate resources and use drag and drop to update the tasks.

List view

Group, filter, and analyze your tasks using the list view. Select several projects to edit fields in batch or to perform batch actions such as export, archive, delete, share project, send email, send sms. Export or import the tasks to a spreadsheet to analyze your data.



Create your tasks manually, or automate the process using email aliases, web forms, or batch imports.

Assign tasks

Choose the responsible person for a task and add followers that are notified of any changes in the task.

Rich text editor

Include headlines, links, media, and to-do lists in task descriptions. Collaborate virtually and increase your productivity.


Create multi-level subtasks to give your work more structure. From a task's Kanban card, view its sub-tasks.

Recurring tasks

Simplify your workflows by creating daily, weekly or monthly recurring tasks. Get ahead of the planning of your reccuring tasks: a new task is immediately created once the previous one is marked as done.


Set up dependencies among tasks to add a structural framework and enhance the organization of your work. Tasks can automatically be rescheduled in case of conflict.


Použite míľniky na sledovanie hlavných bodov pokroku, ktoré musíte dosiahnuť, aby ste dosiahli úspech.

Batch actions

Use the List view to perform actions on multiple tasks with just one click.

Convert task to ticket

Change your task into a support ticket in just a few click.

Archive tasks

Archive finished tasks and have a view of the ones you still need to work on.

My tasks view

Follow your ongoing tasks across multiple projects in one view. You can create private tasks and even a personal pipeline with private stages to stay organized.

Text shortcut

When creating a new task from the kanban view, configure it instantly using text shortcuts: set tags, assign users, allocate hours, and set it to high priority directly without opening the form view.



Centralize all actions in a single activity log: calls, emails, meetings, reminders, and work notes are all tracked in the task. Tag colleagues, message clients, add media files and reactions.

Email integration

Communicate with your customers by email. Everything is automatically attached to the task for full visibility.

Email and SMS templates

Use templates to send automatic messages on different stages: confirmations, customer satisfaction surveys, notifications, and more.

Hodnotenie zákazníka

Use the customer satisfaction rating survey to get feedback. Analyze overall rating by project to improve your processes.

Visibility levels

Share your project with external and internal users, allowing them view only or edit access. Add and remove colleagues from followers list, keeping everyone in the loop at all times.


Make phone calls directly from the interface.

Custom alerts

Postupujte podľa úloh jediným kliknutím a získajte upozornenia na základe relevantných aktivít.

Chat with users

You can chat from a task with other users to get real-time answers to your questions. Add multiple users to a conversation to create a group chat.

Real-time collaboration

Collaborate on tasks with several colleagues on the same content, at the same time, thanks to Odoo native HTML editor.

Zákaznícky portál

Používatelia portálu môžu mať prístup k úlohám a komunikovať o nich, všetko na rovnakom mieste.



Apply various policies to bill your clients: fixed price, milestones, or time and material. Automatically invoice time spent on tasks.

Invoicing policy

Decide when a timesheet is invoiceable: never (internal or fixed price project), at creation or at validation.

Project creation from Sales order

Easily create a project or task from a sales order and streamline processes between teams.

Sales Order creation from Project

Create a Sales Order directly from projects or tasks and make the invoicing much smoother.


Project Updates

Generate project status reports in a couple of clicks and get an overview of your project's profitability.

Budget management

Porovnajte očakávané a skutočné výnosy a náklady vášho projektu.

Analýza úloh

Získajte štatistiku o svojich úlohách na analýzu výkonnosti vašich projektov.

Burndown chart

Make sure your project is on track and check the project progress.

Time tracking

Track the expected and effective hours to forecast future workload.

Graph View

Get graph charts to analyze the progress of your tasks: by stage, assignee, tag, project, and more.

Pivot View

Pomocou kontingenčnej tabuľky úloh môžete vykonať hĺbkovú štatistickú analýzu výkonnosti svojich projektov.

Riadiaci panel

Použite preddefinované dashboardy alebo si vytvorte svoj vlastný s pokročilým reportovacím nástrojom. Zdieľajte filtre s tímom.


Odoo Pracovné výkazy icon
Pracovné výkazy

Track time spent on projects and tasks using the timesheet app.

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Odoo Predaj icon

Set up rules to automate project or task creation.

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Odoo Práca v teréne icon
Práca v teréne

Manage onsite interventions in a dedicated project.

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Odoo Plánovanie icon

Plan resource allocation across projects.

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Odoo Výdavky icon

Track the expenses linked to your project and reinvoice expenses on projects in batches.

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Odoo Helpdesk icon

Convert your project tasks into tickets and vice versa.

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