SMSs are faster than emails and have the best open rate
Potrebujete pripomenúť svojim účastníkom zajtrajší event? Máte obchodnú akciu, ktorá trvá iba päť hodín? Využite SMS kampaň!
While even the best email campaigns can sit unopened in many inboxes, and for a long while, SMSs arrive directly in your contacts' pockets, with almost absolute certainty that they will be opened and read in the next minute.
Open Rates
Schedule your campaigns
A nechajte Odoo, aby za vás urobil prácu.
Prepare all your SMS campaigns and schedule them to be sent later. Odoo handles the sending for you, which means that you don't have to be connected for your campaign to be spread out to the world!

Starting from 0.01€/SMS
There is something else about managing SMS Campaigns that you will love: the pricing. For example, sending an SMS to the United States costs 0.0333 credit. Just saying. The credits can be purchased directly from within the app.
Podrobné cenyWe optimize technical details so that you don't have to.
We shorten links for you, to limit the size of your SMSs. But that's not it: link trackers are integrated by default, to monitor the click rates, and to measure the revenues generated from your SMS campaign.

Ľahko segmentujte, komu sa odosielajú vaše správy.
Cieľte na to správne publikum na základe minulých objednávok, stratených príležitostí, zoznamu predplatiteľov, účastníkov udalostí, ručne vybratých kontaktov, atď.
Posielajte SMS správy priamo zo zoznamu kontaktov.
A high open rate isn't only useful for marketing campaigns. For example, you may want to reach all your employees at once, as fast as possible. Just go to your Odoo Contacts app, select your contacts on the list and send them an SMS. As easy as that.