库存&MRP¶ 仓库 仓库管理 产品 Replenish on order (MTO) Unarchive the Replenish on Order (MTO) route Configure a product to use the MTO route Fulfill a sales order using the MTO route 使用不同计量单位 配置 创建新的计量单位 在产品上指定计量单位 从一种计量单位转换为另外一种 按采购计量单位购买 补货 按更大的计量单位销售 Units of measure, packages, and packagings 计量单位 包裹 Multiple packages in a single delivery 包装 Set up packagings View all packagings Apply packagings Selecting a replenishment strategy 术语 Replenishment report and reordering rules Make to order 配置 Replenishment report and reordering rules Replenishment report fields Make to order (MTO) route Reordering rules Configure products for reordering rules Create new reordering rules Set a preferred route for reordering Scrap inventory Scrap from stock Scrap from a receipt, transfer, or delivery 仓库 仓库和位置之间的差别是什么? Transfer products between warehouses using replenishment Configure warehouses for inter-warehouse replenishment Configure products for inter-warehouse replenishment Replenish one warehouse from another Process the delivery order Process the receipt Automate inter-warehouse replenishment Create a second warehouse Add inventory to a new warehouse Locations Create a new location inside a warehouse Create location hierarchies Incoming shipments and delivery orders Choosing the right inventory flow to handle receipts and deliveries One-step flow Two-step flow Three-step flow Inventory flow table of contents Process receipts and deliveries in one step Configure the warehouse 直接接收产品(1步收货) 创建采购订单 Process the receipt 直接出货(1步) Create a sales order Process the delivery Process receipts and deliveries in two steps Configure multi-step routes Process a receipt in two steps (input + stock) 创建采购订单 Process the receipt Process the internal transfer Process a delivery order in two steps (pick + ship) Create a sales order Process the picking Process the delivery Process receipts in three steps 配置 Process a receipt in three steps (input + quality + stock) 创建采购订单 Process a receipt Process a transfer to Quality Control Process a transfer to stock Process deliveries in three steps 配置 Process a delivery order in three steps (pick + pack + ship) Create a sales order Process a picking Process a packing Process a delivery 杂项操作 Consignment: buy and sell stock without owning it Enable the consignment setting Receive (and store) consignment stock Sell and deliver consignment stock Traceability and reporting of consignment stock Product moves report Stock on hand report 处理批量拣货 创建批量传输 从传输列表视图创建批量传输 处理批量传输 从条码应用程序中处理一个批量转移 排期 Scheduled delivery dates Lead time types Sales lead times Customer lead time Sales security lead time 交付多种产品 Purchase lead times Vendor lead time Purchase security lead time Manufacturing lead times Manufacturing lead time Manufacturing security lead time Global example 批次和序列号 批次号和序列号的区别是什么? 介绍 什么时候使用 什么时候不用 Use serial numbers to track products Enable lots & serial numbers Configure serial number tracking on products Create new serial numbers for products already in stock Manage serial numbers for shipping and receiving Manage serial numbers on receipts Assign serial numbers manually Assign serial numbers automatically Copy/paste serial numbers from a spreadsheet Manage serial numbers on delivery orders Manage serial numbers for different operations types Serial number traceability Use lots to manage groups of products Enable lots & serial numbers Track products by lots Create new lots for products already in stock Manage lots for shipping and receiving Manage lots on receipts Manage lots on delivery orders Manage lots for different operations types 批次追踪 Expiration dates Enable expiration dates Configure expiration dates on products Set expiration dates on receipts with lots & serial numbers Set expiration dates on manufactured products Sell products with expiration dates View expiration dates for lots & serial numbers Expiration alerts 计价方法 库存计价配置 Types of accounting Costing methods Configure automated inventory valuation in Odoo Access reporting data generated by inventory valuation Using inventory valuation Understand the basics of inventory valuation 接收产品 产品发货 库存计价报告 Update product unit price Landed costs: add additional costs to products Enable landed costs Create a landed cost product 创建一个采购询盘 创建供应商账单 Create landed costs 送货 发货设置 如何设置发货方法 概述 配置 安装库存模块 配置发货方式 交货流程 销售订单 交货 如何和第三方货代集成? 概述 配置 安装货代公司的接口模块 配置发货方式 公司配置 产品配置 销售过程 销售订单 交货 如何得到用于集成UPS的证书? 创建一个UPS账号 获取访问密匙 如何得到用于集成DHL到Odoo的凭证? 获取美国以外的国家和地区(英国和其他世界各国)的网站ID账号和密码 获取美国网站ID账号和密码 发货作业 如何就运费给客户开票? 概述 配置 如何就运费成本给客户开票? 按销售订单上的价格开票 给运费的实际成本开票 Multi-package shipments 配置 Ship items in multiple packages Create a backorder for items to be shipped later 如何打印发货标签? 概述 配置 安装货代公司的接口模块 配置发货方式 公司配置 产品配置 如何打印发货标签? Change shipping label size 概述 配置 Create a sales order Example labels Use dropshipping to ship directly from suppliers to customers Configure products to be dropshipped Fulfill orders using dropshipping 如何取消发给货代的发货请求? 概述 如何取消发货请求? 如何在取消之后发送发货请求? 高级路线 概念 使用路线和推/拉规则 在仓库内 工作原理是什么? 拉规则 推送规则 使用路线和规则 预配置路线 定制路线 规则 怎么是完整的流程? 在仓库中组织交叉转运 配置 配置产品的交叉转运路线 Sell stock from multiple warehouses using virtual locations Create and configure a virtual parent location Create a new warehouse Create a virtual parent location Configure physical warehouse locations Example flow: Sell a product from a virtual warehouse 上架和下架策略 Putaway rules Enable putaway rules Put away products Use putaway rules Verify stock moves Trace products in wrong locations Advanced filter search Removal strategies (FIFO, LIFO, FEFO) 仓库里发生了什么? How each removal strategy works 先进先出(FIFO) 后进先出(LIFO) First Expired, First Out (FEFO) Using removal strategies FIFO(先进先出) LIFO (后进先出) FEFO (First Expired, First Out) 条形码 设置 设置你的条码扫描器 找到适用的条码扫描枪 配置条码扫描器 键盘布局 自动回车 在Odoo中启用条码 配置 设置产品条码 设置库位条码 条码格式 日常作业 使用条码来做库存调整 调拨过程 简单调拨 收货入库 交货单 内部调拨 已追踪产品的调拨 从头开始创建调拨 概述 创建条码命名规则 配置产品 规则类型 生产 维护 Add new equipment Include additional product information Add maintenance details Manufacturing management Create a bill of materials (BoM) Set up a BoM Specify a BoM for a product variant Set up operations steps Add by-products to a BoM 将一组产品作为套件销售 管理部件产品库存 配置 管理套件及部件产品的库存 配置 如何管理产品变体的BoM 管理半成品 配置分组件产品 配置主物料清单 外包制造 配置 基本分包流程 库存计价 追溯 分包商的自动化补货 从仓库补货 从其他供应商补货 质量管理 在套件物料清单上设置路线 成品和套件部件路线相同 为成品创建物料清单 为套件部件创建套件物料清单 生产订单 成品和套件部件路线不同 在成品物料清单中设置套件消耗 为成品创建物料清单 为套件部件创建套件物料清单 生产订单 在套件物料清单中设置套件消耗 为成品创建物料清单 为套件部件创建套件物料清单 生产订单 使用主生产排程 配置 估计需求并发起补货 单元格颜色的含义 如果我低估了需求怎么办? 如果我高估了需求怎么办? 如果我在MPS中错误添加了产品怎么办? Manage work orders using work centers Create a work center Set standards for work center productivity Assign equipment to a work center Integrate IoT devices Use case: configure an alternative work center Monitor work center performance Make work centers unavailable using Time Off 配置 Add time off for a work center Route orders to an alternative work center Scrap during manufacturing Scrap manufacturing components Scrap components from tablet view Scrap finished products Manufacturing backorders Create a manufacturing backorder Create a backorder from tablet view Single work order Multiple work orders Quality control Add quality controls Configure quality control points Use case: configure a measure quality check Create quality alerts Find and fill out the quality alerts form Add quality alerts during the manufacturing process Manage existing quality alerts 采购 产品 Configure reordering rules Configure products for reordering Add a reordering rule to a product Manually trigger reordering rules using the scheduler Manage reordering rules 以不同于销售的计量单位购买 启用度量单位 指定销售和采购计量单位 标准计量单位 创建新的度量单位和度量单位类别 管理交易 采购协议:一揽子订单和招标 启用采购协议 配置或创建新类型的采购协议 建立一揽子订单 从一揽子订单中创建报价请求 一揽子订单和补货 设置招标 请求招标报价 控制并知道何时应支付供应商账单 供应商账单默认控制策略 更改特定产品的控制策略 查看采购订单的帐单状态 确定何时使用三方匹配付款 我应该支付此供应商账单吗? 管理供应商账单 Bill control policies 3方匹配 Create and manage vendor bills on receipts With the bill control policy set to ordered quantities With the bill control policy set to received quantities Create and manage vendor bills in Accounting Batch billing 高级 分析你的采购情况 生成自定义报告 使用过滤器选择所需的数据 添加自定义过滤器 准确衡量你需要什么 可视化数据 浏览您的数据 Edit on GitHub