
在 Odoo 中,每位员工必须签订合同,才可领取薪资。合同概述了员工职位条款、补贴、工作时长以及所有其他岗位相关详细信息。


通过 文档 应用程序上传并整理合同文件(PDF 文件),并使用 签名 应用程序签署合同。请确保已安装这些应用程序,以便发送和签署合同。有关详细信息,请参阅 /应用程序/财务/文档/应用程序/财务/签名 文档。

查看员工合同,请前往菜单栏中的 工资单 ‣ 员工 ‣ 合同 。所有员工合同及当前合同状态均显示在默认看板视图中。默认视图仅显示运行中及待签署的合同,已过期和已取消的合同将隐藏在视图中。



The list of contracts in the Payroll application matches the list of contracts in the Employees application. The default contracts view in the Payroll application displays running contracts and contracts needing attention, while the default contracts view in the Employees application displays all contracts in a kanban view, organized by their stage, regardless of status. All contracts can be viewed by changing the filters.


要向员工支付工资,必须先签订有效合同。如需新建合同,请单击合同面板上的 创建 按钮。此时屏幕中将显示一个合同表单,可在其中输入信息,必填字段均以粗体下划线标出。


New contract form to be filled in when creating a new contract.
  • 合同相关方:输入合同名称或标题,比如`约翰•史密斯合同`。

  • 公司:点击下拉菜单,选择合同适用的公司。在字段中输入公司名称,然后点击 创建 ,以创建新公司;或者单击 创建并编辑 按钮,以创建新公司并编辑公司详细信息。

  • 工资结构类型:从下拉菜单中选择一种工资结构类型。默认的工资结构类型为 员工 或 :guilabel:`工人`结构。在该字段中输入结构名称,可创建新的工资结构类型。

  • 开始日期:合同开始的日期。点击下拉菜单选择日期,使用 < >(箭头) 图标导航至正确的年份和月份,然后点击所需 日期

  • 工作时间表:从下拉菜单中选择一个工作时间表。


工作时间表 下拉菜单将显示选定:guilabel:公司`的所有工作时间。修改工作时间或将新的工作时间添加至此列表,请前往 :menuselection:`工资单 --> 配置 --> 工作时间 ,然后 创建 新的工作时间;或者点击现有工作时间,并单击 编辑 按钮进行编辑。


  • 员工:合同适用的员工姓名。

  • 部门:合同适用的部门。

  • 工作岗位:合同适用的特定工作岗位。

  • 合同类型:从下拉菜单中选择合同类型为 CDICDD`或者:guilabel:`PFI

    • :guilabel:`CDI`是一种无固定期限合同,只有开始日期,没有结束日期。

    • CDD 是一个固定期限合同,有开始日期和结束日期。

    • guilabel: “PFI “是一种比利时特有的合同,用于雇用需要培训的员工,且涵盖专门的培训期。

  • 结束日期:如果合同有特定的结束日期,请单击下拉菜单,使用箭头图标导航至正确的月份和年份,然后单击所需日期。

  • 人力资源负责人:如果人力资源部有特定人员负责该合同,请从下拉菜单中选中该人员。

  • 分析账户:此字段允许在合同和特定分析账户之间建立链接,以便进行会计核算。



  • 合同模板:从下拉菜单中选择已有的合同模板。合同模板通常通过 招聘 应用程序创建。

  • 新合同文件模板:从下拉菜单中选择要修改的新员工合同。

  • 合同更新文件模板:如需更新员工的现有合同,请从下拉菜单中选择合同。

  • 备注:备注字段是一个文本字段,用于输入与员工合同有关的任何备注,以便日后查阅。


单击每行末尾的 外部链接 按钮,打开相应的合同模板并进行修改。



  • 标签:选择与合同相关的标签。

  • 签名文档工作区:这是存储签名的地方。请选择预先配置的工作区或创建新的工作区。

  • 已签署文件标签:选择或创建仅与已签署的合同相关的标签,而非与原始的未签署合同相关。

  • 重定向链接:输入员工访问合同的重定向链接。重定向链接会将用户从一个 URL 重定向至另一个 URL,在本例中,会将用户重定向至专门为其编写的最新合同。

  • 签名权限: 选择:guilabel:所有用户仅限受邀用户

    • 所有用户:组织中的所有用户均可签署合同。

    • 仅限受邀用户:仅限字段中所选用户签署合同。

  • 受邀用户:选择可签署该文档的成员。

  • 文档:点击 ✏️ (铅笔)`图标可替换所附文档。此时会弹出一个窗口,可选择另一个文件进行上传。注意上传的文件必须为 PDF 格式。要删除文件,请单击 :guilabel:`🗑️(垃圾桶) 图标。

编辑完成后,单击 保存 按钮。所选合同模板的所有信息将填充到 工资信息 选项卡中的字段。如适用,将出现其他选项卡,如 个人文档



This section is where the specific salary details are defined. This section is country-specific, so depending on where the company is located, these fields may vary.

Enter the amount in the various fields, or check a box to apply a benefit. Some options that can be entered here include Meal Vouchers, Fuel Card, Internet, Paid Time Off, etc.

Some fields may be automatically filled in based off of the contracts selected in the Contract Details tab.

Attachment of salary

Any automatic deductions or allocations for an employee, such as child support payments and wage garnishments, are referred to as a salary attachment. This section is where all of these deductions or allocations are set.

To add a new deduction, click Add a line. Type in a description for the allocation under Description.

Enter a new line for each type of garnishment.

Select the Garnished Type from the drop-down menu. Choose from:

  • Attachment of Salary: Any payments taken out towards something that is not child support. Typically any garnishments such as lawsuit payments, payments toward taxes owed, etc.

  • Assignment of Salary: Any deduction that is not required but voluntary, such as a pre-tax allocation to a college savings account.

  • Child Support: Any payments taken out specifically for child support.

Enter the start and end dates the entry applies to. Click on the drop-down menu under From and To, navigate to the correct month and year by using the < > (arrow) icons, then click on the date.

Last, enter the Amount that each payslip pays towards the entry.

To delete a line, click the 🗑️ (trash can) icon at the end of the line.

Save and send the contract

Once a contract has been created and/or modified, save the contract by clicking the Save button. Next, the contract must be sent to the employee to be signed.

Click on one of the following buttons to send the contract to the employee:

Send the contract to the employee via one of the buttons.
  • Generate Simulation Link: This option is for Belgian companies only. Clicking this opens a pop-up window that contains the basic information from the contract as well as a link for the contract when using the salary configurator. Click Send Offer to send an email to the employee so they can sign the contract.

    Sends a link to the employee for the contract.


    In order to send a contract using the Generate Simulation Link, there must be a signature field in the contract PDF being sent to the employee so they can sign it.

  • Signature Request: Click this and a pop-up window appears where an email can be typed to the employee. Select the document, such as a contract, NDA, or Homeworking Policy, from the drop-down menu, and fill out the email section. Click Send when the email is ready to be sent.

    Request a signature for the contract via email.
  • Credit Time: This option is for Belgian companies only. When clicked, a pop-up window appears that allows for the changing of working times, and can compute time off.