

要激活该功能,请 安装 网站邮件组 (website_mail_group)模块。


**邮件组**功能不能与电邮营销应用程序中的 邮件列表 混淆。



  1. 通过访问**常规设置**,向下滚动到:guilabel:讨论`部分,启用:guilabel:`自定义电子邮件服务器`功能,并输入:guilabel:`别名域`(例如`@mycompany.com),配置自定义电子邮件别名域。

  2. Go to Website ‣ Groups ‣ Mailing List Groups, then click Create.

  3. 指定 团队名称邮件别名描述

  4. Enable Moderate this group and specify the Moderators if you wish to moderate messages from this group. Alternatively, if the group is not moderated, you can define Responsible users who can manage the messages in the group.

  5. 隐私 选项卡中,定义谁可以订阅邮件组:

    • 所有人: 将邮件组公开,任何人都可以订阅;

    • 仅限成员:仅允许定义为成员的用户订阅邮件组;

    • 选定的用户组:只允许 授权组 中的用户订阅邮件组。

  6. 如果邮件组进行了审核,您可以通过在 通知成员 选项卡中启用 自动通知,并编写 通知消息,在作者的邮件等待审核时自动通知作者。

  7. 如果您希望向新用户发送指南,请启用 向新用户发送指南 并将其写入 指南 选项卡。这在邮件组有管理员时特别有用。



基于:ref:配置邮件组 <website/mailing_lists/configure_groups>,用户可以从网站页面(默认为 /groups)订阅或退订邮件组。


Internal users can also do this from Website ‣ Groups ‣ Mailing List Groups, using the Join and Leave buttons.


To send messages to a mail group, website users can email the mail group’s email address. Internal users can also create messages directly from Odoo. To do so, go to Website ‣ Groups ‣ Mailing List Groups, select the mail group, click the Emails smart button, and click Create. Then, fill in the fields and click Send.


  • 也可以通过从 /groups 网站页面选择群组来访问消息列表。

  • 群组成员还可以通过在他们收到的任何群组邮件的页脚中使用的链接,取消订阅群组、访问群组邮件页面并向群组发送电子邮件。

    群组电子邮件页脚中的 URL。


如果已为 邮件组 启用 管理员 功能,则必须有一名 管理员 批准该组的信息,才能将其发送给其他成员。

To moderate messages, go to Website ‣ Groups ‣ Mailing List Groups, select the mail group, and click the To review smart button. You can moderate messages using the buttons at the end of the message line or select a message to view its content and moderate it accordingly.



  • 接受:接受电子邮件并将其发送给邮件组成员。

  • 拒绝:拒收电子邮件。在弹出的窗口中,单击 默拒 在不通知作者的情况下拒收邮件,或给提供拒收邮件的解释,然后单击 发送和拒绝 拒收邮件并将解释发送给作者。

  • Whitelist: to whitelist the author, i.e. automatically accept all of their emails. As a result, a moderation rule is created for the author’s email address with the status Always allow.

  • Ban: to blacklist the author, i.e. automatically discard all their emails. In the pop-up window that opens, click Ban to ban the author without notifying them, or specify an explanation, then click Send & Ban to ban the author and send them the explanation. As a result, a moderation rule is created for the author’s email address with the status Permanent ban.


Messages can also be moderated from the group’s list of messages. Go to Website ‣ Groups ‣ Mailing List Groups, select the mail group and click the Emails smart button.

Whitelisting/Blacklisting authors

You can whitelist or blacklist an author either directly from a mail group message, or by creating a moderation rule. To do so, go to Website ‣ Groups ‣ List Moderation Rulings and click Create. Then, select the Group, specify the author’s Email and set the Status field.


You can also access the mail group’s moderation rules by going to Website ‣ Groups ‣ Mailing List Groups, selecting the group, then clicking the Moderations smart button.