

Install the following modules to get all the features of the Italian localization:




意大利 - 会计支持


默认:ref:财务本地化套装 <fiscal_localizations/packages>

Italy - E-invoicing


e-invoice implementation

Italy - E-invoicing (SdiCoop)


Web service e-invoice implementation

Italy - Accounting Reports


Country-specific reports

意大利 - 库存DDT


Transport documents - Documento di Trasporto (DDT)


Once the l10_it_edi_sdicoop module is installed, sending invoices via PEC mails is no longer possible.



配置公司信息可确保您的会计数据库设置正确。要添加信息,请进入 设置 ‣ 常规设置,在 公司`部分,点击 :guilabel:`更新信息。在此处填写字段:

  • 地址:公司地址;

  • 增值税:公司增值税;

  • Codice Fiscale: the fiscal code of the company;

  • Tax System: the tax system under which the company falls;

  • PEC address email: the certified email address of the company.

Company information to provide


The PEC email is a specific type of certified email providing a legal equivalent to the traditional registered mail. The PEC email of the main company must be the same as the one registered by the Agenzia delle Entrate authorities.


The SdI is the electronic invoicing system used in Italy. It enables to send and receive electronic invoices to and from customers. The documents must be in XML format and formally validated by the system before being delivered.

To be able to receive invoices and notifications, the SdI service must be notified that the user’s files are to be sent to Odoo and processed on their behalf. To so, you must set up Odoo’s Codice Destinatario on the Agenzia Delle Entrate portal.

  1. Go to https://ivaservizi.agenziaentrate.gov.it/portale/ and authenticate;

  2. Go to section Fatture e Corrispettivi;

  3. Set the user as Legal Party for the VAT number you wish to configure the electronic address;

  4. In Servizi Disponibili ‣ Fatturazione Elettronica ‣ Registrazione dell’indirizzo telematico dove ricevere tutte le fatture elettroniche, insert Odoo’s Codice Destinatario K95IV18, and confirm.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Odoo uses the FatturaPA EDI format for the Italian localization and is enabled on the default journals when installed. When the file processing authorization has been set, all invoices and bills are automatically sent.

You can check the current status of an invoice by the Electronic invoicing field. The XML file can be found in the chatter of the invoice.


File processing authorization (Odoo)

Since the files are transmitted through Odoo’s server before being sent to the SdI or received by your database, you need to authorize Odoo to process your files from your database. To do so, go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ Electronic Document Invoicing.



该模式模拟向政府发送发票的环境。在此模式下,发票需要*手动*下载为 XML 文件,并上传到 Agenzia delle Entrate 的网站。

Test (experimental)

该模式将发票发送到 Agenzia delle Entrate 提供的非生产(即测试)服务。保存此更改后,数据库中的所有公司都将使用此配置。


这是一种生产模式,可将您的发票直接发送到 Agenzia delle Entrate

选择模式后,您需要通过勾选 允许 Odoo 处理发票 接受**条款和条件**,然后 保存。现在您可以在 Odoo 会计中记录交易。


Selecting either Test (experimental) or Official is irreversible. Once in Official mode, it is not possible to select Test (experimental) or Demo, and same for Test (experimental). We recommend creating a separate database for testing purposes only.


When in Test (Experimental) mode, all invoices sent must have a partner using one of the following fake Codice Destinatario given by the Agenzia Delle Entrate: 0803HR0 - N8MIMM9 - X9XX79Z. Any real production Codice Destinario of your customers will not be recognized as valid by the test service.

Italy's electronic document invoicing options


许多电子发票功能都是使用 Odoo 的税务系统实现的。因此,正确配置税金对于正确生成发票和处理其他账单用例非常重要。例如,需要对**反向收费**类型的税进行特定配置。在**反向收取**税的情况下,卖方不会向客户收取增值税,而是由客户自己向政府支付增值税。主要有**两种**类型:

External reverse charge


要开具出口发票,请确保发票行全部使用为**反向收费**配置的税种。意大利语**本地化包含欧盟出口反向征税的**示例,可作为参考(0% EU,发票标签 00eu),可在:menuselection:会计--> 配置--> 税务`下找到。出口免征增值税,因此**反收费**税需要勾选 :guilabel:`免税(意大利)`选项,并填写 :guilabel:`免税`种类和 :guilabel:`法律参考

External reverse charge settings


If you need to use a different kind of Exoneration, click Action ‣ Duplicate within the tax menu to create a copy of an existing similar tax. Then, select another Exoneration, and Save. Repeat this process as many times as you need different kind of Exoneration taxes.


Rename your taxes in the Name field according to their Exoneration to differentiate them easily.

On your invoice, select the corresponding tax you need in the Taxes field. You can find the following additional info by opening the XML file of the issued invoice:

  • SdI address (Codice Destinatario): must be filled for both EU or non-EU;

  • Country Id: must contain the country of the foreign seller in the two-letter ISO (Alpha-2) code (ex., IT for ‘Italy’);

  • CAP: must be filled with 00000;

  • Partita Iva (VAT number): must contain the VAT number for EU businesses and OO99999999999 (double ‘O’ letter, not ‘zero’) for non-EU businesses. In case of private customers without VAT number, use 0000000;

  • Fiscal Code: for foreign entities without an actual Codice Fiscale, any recognizable identifier is valid.


Odoo does not support sending user-modified XML files.

For invoices, multiple configurations are technically identified by a Tipo Documento code:

  • TD02 - Down payments;

  • TDO7 - Simplified invoice;

  • TD08 - Simplified credit note;

  • TD09 - Simplified debit note;

  • TD24 - 递延发票。


Down payment invoices are imported/exported with a different Tipo Documento code TDO2 than regular invoices. Upon import of the invoice, it creates a regular vendor bill.

Odoo exports moves as TD02 if the following conditions are met:

  • Is an invoice;

  • All invoice lines are related to sales order lines that have the flag is_downpayment set as True.


从欧盟国家购买商品或服务(或从非欧盟国家购买服务)的意大利公司必须将收到的账单中包含的信息发送给 Agenzia delle Entrate。这样您就可以在账单上填写税务相关信息并发送。卖方必须设置为 Cedente/Prestatore,买方必须设置为 Cessionario/Committente。在供应商账单的 XML 文件中,供应商的证书显示为 Cedente/Prestatore,贵公司的证书显示为 Cessionario/Committente



在供应商账单中输入税金时,可以选择**反向收费**税金。在意大利财务状况下,这些税项会自动激活。通过 会计 ‣ 配置 ‣ 税务10%22% `商品`和:guilabel:`服务`税收范围被激活,并预先配置了正确的税收网格。这些都是自动设置,以确保正确显示会计分录记账和税务报告。

For vendor bills, three types of configurations are technically identified by a code called Tipo Documento:

  • TD17 - Buying services from EU and non-EU countries;

  • TD18 - Buying goods from EU;

  • TD19 - Buying goods from a foreign vendor, but the goods are already in Italy in a VAT deposit.

Buying services from EU and non-EU countries:

The foreign seller invoices a service with a VAT-excluded price, as it is not taxable in Italy. The VAT is paid by the buyer in Italy;

  • Within EU: the buyer integrates the invoice received with the VAT information due in Italy (i.e., vendor bill tax integration);

  • Non-EU: the buyer sends themselves an invoice (i.e., self-billing).

Odoo exports a transaction as TD17 if the following conditions are met:

  • Is a vendor bill;

  • At least one tax on the invoice lines targets the tax grids VJ;

  • All invoice lines either have Services as products, or a tax with the Services as tax scope.


Odoo不提供 “Conservazione Sostitutiva <https://www.agid.gov.it/index.php/it/piattaforme/conservazione>`_要求。其他供应商和 Agenzia delle Entrate 可免费提供经认证的存储空间,以满足所要求的条件。

Internal reverse charge


Odoo currently does not support domestic internal reverse charge processes.

‘Reverse Charge’ tax grids

意大利语本地化有一个专门的**税务网格**部分,用于**反向收费**税。这些税收网格可通过 VJ 标签识别,并可在 会计 ‣ 报告 ‣ 审计报告:税务报告




圣马力诺和意大利签订了电子发票业务特别协议。因此,**发票**遵循常规**反向收费**规则。Odoo 不强制执行其他要求,但**国家/地区**要求用户:

  • Select a tax with the option Has exoneration of tax (Italy) ticked, and the Exoneration set to N3.3;

  • Use the generic SdI Codice Destinatario 2R4GT08. The invoice is then routed by a dedicated office in San Marino to the correct business.


当收到来自圣马力诺的**纸质账单**时,任何意大利公司**必须**向**Agenzia delle Entrate**提交该发票,在电子发票的 Tipo Documento 字段中注明特殊值`TD28`。

Odoo exports a move as TD28 if the following conditions are met:

  • Is a vendor bill;

  • At least one tax on the invoice lines targets the tax grids VJ;

  • 合作伙伴的**国家**为**圣马力诺**。

Pubblica amministrazione (B2G)


Odoo 不会直接向政府发送发票,因为发票需要签名。如果我们看到codice destinatario是6位数字,那么它不会自动发送到 PA,但您可以下载 XML,用外部程序签署,然后通过门户网站发送。

Digital qualified signature

对于向**Pubblica Amministrazione (B2G)**发送的发票和账单,通过 :abbr:`SdI (Sistema di Interscambio) `发送的所有文件都需要**数字合格签名**。**XML**文件必须使用以下证书之一进行认证:

  • 一张**智能卡**;

  • USB 令牌

  • 硬件安全模块(HSM)

CIG, CUP, DatiOrdineAcquisto


  • The CIG, except in cases of exclusion from traceability obligations provided by law n. 136 of August 13, 2010;

  • The CUP, in case of invoices related to public works.

如果**XML**文件需要,**Agenzia Delle Entrate**只能在**XML**文件包含::CIG (Codice Identificativo Gara)`和::`CUP (Codice Unico di Progetto)`的情况下进行电子发票付款。对于每张电子发票,***有必要***标明 "CUU (Codice Univoco Ufficio)",它代表唯一的识别码,使:abbr:`SdI (Sistema di Interscambio) 能够正确地将电子发票传送给收件处。


  • 必须在**2.1.2** (DatiOrdineAcquisto), 2.1.3 (Dati Contratto), 2.1.4 (DatiConvenzione), 2.1.5 (Date Ricezione) 或**2.1.6** (Dati Fatture Collegate)信息块中包含:[guilabel:`Codice Unico di Progetto]和:[guilabel:`CIG (Codice Identificativo Gara)]。这些信息块与电子发票**XML**文件中名为:guilabel:`CodiceCUP`和:guilabel:`CodiceCIG`的元素相对应,其表格可在政府网站<http://www.fatturapa.gov.it/>`_上找到。

  • The CUU must be included in the electronic invoice corresponding to the element 1.1.4 (CodiceDestinario).